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netstartz.com down?

Posted by vaanie, 01-01-2004, 08:38 AM
Hi, Can someone confirm that netstartz is down? Because i cant acesses my site. and another two on the same server. netstartz Thanks, Kevin Oh by the way is it possible to switch off alerta? Because alerta says they are 100% up but i think this is not the case.

Posted by anon-e-mouse, 01-01-2004, 09:24 AM
I can't reach the site, but ping and tracert can

Posted by vaanie, 01-01-2004, 09:25 AM
Thanks maybe a dns problem? (the secont though)

Posted by Qu1k, 01-01-2004, 01:07 PM
I don't think it's a DNS problem - after 2 or 3 major DNS failures (with downtime totalling over 24hrs between them) I think they did finally manage to distribute their nameservers. However, I urge you to move away from Netstartz as soon as possible. There is nobody to contact in case of problems, they never reply to support tickets. One of the staff members (who isn't actually able to do any work for the company) said the owner was too pre-occupied with sorting out the gameserver side of the company to sort out the web hosting. And to top it all off, the server is behind on most of the important security updates including the 'new' kernel fix which allows root access to anyone with an SSH account. Shame really, as they used to be good

Posted by vaanie, 01-01-2004, 02:05 PM
well the only problem is that i have still 8 six months prepaid. Could you please advice me how to get that money back, i have no experience at all at this kind of things, i will never prepay again.

Posted by Qu1k, 01-01-2004, 02:36 PM
Update - all of netstartz services are down, it seems their nameservers are dead. Perhaps they didn't actually bother distributing them after all. Great stuff.

Posted by Garry-BNCSol, 01-01-2004, 03:27 PM
Hi, You could email them and ask them for a refund, but don't think you will get a reply as I have had a ticket in for 6 days now. So the other option is you could do a charge back, you need to contact your credit card company to do that.

Posted by Garry-BNCSol, 01-01-2004, 03:30 PM
I belive it a DNS issue, as I can get to my site via ip/~username

Posted by Webbers, 01-05-2004, 12:47 AM
Works perfectly here. www.netstartz.com

Posted by Qu1k, 01-05-2004, 12:50 PM
I hope you are joking, lol.

Posted by wheimeng, 01-06-2004, 03:10 AM
I am able to view it now

Posted by NE-Andy, 01-06-2004, 03:17 AM
*jokingly* Maybe its hosted on Managed.com....

Posted by aLTEreCHo, 01-06-2004, 06:20 PM
I know at one time they had trouble with Bind which controls DNS. You could still ping but not http.

Posted by faruque, 01-06-2004, 08:51 PM
My account with them is down too! If I am prepaid for a year, and have used up 3 months, can I go for a chargeback?

Posted by 4Hosted, 01-06-2004, 10:11 PM
Probably best to leave Chargeback as a last resort

Posted by aLTEreCHo, 01-07-2004, 01:37 AM
I'm down on Jupiter too. Netstartz is up. Must be a Jupiter thing. By the way, I've asked this somewhere else, but does anyone have their modernbill support url? I've, um, lost it. I've sent two tickets that are now both more than a month old with no reply. Netstartz forums are down now and now I can't find the link to the ticketing system. I've toughed it out for a few months hoping things would get better. Um...yikes. Am I wrong to assume that my tickets will eventually be answered? Or does the saying, "sqeaky wheel gets the grease" apply here and I should bombard Netstartz with messages? Unfortunately, during this time I transferred a customer's business site over. I tell all my customers that I resell, by the way, and this customer keeps telling me to dump Netstartz and find someone reliable. I just may. Problem is that I too, like vaanie and faruque, pre-paid *slaps forehead*. Never again.

Posted by DarkSuiyoken, 01-07-2004, 10:24 AM
It has happened so many times that I lost count. The NetStartz website itself loads slow and as for my site, it totally doesn't load! I prepaid for 6 months and if their site is that slow, how could I leave a support ticket? The online support is worse, the guy haven't come on like forever! I said it before, and I'm going to say it again, stay away from NetStartZ. I TOTALLY regret it!

Posted by DarkSuiyoken, 01-07-2004, 10:26 AM
i am hosted by netstartz as well, and they totally sucks, i prepaid for 6 months and it has been down so many time even though they promised 99.9% uptime. what should i do?!

Posted by aLTEreCHo, 01-07-2004, 01:16 PM
Jupiter server has been down since yesterday afternoon. I have no way of contacting Steven. He's not online anywhere...aim, msn, yahoo, icq etc. I have a customer whose waiting for a big bid and he's not only able to access his site, he's not able to recieve email either. This is my best customer. So I don't want to lose this guy. My own site and email are down as well, btw. What should I do?

Posted by radv, 01-07-2004, 01:26 PM
Have you tried calling them? Do they have a number? Here the emergency pager: pager@netstartz.com

Posted by aLTEreCHo, 01-07-2004, 02:11 PM
No number. They talked about having an emergency number but no beans. Never happened. Just like everything else they've been promising. Thanks for the pager address, though. I'm thinking it not going to work, however. Last edited by aLTEreCHo; 01-07-2004 at 02:22 PM.

Posted by hawhaw, 01-07-2004, 05:31 PM
Given the number os Netstartz down threads recently and the number of people saying they can't contact Steven... Your question of "What should I do" has an obvious answer!! Of course, this is IMHO...

Posted by TR Seeks, 01-07-2004, 05:36 PM
well how long has it been down.? any problems before this?

Posted by aLTEreCHo, 01-07-2004, 06:02 PM
Agh...your killing me. I know - I know. One of my clients noticed it was down yesterday a little after lunch pacific standard time. And yes, there have been problems with Bind and DNS, mostly respose times, or rather lack of response. Steven has a way of 'disappearing' for a week at a time. I don't know if this is one of those times but with their forums being down and tickets not being answered, Netstartz might as well be a dead duck. This uptime will at least give me some breathing room to switch things over somewhere else. Hope things go smoothly before something else happens.

