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Setting the record straight about the Secureservertech sale to BLCC

Posted by jon-f, 01-14-2010, 05:15 PM
I first off want to apologize for all my ex clients about the problems, outages, and total losses you received after the company was sold. Everyone has been hearing the untruths from BLCC/Blacklotus concerning this sale so I am here to set the record straight.

I ran secureservertech for over 3 years. The last few months I ran into some large medical and prescription bills due to a bought of cancer I had a while back which I am in remission now.

I sold the company to blacklotus.net which I thought would be professional and honest people which after the sale they proved not to be. It was their job to notify all clients of the change and move them over to their hosting on the same billing agreements as they had with me and to also honor all prepaid services that was purchased before the sale.

Not even hours after the sale these people proved to be a very shady bunch by first demanding money from me to cover existing clients I had manually added to the system. Before the sale I explained there was a few clients that was not in the billing system that needed to be added. Once I did they said since I technically added the clients to the system after the sale - regardless of whether their service began months ago they said I was "technically" responsible to pay them the full amount which I bit the ****** and did. There was also around $600 that I received to my paypal after the sale for straggler subscriptions and people paying old invoices, all of which I paid promptly along with $2000 for a pre paid server that was purchased by a client in Oct. Of course when it was time to renew that client's server for the next month they tell them that I stole their money and they would not honor this. After providing proof I paid them that for 6 months starting in december, they told the client their services started the same time as when they paid me in October. I paid the full price for that client in december so their service should have started in December.

After doing this their overall behavior and shady practices showed me there was not a chance in hell that they would ever pay me for my services. Part of the sale agreement was guaranteed employment in their company. But I am 100% positive that no one would have continued to help them knowing they would not only not be paid but actually hit up for more money.

As far as the clients they did not try to migrate anyone in or out of the billing system. Instead they tried to re-neg all product prices and terms. Telling people that the money they prepaid for services months before the sale they would not honor telling people I stole their money and such which is ridiculous because those people paid way before blcc took over and according to the meaningless contract they drew up stated.

They contacted no clients, instead when clients contacted them regarding their services they made up stories about how I ripped them off and such which again is ridiculous because these clients prepaid their services months before the company purchase.

I can get every single one of these clients they done this way to come here and verify this about the renegging, claims of fraud on my part. And to beat it all when most of these clients bit the bullet and paid them again to be on their services the servers were down in which they told every client that their particular domain was receiving an "SST" attack, whatever that is and then they hit up these people for up to $2500 a piece.

Jeff from BLCC has been trolling my employment and management offer threads with these lies and slander. All of which I can get my former clients to come in here and verify about the re-negging, claims of huge "SST" attacks and not honoring their prepaid services.

All of what I stated is the complete truth and can be verified by the people they done this way and blamed me for. When a company is sold, the new owners are responsible for all aspects of integrating the clients and services into their service. Not me. And I sure was not going to waste any time helping them after the way I seen they were after the sale.

I recommend any one who got put on blacklotus or lost everything due to their incompetence and shady activities to go to koddos.com which is a good and honest service. Unlike Blacklotus KoDDos can handle ddos issues on the server level as opposed to relying fully on network filters which does not work for the new GET level attacks. You can also rely on koddos not lying about what level of attacks you receive and hit you up for enormous amounts of money.

Nevertheless, Koddos is a new and upcoming business. Elie, the owner is a great person who is very honest. I have taught him nearly everything I know and his servers are setup nearly identical to SST servers which provided top notch ddos protection with extensive server level protection.

http://koddos.com is the provider. They can suit your needs much better and more honestly then blacklotus.

I want to add another thing, Jeff from blacklotus is stating that the contract says I am not allowed to do any type of server work for 6 years which is not true. The contract is baloney in the first place and doesn't stand a chance in court as they was the first ones to breech this contract.

Best Regards to all and my deepest apologies to everyone affected by this cluster**** of a business sale. I assure you that there are other providers out there like koddos that do not do these shady practices. I will help move anyone for free anywhere you wish to choose to help make up for these problems.

I knew all my clients personally and everyone counted on me for years and I know everyone feels let down by the way this move went but everything that was done after dec1 was due to blacklotus as they had the company then along with all clients. I could not have helped if I wanted to because I had no access to help anyone.

Best Regards to all,
Jon Felosi

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