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BeAware of JaguarPC . Very bad experience with JaguarPC (Resellerzoom)

Posted by hostingfortified, 11-01-2013, 06:55 PM
I am having a reseller account with resellerzoom.com. I later understood JaguarPC and resellerzoom, the support and all is the same team. When I bought my package with them, they were providing the live chat support. They just closed this policy after few months saying they are improving their support. Tickets I create, takes more than 24 hours to get reply on. Just a reply. Resolution is like, we have to pray to the God for getting resolved the tickets If we are lucky enough it gets resolved. I paid the amount of whole one year. But I asked them for refund for my remaining month, they refused. Now they are neither giving me the service nor the refund. I want to change the hosting provider but, My business is not that good that I would invest the money again, So i have to be with them for few more time. Incidents happened with them: Incident1: I get a mail from them saying one of my client has sent the mass mailing and they suspended his account. I sent the intimation to my client. He was very angry , and he showed me his logs about the mails sent from him. I checked the same with my whm they almost matched. When I asked these people, they said They appologize, it was by mistake. I almost had lost that client. Incident2 : this was the most pathetic incident. My windows server got down all of a sudden and they told they had a dns issue with the windows server .. All my websites were down for a week. 1sept: I first created a ticket saying websites are down 2 sept : some reply which did no good. the executive said domain is expired while it wasnt expired. But was a server problem. I kept on messaging on the tickets asking for help but no response. Finally I had to create a new ticket asking for the reply on the old ticket. 3rd Sept 11:52PM: They said they resolved the dns issue with the server. It was resolved as I checked. 4th sept: again server went down. 5the sept: got resolved at night The whole server was down for 5 days. Incident3: mail server got listed in blacklisting. All sent mails got down . This took one week to get solved. Incident4: Plesk is not working at all. Even the webmails are down from 16 oct till date. There are tickets but they are saying they need to migrate the whole account to new server because compatibility. My clients can not use their webmails since so long. Till now no migration is started. Only they said new server is getting configured and they will get it done. but when that is not given.All my Clients is continuously asking me when this is getting resolved. Clients mails are down that means their business get affected and they shout for this. God knows when this will be solved now? There are many such small incidents where I had to beg for the support to be responsive. I am not frustated with all this. I have lost many of my clients. My all business and name is ruined in this. Please suggest what should I do?

Posted by AcclaimedHost Alan, 11-01-2013, 07:20 PM
I am sorry to hear about your problems with ResellerZoom. This isn't the first bad review of them. I'd recommend that you hold on. I believe Jag is still active on the forums and he may be able to weigh in.

Posted by Zachary McClung, 11-01-2013, 07:24 PM
I'm very sorry with your frustration. Our Windows support offering was unfortunately the last portion of our support offering to be revamped. I've shared this with some users already, our Windows support makes up less than 1% of our overall support volume. It has taken a back seat to the complete revamp of our general support which focuses on our cPanel/Linux offering. Due to this and some aging hardware there has been some frustrating issues on a windows box or two. We just recently hired another Linux admin who also is Windows certified to handle the small volume of Windows support. In addition, we are re-configuring the setup of the servers and migrating them to newer hardware with more power. This should greatly help reduce the issues you are facing and I do apologize for the issues you've seen.

Posted by AcclaimedHost Alan, 11-01-2013, 07:28 PM
Perhaps you should see if it is possible to move to Linux hosting. Is there a reason that you need Windows based web hosting? Perhaps, as Zach explained, you'd get better support if you moved over to their cPanel offerings

Posted by hostingfortified, 11-01-2013, 07:51 PM
I already have linux reseller package with them as well. Windows websites are asp.net websites. Many of them are running Umbraco cms. Few clients specifically prefer windows may be because they have those skillset. My honest opinion is, if the support is yet to be revamped and not ready to serve up to the mark, why accept the orders in windows? We struggle a lot to get the customers, many of them are our local friends, colleagues, close clients. I lost few web development orders as well because of the hosting problems. I dont like to pay for the mistakes which are not mine. I asked for the refund to correct this for once and all but you refused. And this got stuck on "Neither service nor refund". I am being forced to go through this loss for no mistake of mine. I request this community to give me the proper direction towards how best I can handle the situation. Thanks for the quick responses. Sandy.