Posted by Qu1k, 01-07-2004, 06:44 PM
aLTEreCHo - I suggest you change host as soon as possible. When we first signed up with them in October they were absolutely fantastic for a month (on the Jupiter server also). In December, things went pear-shaped. There was nobody about to reply to support tickets or forum posts, about 12 hours downtime at least twice in that month due to the same DNS issue. They still haven't distributed their nameservers like they said they would and suffered a few hours downtime earlier this month due to the same problem.

Posted by aLTEreCHo, 01-07-2004, 06:58 PM
Same story different verse it sounds like. Nice that they turned Alerta off. Says "100% uptime" since October. Um...yeah.

Posted by Qu1k, 01-07-2004, 08:48 PM
I'm surprised there is actually anyone there to actually turn off Alertra, although I guess that's the time when they disappeared in terms of support. Their forums have been testing the functionality of a new design for about 2 days now. Bet they haven't answered any tickets though

Posted by DarkSuiyoken, 01-08-2004, 03:50 AM
hm.. is there a group of people on the internet that can shut down this company and make him refund us? i would want to do that cos i really lost a lot of deals...

Posted by vaanie, 01-08-2004, 11:05 AM
but is it possible to do a chargeback (i paid almost 4 months ago) Because i want my money back..,.

Posted by ejc317, 01-14-2004, 12:42 AM
Okay a few things guys. Netstartz' owner is preoccupied with about 20 complaining gameserver customers. 2nd. If you want to contact the owner, he is on a lot during the evening on MIRC channel #netstartz so go there if you need him. Otherwise good luck...and prepaid? :-P

Posted by Garry-BNCSol, 01-14-2004, 07:12 AM
Hi, What IRC network ? Regards, Garry

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-20-2004, 02:24 PM
I have an account with Netstartz, I think on the venus server. I IMed Steven yesterday on ICQ, and he said they were working on the server. I wanna know why it took them all day yesterday, and all day so far today. Does anyone know when it will be back up? Steven is not on any messenger, and there support for is down.

Posted by net-trend, 01-20-2004, 02:27 PM
Could be a possible hardware failure (which can severely delay things). Hopefully your host will get in contact with you soon.

Posted by tracphil, 01-20-2004, 03:23 PM
Why don't you just call them and talk to them directly regarding your account with them. I think there are several warning sign threads that you can read on these very forums.

Posted by AdminWHF, 01-20-2004, 03:35 PM
talked with steve yesterday about this time of day,, I asked how long till the server is back up , he said about an 1 hour. 24 hours later.... till down...................................................................

Posted by okihost, 01-20-2004, 03:41 PM
Are you guys the same ones who were down a couple weeks ago? Did it ever come back online?

Posted by AdminWHF, 01-20-2004, 03:43 PM
i only went down yesterday afternoon..

Posted by PatrickBatem, 01-20-2004, 04:47 PM
I am also a Netstartz customer on venus. Site has been down since yesterday around 11am. This is about the fourth time in 6 months of extended downtime such as this. I asked him what was up and he said one client was found spamming people so the DC shut the computer down. He expected the server back up later that day. Obviously it isn't. This is my last straw.. I'll be moving to a new host shortly.

Posted by ProXie, 01-20-2004, 05:02 PM
I would just call them if you can. If you push them to get the server going then they will work harder to do it. I'm not saying go scream at them but motivate them.

Posted by okihost, 01-20-2004, 06:31 PM
If you run a business where you provide a service which you get paid for this should not need to happen. You should not have to 'motivate' your host to get a server back online lol..

Posted by AdminWHF, 01-20-2004, 06:36 PM
this quote is from the Netstartz site.. It's clear this is not the story,,, Can you sue them for breach of contract?

Posted by RackRhino, 01-20-2004, 06:42 PM
If you had some reliable stats, and i mean more than just crashing down once, every company is given curtosy of the doubt as problems do happen. But why would you put a law suite on them? Im sure if what he said about the DC shutting down the server casue of spam, i think that sounds ligit in this situation. So why would you sue them for somthing they have no control over. It sucks when it happens, but put yourself in there shoes, its no excuse since thats what they stated, but things like this do happen, and it dosnt have to be said as there intension to just do this. Well thats my 2cents, but yea i guess to answer your question.

Posted by AdminWHF, 01-20-2004, 06:44 PM
man i was joking,,,,

Posted by Derrick, 01-20-2004, 07:05 PM
Seems to me Steven has dropped the ball a lot as of late. Might be time to consider a new host. At least one that is easier to reach so if problems do occur you do not have to post of a public forum to get results. Derrick

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-20-2004, 08:16 PM
Sorry I haven't replied, as I have said in a different post I get no e-mails about replys because the E-mail is down which is on the server. I am doubting that DC would shut the whole server down for 1 person spamming. If that would happen they would call netstartz and tell them to delete that persons account or they will shut it down. I have 1 site hosted with Raine-Tech.com, they have had great uptime. I started with them in November I think.

Posted by SheryAnne, 01-20-2004, 08:57 PM
I have 2 sites with netstartz; both on mars. One site is up but goes down a lot. The other site has been dead for days. I filled out a ticket yesterday, sent an email and left a message on the toll free number. No response yet. BTW, that Raine-Tech.com looks good! Do they allow adult content?

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-20-2004, 08:59 PM
Yes they do.

