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Solutions so adblock dont work

Posted by ashras99, 01-30-2010, 05:00 AM
Please tell me there is any solution so ad block dont work, i have seen google chrome extension adblock works extremely fine and block all the ads even on wHT or any other site on the web. Blocks banners, adsense ads and any other 3rd party ads. This blocker just hit the revenue of many websites.

Posted by Crothers, 01-30-2010, 05:39 AM
Unfortunately if you implement a way to hide the ad, the author of these mods will just update their text matching and block each new and creative way you come up with. Its a losing battle, its far easier to block an ad, then it is to force it to stay active. Good luck, I feel you will need it to combat the ad-blockers of today, and tomorrow.

Posted by Xeentech, 01-31-2010, 05:50 AM
Solutions so adblock dont work: Less annoying ads. Last time I used adBlock I noticed the ads in Google search results weren't blocked. Google is defiantly big enough to attract the attention of ad block rule writers. So I assume it's due to the fact that these ads can actually be helpful. Ad blockers weren't written because the author hates capitalism or wants the ad model web to fail. Ads were getting to the point that they were almost seizure inducing.

Posted by mattle, 02-01-2010, 12:33 AM
I'm not sure how you arrived at capitalism === getting inundated with ads. I love capitalism. When I want/need something, I can choose from a number of vendors based on my own assessment of their product's quality, value and the vendor's level of service--or refer to a trusted third party to do research for me (Consumer Reports, Angie's List, etc.) All in all it's a great system and it's worked out for us Americans to the extent we've been willing to implement it. And yet...I toss my junk mail without reading it, DVR (when did that become a verb, btw?) my favorite shows so I can fast forward through the commercials, have spam blockers on my email and I use adblock when I browse the web. A free market economy does not dictate that you MUST allow unwanted solicitations into your home. Quite the opposite, in fact. An entity is free to spend whatever they like trying to reach me with their message, and I am free to thwart that attempt if I so choose. @ashras99...even if you did successfully figure out some way to break ad-blocking browser plug-ins, web proxies, etc. you may just end up ticking off your visitors. I'd most likely find somewhere else that offers the same product/service as you that respects my desire to not see ads. It's a big interwebs...

Posted by aeris, 02-01-2010, 04:35 AM
Make all your other content match the most common adblocking rules. Having "less annoying ads" is pointless, as visitors that use adblock won't ever see it to judge it.

Posted by Hosting24, 02-01-2010, 09:57 AM
Write a script which detects adblock and display this message to adblock users - "turn it off or get lost"

Posted by hdsrob, 02-01-2010, 10:18 AM
I agree with this. I have seen a few sites that do this, and I instantly know that there is nothing of value on the site, and I can go find a site that has what I am looking for. It saves me so much time!

Posted by Hosting24, 02-01-2010, 10:22 AM
Exactly! It saves lots of resources for website owner (he doesn't need to serve useless traffic).

Posted by hdsrob, 02-01-2010, 10:48 AM
The overall problem with people that want to block users that have Addblock, is that you think that those users will actually click your adds. I've been on the web since '95 and can honestly say that I've clicked less that 5 adds in all those years. Last year my wife started getting virus alerts from adds on facebook, and from that point AddBlock and FlashBlock are standard equipment on all of our machines, and any machine I'm responsible for reloading when it crashes (kids, parents, in laws, etc.).

Posted by Negizmo, 02-02-2010, 01:20 AM
Really, the best method (as already mentioned) would be to simply deny access to those users who use adblock on your page, requiring them to disable it (at the very least, for your site). This can of course create a negative vibe, so you may want to be cautious with this kind of a method.. As mentioned earlier, it is unlikely that your visitors will be clicking very many ads anyway - I know I personally don't click ads even if I do have ad block disabled or I just don't have it.

Posted by Hosting24, 02-02-2010, 04:30 AM
Well, nobody needs useless traffic. So if user want sot hide my ads, why should I provide any content form him?

