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Launch of VPS.NET Cloud Beta Trial

Posted by CRego3D, 02-06-2009, 04:14 PM
Launch of VPS.NET Cloud Beta Trial
VPS.NET (http://vps.net), the eagerly awaited new addition to the UK2 Group (http://www.uk2group.com) successfully launched its Beta Trial this week. VPS.NET has been designed to simplify the process of virtual private server cloud hosting, whilst at the same time making it available and affordable for everyone.
In the Beta Trial phase, the VPS.NET virtual private server cloud is offering lucky trialists the chance to experience and test the self healing, high availability and instant upgrade / downgrade features, as well as end to end provisioning and usability testing.
All the trial spots are currently taken but VPS.NET will soon be opening their doors to a wider Beta Trial. Demand for places has been exceptionally high but if you scoot on over to http://vps.net/beta2 you can make sure you’re at the front of the queue. Do be quick though, as places are strictly limited!
VPS.NET – Creating the VPS Cloud
VPS.NET is a redundant cloud system, which utilizes a RAID 10 SAN backend and node based VPS architecture. It also has immediate scalability with pre set up stacks, a simple billing process and a user friendly management portal.
“VPS.NET has been such an exciting project for the UK2 Group, and will be a valuable addition to many of our brands as the ideal solution between shared and dedicated hosting” comments Ditlev Bredahl, CEO of UK2 Group. “With its attractive monthly pricing and no need for a long term commitment, we believe VPS.NET will be extremely appealing, making VPS.NET the VPS Cloud for the masses!”
VPS.NET is scheduled for a full launch across the UK2 Group during March 2009.
About VPS.NET and UK2 Group
VPS.NET is a recent addition to the UK2 Group, and will offer affordable virtual private server cloud hosting. UK2 Group provides domain name registration and web hosting services to many global customers through its family of hosting brands - UK2.net, midPhase, WestHost, 10TB.com, AN Hosting, Autica, Resell.biz, US2.net, WingSix, Supreme Support, Dotable, VI.net and the most recent addition VPS.NET. The group operates its services out of several state of the art, multi million pound data centres in the UK and US, and are committed to providing reliable, secure and great value products and services underpinned with excellent support.

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