Posted by PatrickBatem, 01-21-2004, 12:23 PM
Still suffering here. I left a message on the voice mail as well. But he's not been online at since the server went down, and he's usually online all the time.. so it doesn't look good. It's one thing for a server to go down for an extended period of time and have no control over it whatsoever, it's another to completely vanish when that occurs AND have you forums obviously intentionally down for the duration as well. I'm already going to swtich, but I'm DESPERATE to get some content and emails off the server which is currently down.. but I'm not entirely convinced it's coming back anytime at all, if ever.. Strangely enough I'm considering moving to raine-tech.com as well.. hopefully this nightmare will not happen with them..

Posted by tracphil, 01-21-2004, 04:07 PM
Maybe he is just out of business... Did you call the data center and inquire about it?

Posted by tracphil, 01-21-2004, 04:13 PM
Another thing. And I am not wanting to bash rain-tech here at all but they seem to be a good example. With the pricing that they offer, what makes you think that they will be around for about 6-8 months and then be gone/horrible support. I am just curious as to read your reasoning that they have a sound business model with that pricing for resources. That type of pricing model seems to fail over and over again, would you care to share your thoughts?

Posted by PatrickBatem, 01-21-2004, 04:33 PM
I agree with you partially, but I've found numerous huge hosts who offer very similar hosting (www.hostrocket.com, www.ipowerweb.com), with the main difference (for me at least) being in the number of addon domains allowed. I am willing to pay up to $10/month, but I NEED 5 addon domains, and most places charge more per addon domain, which it is a simple thing that can be done under cpanel, and all domains together can still be regulated under the same bandwidth restriction, so I don't see why.. So basically, the bigger hosts who are slightly more expensive for the same offer ($5 or so more a month..) aren't flexible and are usually unwilling to offer something like 5 more domains, even if I say "well how about 5 addon domains, and then less web space?" etc.. So the "risk" has to be taken with those who are willing to be flexible and work with you, who usually ends up being these independent small guys, but I agree, I do have worries about how long this next host will last.. I just have to cross my fingers..

Posted by PatrickBatem, 01-21-2004, 04:45 PM
UPDATE: I called THE PLANET, where VENUS (the server that is down) is located @ 1 (800) 854-7679. The guy refused to release any information whatsoever on the status of anything except that "It appears that they are trying to get the server back up still.. that's all I can tell you". So, there you have it. It appears that it MAY come back up, but now on the third day of being down, I know I'm not the only one pulling my hair out. It'd be cool if someone else called and maybe you can get more detail, but make sure to have the IP address of Venus handy (I wasn't sure what it was, which may have hampered the answer I got..).

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 12:07 AM
Ok, I am pissed off now. I have not been able to check my mail for almost 4 days. I want to know if anyone is interested in pressing charges for this down time. When there uptime is supposed to be 99.7%.

Posted by pibby, 01-22-2004, 12:43 AM
Hey all, I'm another Netstartz customer suffering from this downtime. I have emailed 6 times today, called Steven's cell phone and left a message, called the support number and was directed to a guy that said "I don't do website, I don't know why you are calling me." So yeah, like all of you I am extremely pissed off, I've paid a year in advance and stuck with Steven since July I think it was. Hopefully everything will be back up tomorrow, I would at least like to backup my data before considering a new host. Though it's not my fault, I'm sorry that this is happening to us, and even more sorry that no one on the support team is stepping up to let us know what is going on and when it will be fixed. /me crosses her fingers

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 12:57 AM
The thing that makes me so made is, Steven is not on any messenger, and he is such an a**hole to even have the forums shut down. I want someone from Netstartz to get ther lazy a** over here and post something.

Posted by net-trend, 01-22-2004, 08:25 AM
If anyone from Netstartz wanted to notify their clients of anything, I think they would've done it earlier.

Posted by lee1024, 01-22-2004, 11:52 AM
I'm also a Netstartz customer, and I've also worked in IT for years. I'm not happy that the server is down - it shows that there is very little, if anything in disaster planning, but then for the price we pay, I'm not sure you can expect that much. What does annoy me is the total lack of communication. All it would take is a broadcast e-mail to notify their clients. I'm sure they wouldn't be happy at the situation, however they would at least know what is going on. I also phoned the support number and ended up talking to a 'Justin' who has no idea who Netstartz are, and Steven is not showing on any of his IM contacts. Netstartz - got anything to say for yourself?

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 12:52 PM
Well the support phone number sounds like they are forwarding to home phone numbers in there area.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 02:53 PM
Does anyone know the Venus servers IP? I am thinking about calling the DC. If anyone has already called besides Patrick please post what they said to you here.

Posted by AdminWHF, 01-22-2004, 03:35 PM
Well i have given up on them,, and moved to a new company. I've had a site with them for over a year and it hasnt gone down like this at all.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 03:39 PM
Would it matter if you told me who you moved to?

Posted by AdminWHF, 01-22-2004, 03:59 PM
I moved to http://www.hostnexus.com/ i was using them for a different site, and now i'm using them aswell for my personal site, they are very good.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 04:01 PM
K, well I have a reseller account with Raine-Tech.com I will prolly move my site with Netstartz to my Reseller account from Raine-Tech.com They have hardly any down time and if they have some it is fixed right away.

Posted by AdminWHF, 01-22-2004, 04:04 PM
I take it that Netstatz are having alot of problems. But as a company owner Steven should have at least E-mailed all the members and explained whats happening. Lucky i didnt pay that much for the hosting. i didnt lose to much.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 04:09 PM
They should open the Support forum and post somethign atleast man. I can open a dang forum and post something in like 20 min.

Posted by pibby, 01-22-2004, 04:29 PM
If all of my website stuff is gone, I am gonna be so incredibly pissed! I hope they have backed things up recently. Did anyone call the server company again? What did they say? Hopefully this will be resolved soon and without data loss. I will keep my fingers crossed in the meantime.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 04:31 PM
All I want is my Data off the site then I am planing on moving my stuff. Heck my Ipowerweb support was better then this.