Posted by hdsrob, 02-02-2010, 09:22 AM
I can see this being an issue with sites that provide no real value. Sites like parked domains, referal sites, fake blogs, file sharing, link sites, etc. For these sites I'd really much rather just be blocked, since they truly provide nothing to the user. If you are running a community site, that you are also trying to monetize, then you are looking at it all wrong if you only think of visitors as a potential click. While a visitor may never click an add (with or without addblock) they will potentially add to the community, or refer others to your community, so that you have better content and attract more people, thus growing and providing a larger pool of people to potentially click your adds. Like any business, you have to focus on providing a quality product first. Every customer, even the ones that don't buy anything, add value to the business. They may see something they like, and send someone else to see you.

Posted by Driver01, 02-02-2010, 10:11 AM
Adblock is an addon, therfore anyone that has it, has it by choice. It doesn't actually block ads by default and I think its principle is to allow the user to choose whether the advertising techniques, not necassarily the adverts content, is done in an acceptable manner to them. Ok so you say if they don't like it, don't use the site, simply. Is the service you offer that important to the user?, is there no other place on the internet that they can get, the same or better content? Is every user that doesn't click through your adverts 'useless traffic' (whatever that may be?). In the end you want visitors whether to click your ads and feed your account or to make your website successful, by definition a website with no visitors isn't a success. don't forget the “user choice is the king” principle, if you start trying to bypass these filters then new filters will be added to a point where your site will no longer be accessible by a wide margin of internet users. In the end its your choice because its your site, but just remember who needs who more?

Posted by pwalters09, 02-04-2010, 01:53 AM
I agree with Driver01, why refuse to serve content purely to ad clickers... I find that disturbing because you are proving you are out to do one thing, make money... The world does not revolve around money any more, if you want a guaranteed packet every month get a real job instead of hoping that one day you will log into online banking and see your first .com million... I am a site owner with ads on my site and i count my blessings, as long as I make enough to cover server prices I do not care, any site i see with ads that force you to view them gets closed instantly and i go elsewhere, the same with any popups i see are closed regardless of the content, whereas if i see an ad that i feel is relevant to what i need i will click it, otherwise i dont...

Posted by Jared_1414, 02-08-2010, 11:45 AM
Because he may not "know" he needs your ads. Once he visits your site he may determine that you have high quality content and then you automatically build a rapport with this visitor. Why? You let him see your site even though he has an adblocker. Of course, he still can't see your ads, but if you've diversified your e-commerce, he will have more of an open mind when it comes to buying a product, or referring you. None of this could've ever happened by denying him access. Besides, if you deny ANY traffic whatsoever, you take away any chance of word of mouth. Just my opinion.

Posted by bhavicp, 02-08-2010, 09:12 PM
I Agree with you, if ad's weren't so annoying or pointless (ie your looking through WHT and come across a gambling AD (just a example!)) we wouldn't need ad-blockers =/

Posted by Hosting24, 02-09-2010, 04:30 AM
Well, sometimes no traffic is much better option that low quality or useless traffic.

Posted by Driver01, 02-09-2010, 04:42 AM
Seriously what? what is a site with no traffic? low quality, useless traffic, what is that? What sort of site are you running? your site supplies either content or services or both, either are a reason for a visitor to visit your site if thats not the case then your site is useless.

Posted by Hosting24, 02-09-2010, 04:56 AM
Useless traffic is a type of traffic which just wastes your resources without any chance to bring some type of profit now or in future. For example, the traffic is useless when you get a visitor who asks a stupid question "can you give me your product or service for free" when company does NOT offer any type of free products/services. It just wastes your time and resources.

Posted by Driver01, 02-09-2010, 05:50 AM
your paying for those resources none the less, if nobody visits then those resources are wasted, if there not getting used then they are wasted. Wasting your time is building and investing in a website that gets no traffic. If I buy a shop and in the window I put a sign "If your not going to buy anything or spend your money don't bother coming in" do you consider that good business practice and do you think I would attract alot of custom. Thats a hit to your site, which is good, means people are finding your site, the more people find your site the more hits you get and the more exposed your site becomes to search engines and users of the internet. Advertisers like hit counts, the more visitors the more chance that you will get potential business/profit. Not every visitor to your site is going to be a paying customer, they may have a friend that might be looking for a service you offer, their company may be looking to invest in services that you may offer? My point is the hit is by no means useless, it does count for something if not a order or a through click. Why do you think WHT is so successful, not every member here is going to click their ads, the business here is numbers, the more attractive they are to the service providers and advertisers the better and that attractiveness is the number of potential business targets. Last edited by Driver01; 02-09-2010 at 05:57 AM.

