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Cartika Launches CartikaVPS.com

Posted by cartika-andrew, 06-25-2010, 12:54 AM
New CartikaVPS.com launched by Cartika Inc Offers Citrix Xen Virtualization, Horizontal and Vertical Scalability, Managed and Self Managed Offerings and an Array of Enhanced Features

Cartika recently launched its newest CartikaVPS.com services. CartikaVPS boasts powerful, redundant server nodes, Cartika complete management services, predictive failure analysis, Citrix Xenserver Technology, Citrix Netscaler Load Balancing Technology, R1Soft CDP backup and recovery solutions and CloudLinux Operating System deployments. Self Managed, Capacity OnDemand and Infrastructure Consolidation Solutions also available.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) June 23rd 2010 — Businesses in search of highly developed web hosting solutions need look no further than CartikaVPS’s new Virtualization offerings, High Capacity Linux and Windows Virtual services.

CartikaVPS Key Features

CartikaVPS features completely redundant architecture with additional and optional load balancing and clustering of all VPS servers. Complimented by flexible billing, Vertical and Horisontal scalability, predictive failure analysis, Countinous Data Protection and enterprise grade Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus features. Cartika CEO Andrew Rouchotas explains that the unique aspect of the CartikaVPS is enabling businesses to operate the software and control panels which they are already accustomed to using within CartikaVPS servers. seamlessly and without custom coding or configurations to accommodate their existing requirements. The CartikaVPS offering gives users granular control of resources, allows then to effectively scale their resources upwards and backwoods and allows them to consolidate older, inefficient and non-redundant hardware - which all represent a significant impact on a companies bottom line.

“Our CartikaVPS solution allows customers the ability to allocate servers and resources in an effective and affordable manner. Customers have the option of running Linux or Windows based platforms. IT professionals can create as many VPS Servers as required and horizontally and vertically scale each server as required to meet their requirements. The average consumer can create VPS Servers as required, allocate resources as required, operate whichever control panel they are accustomed to using and have our staff fully and proactively manage their VPS servers on their behalf. Cartika offers the most complete definition of server management available in the industry and this extends to our Managed VPS Server offerings. Customers can choose to cluster in their VPS servers, load balance them or just operate single VPS Servers and seamlessly and organically scale until the point where good dedicated environments are required. Customers no longer need or should purchase low end dedicated servers. The CartikaVPS offering offers more power and performance then low to mid grade servers, have greater top end capacity, contain significantly greater amounts of redundancy at every level and allow affordable scalability. Our VPS servers provide customers an easy to use GUI which enables them to manage their VPS Servers via direct console or remote desktop access and allows customers to re size their VPS servers.”

Citrix systems provides the virtualization and load balancing layers (XenServer and Netscaler respectively) within the CartikaVPS offering.

CDP backup and recovery solutions by R1Soft enables CartikaVPS customers to backup and restore their VPS servers in a granualar and efficient manner.

The CloudLinux Operating system is a commercially supported Linux OS flavour specifically built to operate in multi-tenant Hosting environments and allows customers to run a per account software level virtualization within the CartikaVPS. This enables VPS Server customers to granularly control the allocations of each account hosted within their VPS Server and further improves the efficiency of their operations while simultaneously avoiding many of the traditional pitfalls in multi-tenant hosting environments.

The CartikaVPS is a premium, resilient and flexible hosting service. Transcending industries, sectors and company size. With their range of services, Cartika specializes in providing small to medium sized and enterprise businesses with solid and reliable Virtualization solutions, complete with a service that includes Juniper based security firewalls, predictive failure analysis, horizontal and vertical scalability, optional load balancing architecture, redundant Storage solutions, continuous data protection, mail foundry anti virus and anti-spam protection, and much more.

About Cartika

Founded in Toronto in May 2002, Cartika Inc has established itself as a leader in Application Hosting and advanced technologies. Advanced web hosting facilities and technologies, combined with intricate knowledge in several best of breed Open Source and Commercial Applications, Cartika can web enable your core business processes.
For more information on new CartikaVPS offerings by Cartika, please visit www.cartikavps.com and www.cartika.com

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