Posted by WHU-Mike, 01-22-2004, 05:23 PM
I too am a customer of netstartz and have been down for a few days. They have not helped me in weeks. Therefore, Im looking for a new host. This is my email I sent them two days ago and still have not got a reply.... Recently I have tried to contact the staff of netstartz more then once and have not acquired any responce; therefore, this will be my last unless I get a reply to this email shortly. I am extremely mad by the fact that I have sent more than three emails and posted a ticket over the past weeks without any results. Prior to paying $8.45 month, I recall how netstartz promoted their hosting by listing "24/7 Online Support" on their website; which actuality is false advertisement. Netstartz should not have "24/7 online support" listed in their plans unless they are obligated to do so. In addition to the support deception, the 99.7% uptime guarantee is also wrong. My website has been down a few times within this month for more than a day. Why? I have no clue, Netstartz does not take time to help out costumers. They also have Alertra monitoring the servers which seems to me and a few others as a lie. Alertra shows that Jupiter ( the server my website is on )has been up 100%, but my site has been down for today and a days before. How can it show 100%? I have come to the conclusion that Netstartz does not meet costumer needs or they tend to fall short in quality standards. My Problems of right now are as follows: Uptime: Website is down? Why? Billing: Currently I am using PayPal to transact with netstartz. I would like to pay automatically without having to go into ModernBill and pay manually. Please reply A.S.A.P. or else I will be finding a new host and will explain to others on webhostingtalk.com about the poor service.

Posted by UH-Matt, 01-22-2004, 05:51 PM
http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showth...hreadid=221575 http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showth...hreadid=227873

Posted by PatrickBatem, 01-22-2004, 05:53 PM
The IP for venus is I think. Could be wrong. I already called the DC (The Planet) and they wouldn't release ANY information beyond "they are working on getting it back up". However, I also e-mailed the support address and got a response back from someone with a conscious (ie. not Steven) who explained to "Leave Netstartz as soon as possible", that, "it used to be such a good company, but Steven has become entirely preoccupied with the gaming side of the site that he has ignored the web hosting side. The security updates for the server are also extremely out of date, leaving them vunerable to someone gaining root access". This is coming from someone who was working as SUPPORT for Netstartz under Steven. So basically it's no surprise that a spammer or virus infected the server - but the worse part is that Steven is too overwhelmed and too apathetic towards his customers to make any haste (or even casual effort it seems) to get things back up and running. My advice? MOVE ON. I've had to give up crucial data I had on the server and just decided, for my mental health, it's better to call it quits and move on. I've moved onto www.p4host.com if it matters to anyone. They seem reasonable and did a prompt setup for me. May be worth looking into from previous Netstartz customers.

Posted by pibby, 01-22-2004, 07:24 PM
PatrickBatem- Are you going to try and get a refund or anything? After talking to the person that was working support, does he know if any of the data has been backed up? Thanks for that link you posted, it looks like a great deal. Good luck to other Netstartz customers that will likely be leaving :-\ Also, there appears to be a netstartz channel on irc.gamesnet.net #netstartz It is for their gaming crap, but perhaps someone will come in that knows something. I will be sitting in there for a while... waiting. This is the response I have received from IRC so far: <{nS}Matthew[GM]> Dallas datacenter is having problems, on the phone with them now working on getting the server back up. <{nS}Matthew[GM]> New Jersey is fine, just dallas. Well mine must be on the Dallas one then, it has been down for 3 days and no one is answering the support emails/tickets <{nS}Matthew[GM]> (pibby) Yes a new hdd is being installed on the webserver due to a crash and burn of the recent one. The support phone number routes to someone named Justin who claims to have no affiliation with Netstartz or websites {nS}Matthew[GM]: does that mean that all data has been lost? <{nS}Matthew[GM]> No all hd's are fully backed up. Last edited by pibby; 01-22-2004 at 07:41 PM.

Posted by lee1024, 01-22-2004, 11:24 PM
I notice that you didn't get any answers to any of the questions about why their customer service sucks. And changing a hard disk is a 2 hour job at the outside.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 11:27 PM
The frist time I ever installed a hard drive took me 1 hour. I wanna know why pros can't install one in 4 days? I know id would take awhile to restore all the files but I know it wouldn't be 4 days, almost 5 now.

Posted by lee1024, 01-22-2004, 11:28 PM
to my mind its just another excuse

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-22-2004, 11:31 PM
I think steven ran into something he can't handle and he is now running and hiding.

Posted by pibby, 01-22-2004, 11:52 PM
This is the latest info that I have acquired (from the IRC channel @ 9:45PM EST) <{nS}RellingeR[SALES]> everything will be back on 2morrow <{nS}RellingeR[SALES]> key word "everything " to make everyone happy So, I can only hope that it's the truth and things will be back in order tomorrow...

Posted by lee1024, 01-23-2004, 01:07 AM
well a miracle might happen - but I'm certainly not going to hold my breath - I don't look very good in purple. Even if they get their hosting sorted away - the thing that really bothers me is the total lack of customer support. I can't say that I favour the if-in-doubt......hide approach

Posted by lee1024, 01-23-2004, 10:35 AM
glad I didn't hold my breath - I'd be really going purple by now. So morning has risen and not a birdie is cheeping in the Netstartz camp. I suppose I didn't expect any better........