Posted by net, 11-01-2013, 07:58 PM
Does it mean you are moving your client to this new server and have better windows support? Any eta? I think your client needs much help as of this moment based on his post above me.

Posted by Zachary McClung, 11-01-2013, 08:16 PM
We accept Windows orders because only two boxes are having issues. They are not a large ticket generator and the majority of clients are operating without issue. We also did recently have a Windows Admin leave us which is leading to some of these issues in the Windows support area. Indeed both the new admin and the boxes will be handles this week. It is an issue that is quickly being brought together to solve.

Posted by Atlanical-Mike, 11-01-2013, 09:43 PM
You could find another provider which you like and ask them if they could give you a free month trial, so you can test their services and make up for the month your loosing at ResellerZoom. I recommend CrocWeb for (Linux) reseller hosting, I had a really nice experience when I used them for my personal websites. As for windows, I've never been a fan of that OS for hosting, so I can't recommend anyone as I've not used anyone sorry. But good luck.

Posted by hostingfortified, 11-03-2013, 12:35 AM
I thank all of you for looking into my issue and helping me through this bad phase. The process of new server migration is in progress. I will update this ticket on next. Regards, Sandy.

Posted by hostingfortified, 11-18-2013, 01:00 AM
After waiting so long, JaguarPC is not able to complete the migration. started on 6nov 2013 Please check the communication 6 Nov. 2013 email from this company --> Hello Sandy, I apologize for the inconvenience and delays caused. Whilst investigating this I found that you are hosted on Win7.nswebhost.com which is currently under migration. We're moving all accounts over to a brand new server which should happen within the next 48 hours. I do apologize for the time it's taken and we can assure you that these issues will be resolved once everything has been moved to the new server. You can view further updates at the following URL; [not posting the url] -------------------------------- 10 Nov. Hello Sandy, Thank you for reaching out and I'm sorry for the delay on handling the migration. The migration has been in progress since Friday and we are over 30% at this point. I'd expect it to wrap up early next week as long as no issues arise. Unfortunately, the raid 1 configuration on the win7 box is causing the migration to be slower then we'd like; however, we are working on getting it over as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. ---------------------------- 12 Nov. Hello, As you are aware about the Windows Server migration for Win7, the latest update as of now is that migration seem to have completed around 35%, and we expect it to get completed by the end of this week. We sincerely would like to apologies for the delay, however it seems the RAID1 array on old servers are causing issues and delaying the migration process to a considerable extent. ------------------ Till now it is not updated, HOw much percentage its done, no idea. They have given the link, but it only has one message each time, "Migration process is steadily underway. More updates will be posted regularly. Thanks for your patience and cooperation." My question to the commmunity is, does migration take so long normally? and how can I hold my clients without plesk and webmail for two months. Moreover, they are also not refunding me, or there are no signs of recovery for long. THey will be resuming their servers for sure one day. but what is the use if I loose more my clients in these days? I am unable to hold the clients, I have lost many of them due to this company. I am posting this here because I don't want somebody else should be in the similar trouble.. Thank you all community, atleast I have some place , where I can share my difficulties. Sandy.

Posted by Zachary McClung, 11-18-2013, 01:12 AM
Sandy, I'm sorry that the migration is taking time. As I've stated above, this is old equipment it is running a raid 1 configuration. Between the daily usage, being windows 2003 and old plesk, it was not an easy migration. The new system is a raid 10 configuration running Windows 2012 and the latest Plesk. The performance should be much better and the issues on the old box should disappear. We have some minor clean up to do and we will be swapping the IPs over within the next 24 to 48 hours. There is no need to update any name servers or deal with any hassles like that as the same IPs will be used.

