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Announcing the HostLaunch Review Contest

Posted by GregVernon, 08-31-2009, 02:33 AM
Are you currently purchasing web hosting? Have you purchased web hosting in the past?

If you can answer “Yes!” to either of those questions we invite you to enter the HostLaunch review contest for a chance to win a 4 gigabyte USB flash drive.

For the next two months, the HostLaunch team will give away one flash drive per month to a random reviewer, assuming he or she is eligible to receive the award. Entrance into the contest is simple; just provide an honest review of your current or previous hosting provider.

The final date to enter the contest is October 31st at 23:59:59 Eastern Time.
Complete rules can be found at http://www.hostlaunch.net/aboutus/contest_rules/

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