Posted by pibby, 01-23-2004, 03:05 PM
As of 12:45pm EST: <{nS}Steven[CEO]> I'm working on getting dallas locations up asap hopefully within the hour. <{nS}Steven[CEO]> All NJ orders that have come in in the passed 48 hours are now up. <{nS}Steven[CEO]> I will be pming all new customers with info. <{nS}Steven[CEO]> All webhosting customers that managed to find their way into the game irc channel. Venus customers will be getting an entire month free in addition to a letter explainin what the webhosting side will be doing to improve support/service. So... we shall see.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-23-2004, 03:50 PM
Cool well I wounder how he will be paying me back, I paid a year ahead.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-23-2004, 03:58 PM
I just IMed Steven on AIM and got this from him. Hello, We here are extremely sorry about the downtime that you're experiencing on the Venus server. We are doing everything we can to get that server up immediately, hopefully early tomorrow. The company is currently undergoing massive reconstruction to greatly improve support response times and bring them back to our original average of 15minutes as well as improving service. After a brief read it seems a certain individual that thinks they work for NetStartz has been informing people that I gave up on the webhosting side of the business; something that I'd never do as the webhosting side is quite large with many customers across six servers. I just need to improve the customer support times and get the toll free line staffed. The rest of the servers up and active and working fine. All customers on the Venus server will be credited with a free month to their account in addition to the doubling of their current resources. An official update will be sent out from our client system to all customers, as well as posted on our forums (reopening them tomorrow) shortly. Also for future reference please don't send in emails to admin@netstartz.com as that is not a manned email address and is used for automated messages from our system only. You can reach us at support@netstartz.com or you may contact me directly at steven@netstartz.com or on our toll-free number being sent out tomorrow, to be manned from 9am-9pm everyday except Sunday.) Regards, Steven Clarke

Posted by vaanie, 01-23-2004, 04:27 PM
yes i am waiting too

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-23-2004, 04:48 PM
its up, YAY

Posted by SheryAnne, 01-23-2004, 06:53 PM
My sites are working! Horray!!!

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-23-2004, 07:30 PM
Has anyone heard why the server was down?

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-23-2004, 07:34 PM
here is what happenes when you ask Steven why the Venus Server was down. Monkey46219 [6:30 PM]: can you tell me why the Venus Server was down? Steven Netstartz [6:31 PM]: I'm sorry I can't talk in all 50+ IMs that are open, currently ideally my goal for today is to improve the support team so it's back to where it once was and I'm sure that working to better the future instead of explaining to everyone the cause of the venus downtime will be more beneficial. Steven Netstartz [6:31 PM]: An announcement will be made on the forums shortly.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-23-2004, 08:32 PM
1 hour later, forums still down, still no post.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-23-2004, 09:54 PM
Well I was going to edit my post but the forum will not let me so this is what I IMed to him right before I posted the message before. Monkey46219 [7:30 PM]: how shortly is "Shortly posting a message on the forums"? Steven Netstartz [7:36 PM]: Shortly is tonight. Monkey46219 [7:36 PM]: how late? I am leaving at 11:30pm EST Still nothing at 8:53pm EST

Posted by lee1024, 01-23-2004, 11:03 PM
I talked to him this afternoon on MSN - and he told me the same thing - forums would be up today - nothing so far - hehehe - well its not 11:59 yet. But at least my website is up - so now I have a complete back-up of the database.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-23-2004, 11:05 PM
well I hope it is not gonna be 11:59pm before it is up because I am leaving for a road trip at 11:30pm. Time now 10:07pm

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-24-2004, 12:20 AM
I am leaving for Georgia, could someone please E-mail me what Steven says in the forums at Monkey46219@aol.com

Posted by lee1024, 01-24-2004, 11:08 AM
Still waiting for any response from Netstartz. Steven seems to have told a bunch of people, including me, that the forums would be open yesterday, and also that clients would be notified of what is going on. Guess what - forums still closed, no messages, and all of my trouble tickets still in 'new' status. At least the web site is still up.

Posted by matriarchy, 01-25-2004, 03:43 PM
I hope that those of you that got your sites back will now pack them up and run like hell! Or at least back up your data so yo ucan run next time it goes down. I left months ago. For this segment of my hosting biz, I got a VPS account from a great vendor that allows legal adult content. Not much more cost than buying a reseller account. And if you know cpanel well, learning the admin side of WHM is not that hard. I can offer reseller accounts of my own when I get better-versed in WHM/server mgmt. If you've thought about moving up from reseller to dedicated... VPS is a great intermediary step.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-25-2004, 04:10 PM
The Venus Server is only Shared Hosting.

Posted by lilcube, 01-25-2004, 06:49 PM
Surprise, surprise. My site is down again. Good thing I got a backup of it this time. Still no word as to why it was down last time. Don't expect any this time. Time to move on and take my losses. As the old addage goes, "you get what you pay for". Time for me to pay a reliable host. Thanks Netstartz...for a whole lotta nothin'.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-25-2004, 06:49 PM
NOW THIS IS PISSING ME OFF! MY DAMN SERVER IS DOWN AGAIN! I am leaving Netstartz. Well I am most pissed off because I just IMed him and of course he is AWAY!

