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boxgrade adds Country-Specific Networking Data to VPS Benchmarks

Posted by superflyca, 09-12-2013, 10:26 AM
Today we've launched some significant new features, including the ability to view country-specific network performance for every VPS node that we benchmark.

Boxgrade provides real, unbiased virtual private server benchmarks for VPS's that run debian or ubuntu. Our benchmarks are run regularly, in nodes that we monitor and control. You can now see upstream and downstream network performance in 29 countries for each of our 50+ hosts. We also added availability statistics for each node.

If you're in the market for a VPS provider with high performance to where your users are - and you should be - please check us out.

And, as always, if you provide VPS hosting services and would like us to add your offerings to our list of benchmarks please register your host and one of our partner managers will get you up and running in no time.

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