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Cartika Launches Windows 2008, MSSQL 2008 and Sharepoint 2007 (WSS3) Support

Posted by cartika-andrew, 03-05-2010, 02:56 PM
Cartika Launches Windows 2008, MSSQL 2008 and Sharepoint 2007 (WSS3) Support for all H-Sphere based hosting services. New Microsoft Windows 2008, MS SQL 2008 and Sharepoint 2007 (WSS3) are available for all H-Sphere Windows Hosting accounts, H-Sphere Reseller Hosting accounts, H-Sphere Citrix Xen Server VPS Servers, Managed H-Sphere Dedicated Servers and Clusters and CartikaCloud Solutions.

Cartika is proud to announce support for up to date Microsoft Windows technologies with our H-Sphere Control Panel hosting offerings, including support for Windows 2008 64bit, MS SQL 2008 and Sharepoint 2007 (WSS3).

Businesses in search of business grade hosting services running up to date Windows Technologies need look no further then Windows hosting solutions by Cartika.

Cartika Windows 2008, MS SQL 2008 and Sharepoint 2007(WSS3) solutions feature completely redundant network infrastructure, Powerful LAN and WAN configurations, RAID10 SAS drive arrays, scalable architecture, clustered architecture, load balancing options and fully managed environments. Complimented by predictive failure analysis, Continuous Data Protection (CDP) by R1Soft and enterprise grade Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus features by Mailfoundry.

Cartika CEO Andrew Rouchotas explains that the unique aspect of its New Windows 2008 offerings is that it provides up to date hosting and development platforms for Windows based solutions on a highly available, proven H-Sphere hosting platform. These offerings allow existing and potential customer to utilize the solutions and provider they are accustomed to using without needing to utilize different control panels, or maintain multiple accounts. Windows 2008, MS SQL 2008 and Sharepoint 2007 (WSS3) support is announced for all offerings, including Windows Shared Hosting, H-Sphere Multiple Platform Reseller Hosting, Xen Server Windows VPS offerings, H-Sphere Windows Managed Dedicated Servers and Dedicated Clusters and H-Sphere Windows CartikaCloud solutions.

“Adding Windows 2008, MS SQL 2008 and Sharepoint 2007 (WSS3) to our H-Sphere Windows hosting, H-Sphere reseller hosting, H-Sphere Windows Citrix Xen VPS solutions H-Sphere Dedicated Windows Servers and our Windows Managed Cloud Server market is a significant step forward with our offerings. We are enabling our customers the ability to utilize the latest technologies on advanced clustered and Cloud based infrastructure, while taking advantage of everything H-Sphere has to offer. Most importantly, customers can maintain the capability to centrally manage accounts across fleets of servers and across multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Sharepoint, Coldfusion, Exchange) and multiple product offerings (Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS Solutions, Cloud Servers and Dedicated Servers). This represents a significant competitive advantage over single platform providers or other H-Sphere providers who are not yet able to offer these solutions to their customer base”

The Windows 2008, MSSQL 2008 and Sharepoint 2007 (WSS3) solutions from Cartika are premium hosting services attracting customers across all industries, sectors and company size. With their range of services, Cartika specializes in providing small to medium sized and enterprise businesses the very best in high availability web hosting, complete with service that includes security firewalls, load balanced architecture, redundant storage arrays, continuous data protection, mail foundry anti-virus and anti-spam protection, and much more.

About Cartika
Founded in Toronto in May 2002, Cartika Inc has established itself as a leader in Application Hosting utilizing advanced clustering technologies. Advanced web hosting facilities, combined with our intricate knowledge in several best of breed Open Source and Commercial Applications, Cartika can web enable your core business processes.

For more information on the new Windows 2008 based hosting offerings by Cartika, please visit www.cartika.com

Posted by albatroz, 08-11-2011, 02:16 PM
I found this video regarding Sharepoint 2010 http://vimeo.com/7300710
and motivated me to use Sharepoint for my projects management.

So I was wondering if someone else is using it for that purpose.

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