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-25-2004, 07:26 PM
SOMETHING THAT WILL HELP. Monkey46219 [5:48 PM]: WHY THE F**K IS THE SERVER DOWN AGAIN? Auto response from Steven Netstartz [5:48 PM]: I am currently away from the computer. Steven Netstartz is away at 5:53 PM Monkey46219 [6:02 PM]: you are a bull**** host. Monkey46219 [6:03 PM]: You need to tell people what is wrong Steven Netstartz [6:21 PM]: Alright, I'm very glad sir that you feel calling me names and cursing is productive. I'm currently in the middle of typing an announcement stating why venus is down and will be for the next 10 minutes as we complete the transfers, but because of IMs that keep popping on the screen I cannot do so. Steven Netstartz [6:21 PM]: I'm truely sorry your site is down and we're working very hard to get it up and complete the transfer. Monkey46219 [6:22 PM]: ok. Well I am kinda sick of the site being down for 5 days, and now being down again. Steven Netstartz [6:23 PM]: Alright, but understand I cannot work and respond to 50+ IMs at once. g****: Steven- my website it down... again *** Auto-response sent to gigme2005: I am currently away from the computer. Steven Netstartz: Hello. Unfortunately the server you are currently on is not strong enough to handle the massive transfer we're putting in under. g****: argh! Steven Netstartz: Your site will be back up shortly, but we're in the process of transferring it and the rest of venus to a much more powerful server. g****: Ok sounds good, thanks for the info Steven Netstartz: In a datacenter that is more reliable and guarantees 100% network uptime to me. Steven Netstartz: The transfer of files will most likely be completed tonight. Steven Netstartz: And the dns update will be done in 24-48 hours. g****: Ah, ok. so once this is done then there shouldnt be anymore downtimes like this? Steven Netstartz: Once this is done everything in my power will prevent all downtime and our whole new staff team (hiring and training as we speak.) will be manning our phones and live support once again to guarantee 15min or less setup time. g****: Wonderful! Steven Netstartz: Again, I'm sorry for all you've been put through and honestly appreciate your patience. Let me go call the DC once again to get your site back up. Steven Netstartz [6:23 PM]: That is what we're doing right now. Monkey46219 [6:23 PM]: ok

Posted by Foladar, 01-25-2004, 10:55 PM
Steven seems like a good guy to me, I would let him explain his reasons for the downtime. I didn't read all of it but I've spoke with him before and seemed like a great guy, so I'd give him a chance. Very professional guy as well.

Posted by lee1024, 01-26-2004, 12:00 AM
good guy or not - there were promises made that the forums would be re-opened as of friday - and all clients would be notified as to why there was an outage - and that IMMEDIATELY - and note - this is a quote from Steven - that the on-line support would be manned - well none of that has happened. Now if you want to talk about professional - professional is making commitments and keeping them

Posted by pibby, 01-26-2004, 05:59 AM
LMAO, gigme2005 was me... Now that things are gonna be on a new server I'm hoping this fixes the problems.

Posted by lee1024, 01-26-2004, 11:54 AM
well - every host can have problems - but I'm reserving judgement here, as the true test is how they recover from it. Netstartz has had two lots of issues since I've been with them, and its three strikes you are out.

Posted by matriarchy, 01-26-2004, 12:10 PM
Steve may "seem like a great guy" but he obviously has ongoing operational problems. Are you paying him to be your friend, or are you paying him for hosting service? So... basically he said oversold the server and got "massive transfer" and then blamed the problem on a "weak server" in an "unreliable" datacenter. Then they utterly failed to communicate with you... and didn't keep any promise about forums, phone, or IM support. Do think moving to a new DC will help? I am not bashing Steve..., I feel bad for his struggle. But I have to wonder at the number of people who make business decisons based on whether someone seems nice, rather than whether they provide the required services. If want to send me money to be nice to you, without requiring me to provide reliable hosting services... honey, let me give you my Paypal address.

Posted by lee1024, 01-27-2004, 04:10 PM
Fully agree - I haven't got anything out of steven in the way of promises that have actually been delivered

Posted by pibby, 01-30-2004, 12:14 AM
I can't believe that my site is still down! If it's down at noon tomorrow then I'm packing up and getting outta there.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 12:16 AM
I would have left today, if I could have gotten in my cPanel. It was up yesturday, and a little today. It is down again. I couldn't get in cPanel to backup databases. So I got all my files. but I am missing the databases for the forums.

Posted by lee1024, 01-30-2004, 12:17 AM
well my site is at least up - and Steven is on MSN right now - so you might try messaging him

Posted by pibby, 01-30-2004, 04:14 AM
I've tried contacting him via AOL, ICQ, and IRC. Finally I've emailed him demanding my refund. It wouldn't be so bad if he would actually respond/email us to let us know the status of things... oh well. Another one bites the dust.

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:12 AM
If you are looking to retreive your mysql db's you may want to do a search for mysql-front on google, download it and retreive your db's from your desktop instead of having to use phpmyadmin... that is if mysql is even running.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:16 AM

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:22 AM
If you need to backup your db's and mysql is running search for "mysql-front" on google. Download it. Install it. Open the program. Connect to your mysql server and backup your database. If mysql is not running my suggestion will not help though. Tracy

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:26 AM
How do I know what teh MySQL server is? all I know is I was on the Venus server, then they moved it now I got no clue.

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:32 AM
Well if DNS has propagated and I am sure it has since they moved you a couple of days ago... and if I am correct you would be on the machine with the IP of but pings are timing out when I try to ping that server.... so the server is down or at least not responding. I just tried telneting into port 3306 (mysql runs on this port) and could not reach the server so I am convinced the server itself is not running. Seeing as how you are on cpanel, almost all (if not all) of your services are running on one server. Thats one of the bad parts of cpanel/whm. I use H-Sphere (as a cluster of servers) and everything runs on a seperate server so if any one service is down (not that it ever is), then you can still access the other services. I wish I could be of more help.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:34 AM
well if you go to my site www.Nuclearcade.com after awhile a cPanel/WHM page loads up saying no site is configured at that address which it has been saying that.

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:36 AM
Not for me it doesn't... I get "Cannot find server or DNS Error" Ping your domain and tell me what IP you are getting.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:37 AM
I get the IP same as you.

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:38 AM
You mistyped your domain...

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:38 AM
www.nucleararcade.com oops I see now

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:40 AM
http://www.dnsreport.com/tools/dnsre...leararcade.com Were you at the planet before? That is where that IP is. I still do not get anything but "Cannot find server or DNS Error"

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:42 AM
yea I was at The Planet before.

Posted by pibby, 01-30-2004, 08:43 AM
When I ping mine this is what I get: PING pibby.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. --- pibby.com ping statistics --- 155 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 154434ms This of course is day 10 of the downtime.

