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HELP ME! HTML form validate URL exists on submit!

Posted by mfwl, 02-07-2011, 02:33 PM
I have been looking everywhere and I can't sort this! I have an existing html form asking for a pre-existing subdomain. I need the subdomain input field to be checked on submission and halted if it does NOT exist! eg: User Inputs Subdomain in field of form Code validates that hxxp://www.domain.com/Subdomain exisits If it exists the form is sent If it doesn't the user is asked to enter a valid subdomain! Please help anyone? What PHP or javascript should I include to check the validity of a URL on submission of this form like the email validation does!

Posted by pmwebster, 02-07-2011, 04:15 PM
A generic example for cpanel would be something like: if(is_dir('/home/user/public_html/subdomain')) { }

Posted by mfwl, 02-07-2011, 06:20 PM
Thanks I think I have confused things by saying subdomain i meant subfolder.. I am trying to confirm if subfolder exists at http://www.xboxgamertag.com/search/{gamertag} Because if it does then the gamertag is valid. if the code returns an error then I can assume that the text inputed to the form field is NOT a valid gamertag. I only want to submit the form if the gamertag entered is valid. I can also do this by checking if a file exists at http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/{gamertag}/avatar-body.png If it does then again the gamertag is valid. if the code returns an error in that the file is not reachable then I can assume that the text inputed to the form field is NOT a valid gamertag. How can I validate the inputted text in the form field to one of these items?? I can then either pass the form through or tell the user to enter a valid gamertag Hope you get me!

Posted by mfwl, 02-08-2011, 08:58 AM
I have found a way of this to work... All I need to do now is replace the word 'gamertag' for the string in my form which is $userlogin I know its basic but how do I place the string in this argument. I have tried {$userlogin} .$user_login. 'echo $user_login' and various other things. I have also tried replacing the whole url 'http://www.xboxgamertag.com/search/gamertag' with a $testurl and had a $testurl = 'http://www.xboxgamertag.com/search/gamertag' before it but the remoteFileExists argument doesnt like it and keeps returning as valid Any advice?

Posted by mfwl, 02-08-2011, 09:23 AM
The lower half should be: $link = "http://www.xboxgamertag.com/search/{$user_login}"; $exists = remoteFileExists($link); if ($exists) { echo "Gamertag VALID Please complete form"; } else { echo "Gamertag INVALID Please check and try again"; } This works great! Trial and error, hope this helps someone else!

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