Posted by hostingfortified, 11-21-2013, 08:48 AM
Hi , Just to update here, The server migration is finished, but all my websites are giving me the 500 internal error . And all my asp.net sites are down. Clients are shouting on this issue since last 24 hrs. Though Support guys told that there wont be any downtime to my client's sites, it was not true. it is very frustating to work with JaguarPC support. And the services are most likely to be down. I know this problem now is due to migration but 500 internal error on asp.net sites is not very difficult to solve. And it is now more than 24 hours , i have no clue what is happening and when this gonna be end. Thanks

Posted by Alinaro, 11-21-2013, 09:36 AM
Have you looked into hiring any support guys? You really need assistance as soon as possible, possibly all modules you had on the old server was not installed? Anyways, Good Luck dude.

Posted by Zachary McClung, 11-21-2013, 10:39 AM
There seems to be an issue with asp4 sites specifically as other asp sites are working without issue. We've been working to trouble shoot this to get all sites back working again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Posted by hostingfortified, 11-25-2013, 12:37 PM
The support from JaguarPC is not quick. tickets remain unanswered for days. Problems are solved for one site but not proactively solved for all of them. I had to create different tickets of 500 internal error to get it resolved for websites. Database user password is needed to be changed for my customer. His website is down due to this. But there is no reply even after 24 hrs. This problem is for all the websites. Plesk can do the database stuff. My customers face lots of problem due to this. I have no clue when the database problem wil be resolved. Please find the attached ticket screen shot. This hosting company is no good for resellers. Thank you everybody for letting me share my experience. Regards, Sandy. Attached Thumbnails  

Posted by Zachary McClung, 11-25-2013, 12:53 PM
Sandy, I'm sorry you are having issues and I'd be happy to have someone respond to your ticket. Chris should be sending you an update shortly. I did want to point out that while we did hire a Windows System Admin who started a few weeks ago, Windows tickets are still not going to receive the super fast 30 minutes or under support our Linux support receives. Unfortunately, this is simply due to the volume of Windows tickets vs. Linux tickets we receive. Will we continue to look for dual experienced admins absolutely. Are we looking for even more ways to better serve Windows customers through partnerships and such? Absolutely. I do want to set the proper expectations of what to receive when contacting our Windows support department.

Posted by Scott.Mc, 11-25-2013, 12:57 PM
Where do you identify on your website that windows users should expect sub-standard support? When I go to http://www.jaguarpc.com/vps-hosting/ and click windows hosting, I don't see this. In fact I see,

Posted by trop, 11-25-2013, 09:16 PM
They don't. JPC's entire operation revolves around promising lots of stuff they don't deliver. I went through several years of it myself. Trust me, these guys go well beyond just fabricating marketing BS on their website. Even their invoices are sent out with false information about how they apply credits on them.

Posted by Zachary McClung, 11-25-2013, 09:27 PM
You ignored my last request in another thread so I'll make the offer again I'd be happy to review any issue. I can assure you we do not fabricate our credit policy. Our SLA is publicly stated on our website along with our no refund policy after 45 days.

Posted by Zachary McClung, 11-25-2013, 09:32 PM
We do monitor our nodes 24/7. We offer reboots, password resets and Plesk issues 24/7365. If there is a more difficult Windows specific issue it is escalated to the Windows Admins. It is unfortunate that being open and honest on this forum about your current offerings is frowned upon instead of rewarded. We could have just outsourced our Windows support; however, outsourcing tech support isn't the best options for our customers. They don't know how our servers the best, they are often unreliable and unable to take the necessary steps to make our customers 100% satisfied.

Posted by iexo, 11-25-2013, 09:33 PM
I say find a provider that can properly manage Windows platforms, as they are clearly lacking there. I observe that you are stuck for now, so you have time to see if this rapidly improves but from what I see they're not the option to go to for a windows platform.

Posted by trop, 11-25-2013, 10:11 PM
Huh. Then why did my invoices state, "If you have funds in your client account with us we will apply them to the invoice prior to billing and only any remainder will be billed normally," ...but you never applied any of my funds, always billing me the full amount anyway? When I finally left JPC you were more than happy to explain to me why you were keeping the accumulated money in my client account, but never wanted to talk about how you'd accumulated those funds erroneously in the first place. So let me assure you, Zach, that you do fabricate your credit policy. And while I appreciate your wanting to review my case again, I made all of this very clear to you and to your management (Greg Landis) some time ago, but your company chose to ignore the fact that you'd been sending blatantly false invoices for almost two years. You got to keep my money though. Way to go.

