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Vision Helpdesk prices are slashed down by 50% !!!

Posted by ThinkSupportAdmin, 12-08-2009, 03:46 AM
Vision Helpdesk prices are slashed down by 50% with the launch of their all new set of monthly lease and owned Vision helpdesk plans .

The company release said — “The price reduce does not remove any of the features offered previously, in-fact add more. The Vision Helpdesk Lite Plan - with Unlimited Staff and Unlimited Tickets version starts from – $9.99 per month. The new plans are simple and allows users to select Vision helpdesk software as per their business requirements. Previously the users use to pay per addon domain license prices $149 – Now Addon domain is included FREE with Vision Helpdesk Professional (5 Addon ), Premium (10 Addon) and Ultimate (Unlimted Addon domains) Plans”.

“Change is GOOD, specially when it comes in the form of reduced pricing with more features ” said company HR - Preeti Sharma.

“The new plans are a large improvement from the previous Vision helpdesk plans as we look to further help our target customers to achieve their support management needs at affordable cost.” - said Sharma. She added further — “We are committed to being aggressively competitive on price in order to help clients to save their money at the same time enjoy advance features of Vision Helpdesk”.

Sharma said –”The festive season Christmas is around the corner — and we are excited that the new change is going to prove perfect gift for our users — Merry Christmas to all ”.

More information on new reduced Vision Helpdesk Pricing here –


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