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:43 AM
So he hasn't changed IP's at his name servers yet...which leads me to believe you are still at the planet. I thought he said he changed datacenters?

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:45 AM
Yea, I thought in the message I qouted from him on AIM that they were moving to a new network I.E new Data Center.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:47 AM
Does anyone know the new servers IP? Maybe if I try to accsess my cPanel via serverip/cpanel i can get in.

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:49 AM
I don't think the network is the issue. I have worked with The Planet in the past and I can't see them being this un stable... at all. Plus its not the network that is at issue its his remote hands.. unless of course he didn't pay for his server bill. You say you are on venus... which leads me to believe he has more than one server? Is this correct?

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:50 AM
He should have 4+ now. also I found this thing saying they were moving to prove his lazy a** hasn't updated any DN g****: Steven- my website it down... again *** Auto-response sent to gigme2005: I am currently away from the computer. Steven Netstartz: Hello. Unfortunately the server you are currently on is not strong enough to handle the massive transfer we're putting in under. g****: argh! Steven Netstartz: Your site will be back up shortly, but we're in the process of transferring it and the rest of venus to a much more powerful server. g****: Ok sounds good, thanks for the info Steven Netstartz: In a datacenter that is more reliable and guarantees 100% network uptime to me. Steven Netstartz: The transfer of files will most likely be completed tonight. Steven Netstartz: And the dns update will be done in 24-48 hours. g****: Ah, ok. so once this is done then there shouldnt be anymore downtimes like this? Steven Netstartz: Once this is done everything in my power will prevent all downtime and our whole new staff team (hiring and training as we speak.) will be manning our phones and live support once again to guarantee 15min or less setup time. g****: Wonderful! Steven Netstartz: Again, I'm sorry for all you've been put through and honestly appreciate your patience. Let me go call the DC once again to get your site back up. Steven Netstartz [6:23 PM]: That is what we're doing right now. Monkey46219 [6:23 PM]: ok

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:52 AM
the server names I know, are Mars, Venus, and ummmmmmm dang I forget. He is supposed to also have the new one that they were moving everything to.

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:52 AM
I don't think there is a new server... if there was he would have had his name servers changed to point your domain at the correct IP. I could be wrong here and I hope to goodness that I am.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 08:53 AM
From what I qouted from above that means he was a moron and didn't figure that the processor in his server could support that much bandwidth.

Posted by pibby, 01-30-2004, 08:54 AM
Yep, that conversation on AIM was with me and I have been on his a$$ everyday since then. He doesn't even respond to me anymore on IRC which really irks me since I've been with him since July. I just can't believe this is taking this long plus the fact that there has been little to no communication (1 email). As was "rumored" he does seem to care more about the gaming side of things, since apparently no one in the IRC channel could tell me what was going on with the Venus server nor could they arrange a refund for my webhosting. Yet, if someone has lag on their game server then the support team is on it like stink on sh!t.

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 08:57 AM
well his dns servers are responding so that is good.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 09:09 AM
Does anyone know a way of finding a list of all of Netstartz Servers?

Posted by pibby, 01-30-2004, 09:27 AM
I know there is Venus, Mars, and Jupiter Not sure if he has added others or which planet they would be

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 09:29 AM
Do you know the Ip of all those?

Posted by tracphil, 01-30-2004, 09:34 AM
You could get close by looking at his dns ip's then start trying ip's going upward (people usually put ips at the bottom of their range) those to see if you hit the right server with your accounts on it. Then again it looks like he is moving to rackshack and I am sure they assign ip's to servers not in a continuous order.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 09:36 AM
well his sites and dns server point to ev1 I can't find anymore then 2, yes they have my accoutn on them but not the database I need.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 09:37 AM
Does anyone have the venus server IP? it should dtill have my database.

Posted by pibby, 01-30-2004, 09:58 AM
Well something is being hosted on There are traces of my site on looks like the last thing was from september though. Not sure if that helps or not, that info was from my welcome email that I received back in July.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 10:01 AM
to old of files located on it.

Posted by vaanie, 01-30-2004, 10:27 AM
well, what bugs me is that steven still hasn't responded to this topic. While he still is active (rarely) on this forum. He could have just said something.... 10 pages now, you couldn't have missed won't you?

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 10:28 AM
heck, he is prolly scared to return. He knows he won't be getting any sales from here for a long time, and he prolly has a ton of hate PM's. None from me though, I can't send PM's.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 10:38 AM
Som Interesting stuff. I found where the new server is located. It looks like steven found it on these forums. everything I qout below is right at http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showth...5&pagenumber=3 First Post: Hey, Ordered wht4 and will most likely order a second before the end of the week if still available. Still on my road to recovery here and hopefully will find better uptime/support with you guys. :-) Looking forward to setup. Thanks. S.Clarke Second Post: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Incognito Order has been received and sent to the data center. It was a pleasant surprise when I awoke this morning. Glad to have you on board and will assist you anyway we can in making a full recovery. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you. Third Post: Great setup time, and Bruce is very friendly. Thanks. This proves that it is not the data center. as Steven said himself "Great Setup Time."

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 01-30-2004, 10:43 AM
I just went to the site he ordered it from and submited a ticket asking for info on why it has still not gone up 4 days after it has been setup.

Posted by lilcube, 01-30-2004, 02:08 PM
I've got 3 new hosts in mind. I like the price of netstartz but price means nothing when your site is down and there's zero support. It's time to move on. It's a shame cuz Steven was so great early on.