Posted by Zachary McClung, 11-25-2013, 10:35 PM
It sounds like you had a PayPal Subscription setup. If you had a PayPal Subscription setup and a credit was placed on the account, it would be handled as follows: 1. Credit on account applied to invoice 2. Balance taken from PayPal Subscription Payment and applied to invoice 3. Non used balance from PayPal subscription payment applied as credit on to the account. PayPal subscriptions do not automatically adjust and there for it would simply be placed on the account. As per our Terms of Service, we provide no refunds after 45 day money back guarantee. Any credit that would have been applied to the account would have had to be used for other services. This is not a situation of us fabricating a credit policy, this is an instance of companies not being able to modify an active subscription amount.

Posted by trop, 11-25-2013, 11:03 PM
This is the problem right here, Zach. Once again your official policy is "I'm sorry we told you a completely different thing, but this is the one exception to that, so here's the actual policy." In another thread it was "we have outstanding support as long as you don't run into the problem John had." Or it was, "we're sorry the website says we offer 24/7 chat support, but we really don't." In this thread it's "we are awesome at hosting, as long as it's not Windows hosting." To me, it's "we did exactly what we told you we would do, except in this case where we didn't." Well Zach, you don't get to have asterisks to every little thing that you don't tell your customers about. You can't put phone numbers on your website, then tell us we're wrong for not understanding that those were just forgotten (for years), and that you don't offer phone support anymore. You can't claim to have 24/7/365 Windows support, then come here and defend your own suckage on account of NOT EVEN HAVING A COMPETENT WINDOWS ADMINISTRATOR ON STAFF. You can't send invoices to people saying that you'll be taking balances out of credits, then not do so, then pretend it's your customer's fault for expecting you to do so. You may not be fabricating any one thing for any certain purpose (though as a matter of opinion I tend to believe that you do), but you do have a pattern of not only being terrible at hosting, but of being terrible at handling disputes fairly. But you did get to keep my money, so I guess you're good at something.

Posted by Zachary McClung, 11-25-2013, 11:29 PM
I'm sorry you feel that way and that $61 credit is still on your account for use anytime you'd like to per the Terms of Service.

Posted by trop, 11-26-2013, 12:10 AM
This sums up JPC right here. The number one thing customers never want to hear is the go-to response for JPC's chief customer officer. Their hosting is just as good. Outages are never their fault, of course, and if you think they are, they'll be sorry you feel that way too.

Posted by hostingfortified, 12-25-2013, 04:38 AM
Hi, I am sorry to get back so late, But this thread, I don't want to close. Let me tell you what happened then, One of my client got infected somehow, we could not find the reason to get thousands of outgoing mails . Their (My Client's) script got compromised, because that account don't know how to use web mail as well. So they are definitely not using this deliberately for mass mailing. So our (All my clients) mails were down for a month and more. We were not receiving mails from yahoo, Google etc. Now also mails are not delivered to gmail, yahoo, hotmail. All my clients got a huge loss because of this downtime of mails. Some lost few orders I lost few accounts more. The ip address (ResellerZoom [JaguarPC] Server) got blacklisted due to this. As a reseller, I can not guarantee how my client will use the hosting though at the time of purchase we tell clients not to use it for mass mailing and they agreed. Friends, Please help me to understand, why web host, handling the server do not limit the number of sending mails per domain to avoid such situation. So the new server is also not fruitful for me. Blacklisting problem has faced by me thrice now with this company. Another problem, while migrating they missed one of my clients account. and when I asked about it they are asking me the question , Please tell me on which server, this account was residing? I am very unsure about the answer. How would I know this which server is this. I have a reseller account with this company, so they should know what is happening with me and which servers are involved.. Again, whatever is happening with me is worst thing , I almost lost all my web-hosting business. Now I can not even afford new windows and Linux reseller web host. Please suggest the 100% strong and good web-host for windows and Linux in affordable pricing. Regards, Sandy.