Posted by mattle, 02-09-2010, 09:40 AM
Unlike this thread--which has been dragging out for 10 days. How much of your time and resources are you willing to waste trying to save a couple of GB/month of data transfer?

Posted by Hosting24, 02-09-2010, 09:59 AM
May I ask what makes you think that in order to save, you must waste?

Posted by mattle, 02-09-2010, 12:19 PM
I'm saying that any organizations costliest and most valuable resources are its people and their time. You're telling me that the best use of your time and effort is on this? You've been arguing your point here for ten days, arguably using your biggest resource (your own time) to save some bandwidth. I'm not saying that saving resources isn't worth time, but there's a rate of return to consider. Are you telling me that arguing your point for ten days, maybe getting the answer that you want and then spending however much time to implement whatever procedure you decide upon will balance out the cost of the resources that you think you will save?

Posted by RemyHorton, 02-09-2010, 01:04 PM
A better way of putting it is that you can either minimise your losses or maximise your gains.

Posted by providespace, 02-09-2010, 02:54 PM
Firefox users (The main AdBlockers) probably are the most generous. Compared to IE users, Firefox users are more supportive of open-source projects, such as Mozilla and SourceForge etc. Most AdBlock users (Myself included) block ads because they are annoying. I like supporting websites that help me, not just through a click of an ad, but through a small donation. Something like that says "I like what you're doing. Keep going." If you have a site that genuinely helps people w/o cost, you might consider having a donate button. Many will visit your site secretly thank you, and leave. A few will donate. People support good content. So if you are targeting FireFox users don't complain. There is not a whole lot you can do. If you are after IE users, put some ads up. Just don't have a site that has ads and a donate button. Last edited by providespace; 02-09-2010 at 03:00 PM.

Posted by Mekhu, 02-09-2010, 03:04 PM
Meh, for everyone person with adblock, there's one of us without it. I personally love clicking ads, checking promotions and taking advantage of decent offers. I'm sure many of us do. I recall bringing this subject up a few months back and asking the question if you think it's ethical to adblock or not? Ultimately you're cutting into the website owners potential revenue no?

Posted by ashras99, 02-09-2010, 03:05 PM
I think those are blocking the ad, just digging their own grave, because then webmasters start giving the content through subscription. New York times website already start this tread. Every site can't use the donate button, that's just a cheap and small websites trick to ask money. I totally oppose that, if you still blocking the ads... then hope you have lot of money for all subscriptions..

Posted by providespace, 02-09-2010, 03:24 PM
I don't block Google ads, as they aren't as annoying. Ads are a normal thing on the web. But just the same a lot of ads are very annoying.

Posted by ashras99, 02-09-2010, 03:54 PM
I think ads on porn/warez sites and popup ads are annoying, others are not annoying. That's just a easy reason to block the ads.

Posted by Hosting24, 02-10-2010, 04:56 AM
The fact is that even high quality sites use stupid and annoying ads sometimes, but it's the way they make money for living.

Posted by Driver01, 02-10-2010, 05:20 AM
We seem to have drifted from the original topic/subject. Ways for you to stop adblockers on your site? I think the overall majority would say just discourage them from visiting thats all, give them the right to choose. You go your way and let them go theirs. Good Luck BTW sorry that you didn't get the code/solution you were after but after all this is a free open forum, I am sure if you go to one of those paid subscription sites they may be able to help you or your could hire a coder. If you do find some free resource on the internet to help you though, be sure to donate or support that site as I am sure that you would.

Posted by RemyHorton, 02-10-2010, 12:56 PM
Unless the webmaster also control the server hosting the adverts (unlikley), detecting blocked adverts is quite difficult anyway. A big complication is that anyone who even remotely considers browser security/privacy options (let alone installs extensions such as adblock or noscript) will have blocked cross-domain cookies. I think in some browsers they are blocked by default.

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