Posted by hostingfortified, 12-25-2013, 08:52 PM
I am horrified and screwed by this company , One of my account is not found suddenly on any of their servers. How can they delete one of my client's account. Now he is asking me if I have any backup of the files? We rely on servers for the backup and data safety, as per my opinion. Thats is the reason we prefer datacenter and hosting . They did not even tell me that account may get deleted before migration. What answers should I give to my clients, I have no idea.. I am totally screwed.

Posted by iexo, 12-25-2013, 08:57 PM
Personally I'd say just be honest... it's not nice, but it's the best way - keep affected clients "in the know" as much as you can!

Posted by hostingfortified, 12-25-2013, 09:03 PM
Thanks Iexo, I will do the same. But for them I am in fault, and you don't know how badly he is going to treat me. Mostly with all the bad words. Anyway I have to face this. But Is that just it? He must have spent lots in developing the website, he must have invested much for the content. it was a database website.

Posted by iexo, 12-25-2013, 09:26 PM
He will be annoyed, but not at YOU personally, just at the situation - remember that and understand the problems he's faced with. We've recently had a client be suspended and terminated, as the system didn't make note of a payment, 3 days after termination the backups deleted automatically - that's when the client lets us know he actually did pay, the good thing was that he had his own backups, disaster avoided - so your client may have stored some stuff! I'd try keep onto JaguarPC though to see if they have anything at all that can help like backups.

Posted by Zachary McClung, 12-25-2013, 09:56 PM
Hi Sandy, Would you please e-mail me the account name that cannot be found? In regards to blacklist, we hate them as much as you do. For the last 6 months or so we have been testing several free and paid outbound e-mail filtering solutions. Ultimately, you do get false positives when your network sends hundreds of millions of emails per month. Even with a .001 false positive rate it generates more frustration then the blacklists do as the blacklist can be cleaned within a few hours depending on the RBL. With that being said, we have taken steps to limit the amount of bad emails being sent from outdated scripts, etc. Our previous email per hour rate was 1,000 and several months ago we took it down to 200 emails per hour. Those clients who have a real need for higher limits and who have a good history, we raise upon request. This in itself has drastically reduced blacklists for us. This is a issue we are actively working and will continue to work on moving forward.

Posted by WireNine, 12-26-2013, 12:42 AM
That's a very good idea

Posted by justincky, 12-26-2013, 05:55 PM
I don't even know where to start with this thread. I will say for sure it doesn't suprise me at all. I was with Jaguar PC for about 2 months, another friend of mine that also does reseller hosting was with them for 6 months. We had the same horrific experiences! Back then we were just getting into the hosting world and relied on our loving webhost. I will speak from experience with Jaguar PC if you don't have any experience with managing a server or websites they will tell you all sorts of lies. It may have improved now but back in 2006 is when we left them and never looked back! I hate to see how they've treated you and kept your money. I mean really guys look at all the crap you've put him thru and you can't have the decency to make it right and refund him? I don't care what your terms of service say there is a time and place to make an exception. I normally don't comment on stuff but I couldn't help myself. This is shady business and I wonder how you are still in business? Also you do realize it's MUCH easier to find an experienced Windows Admin vs. Linux Admin right?

Posted by iWF-Jacob, 12-26-2013, 08:07 PM
Holy cow. I am so sorry that you are in this situation. That sounds absolutely awful. Since JPC appears to have already lost one of your accounts, (and it sounds like you don't do this) I would strongly suggest that you implement some sort of offsite backup service, even if it's just nightly backups to your home PC. Something is always better than nothing. That being said, take a look at the offers section. I am sure you can find something that would suit your fancy!

Posted by Zachary McClung, 12-26-2013, 10:58 PM
Please note the account was not lost. Upon further investigation this client had been migrated to a new server with Windows 2012 and the latest Plesk. After several weeks of operating with the new server, the old server was turned off. We were notified of the account being offline, the old server was brought back online and the account is/was migrated to the new server.

Posted by iWF-Jacob, 12-26-2013, 11:20 PM
Ahhh... Gotcha, so you just forgot to migrate an account?

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