Posted by lee1024, 01-30-2004, 04:33 PM
well hopefully with switching server - the service will be a little more stable

Posted by Detroit Red, 01-30-2004, 06:04 PM
Laugh. On netstartz irc channel.. irc.gamesnet.net #netstartz they advertise [05:02] -ChanServ- (#netstartz) [»»» 100% GUARANTEED NETWORK UPTIME!! -|-@Commands for Info «««] 100% NETWORK UPTIME yeah right. looks like netstartz is living some sort of double/other life on an irc network - these guys have no idea about this thread, heh Their "sales/tech" guy is talking about how he should be out getting LAID, and how he doesn't have to be there. Very professional I might add [05:11] <{nS}Mike[SALES][TECH]> Friday night, I don't HAVE to be here [05:11] <{nS}Mike[SALES][TECH]> ***. [05:11] <|VaL|Legion> werd [05:11] <|VaL|Legion> do ur thing mike [05:11] <{nS}Mike[SALES][TECH]> I should be out getting laid [05:11] <{nS}Mike[SALES][TECH]> or something [05:11] <|VaL|Legion> ^^^ [05:11] <`gI-Acheron_Laptop> or soemthing [05:11] <`gI-Acheron_Laptop> i would be out getting laid man [05:11] * SNUGGLES` is away, auto-away after 15 minutes, (log\off pager\on) [05:11] <`gI-Acheron_Laptop> period [05:11] <`gI-Acheron_Laptop> :p [05:11] <{nS}Mike[SALES][TECH]> LOL [05:12] <{nS}Mike[SALES][TECH]> I tried to offer him the most help I can give [05:12] <`gI-Acheron_Laptop> yup [05:12] <`gI-Acheron_Laptop> u did your thing his loss [05:12] <{nS}Mike[SALES][TECH]> Last edited by Detroit Red; 01-30-2004 at 06:12 PM.

Posted by pibby, 01-30-2004, 07:05 PM
Typical. I find it interesting that no one in that channel can issue a refund, not the general manager or any sales guys. I've emailed Steven twice now requesting a refund and in his usual fashion, I have not heard back. I went ahead and purchased hosting at http://www.bgfweb.com They have a great deal going on now that I jumped on- 1GB space, 10GB bandwidth for $5 a month http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showth...hreadid=230151

Posted by lee1024, 01-30-2004, 08:05 PM
hmmm - will be interested to hear any feedback on this - cus I look at it and go - oversell underprofit not likely to survive. I stand to be corrected however.....

Posted by Detroit Red, 01-31-2004, 07:59 AM
it will be indeed interesting to see what happense. i wish all netstartz customers well.

Posted by lee1024, 01-31-2004, 11:47 AM
Well - my web site seems to be up - however no support that I can see, no trouble tickets being answered and no on-line forums. Now that is what you call customer service :-)

Posted by GlennKnows, 02-04-2004, 05:04 AM
I'm a Netstartz customer and I've been with them for 10 months now From what was pretty much the start - I was about the 7th customer and I have a call ticket "10". We're now up to about 500. I have been extremely patient with Netstartz, and Steven. I've been through so many downtimes that's taken days, rediculous server loads, problems with suppport, issues with cPanel (like how ALL of my FTP accounts just suddenly dissappeared one day) and so on. Netstartz really do win the award for being the worst host I've ever been with. They've had constant problems for the vast majority of the time, and seeing Steven is become extremely seldom. The support is horrendous. I've had support tickets open for over a hundred days without a resolution, where it came to a point where I just said 'oh well' and gave up. I had a problem 75 days ago, I opened a ticket with all my details, including URL and account name. The only response was from Kevin who said 'what server are you on?'. So much for support. I pre-paid a year in advance, and I guess I'm lucky because I only have about 2 months to go.

Posted by lee1024, 02-04-2004, 01:41 PM
yes - I tend to agree - the basic hosting seems to be fine at the moment - but the rest of the services - trouble tickets, support, forums etc etc etc just aren't working. I've heard a number of people on here saying give Steven a break - he's professional etc. Well from where I'm sitting that would mean professional is not living up to promises, being able to spout b******t at the drop of a hat, and quite frankly - considering what the web site says and what is actually delivered, a fraud.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 02-04-2004, 07:02 PM
Well he kinda talked to me a little today, I got some news that might help people out. They are moving to a new network, the forums will be up when the transfer is done, the server was down due to the data center taking so long to transfer all the files. I hope this helps you all out, and maybe gets Steven to get a little less IM's.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 02-04-2004, 07:50 PM
I GOT SOME GOOD NEWS TO ALL LOOKING FOR INFO!!! In the IRC chat I have talked with mike and here is out convo. hi Hello? I got a question <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Hey * {nS}Mike[OUT] sets mode: +o {nS}Carlos[TECH] Why is my site down (www.nucleararcade.com) <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Oh <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Yeah, some of our stuff is down <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Currently trying to get it back up why is it down? <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Sorry for the downtime, but were workin on it <{nS}Mike[OUT]> I wish I knew that myself Nuclear_Hosting :/ can you give me a reson for

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 02-04-2004, 07:59 PM
Well for some reson it didn't past all the message, and I don't have rest of convo anymore, dang Found it

Posted by UH-Matt, 02-04-2004, 08:05 PM
"I GOT SOME GOOD NEWS TO" how did you work that out? A tech replies with "I wish I knew that myself " as a reason for downtime.... and thats good news?

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 02-04-2004, 08:10 PM
atleast we know they have techs working again here is the full convo hi Hello? I got a question <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Hey * {nS}Mike[OUT] sets mode: +o {nS}Carlos[TECH] Why is my site down (www.nucleararcade.com) <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Oh <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Yeah, some of our stuff is down <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Currently trying to get it back up why is it down? <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Sorry for the downtime, but were workin on it <{nS}Mike[OUT]> I wish I knew that myself Nuclear_Hosting :/ can you give me a reson for all the downtime last/this month? k <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Oh So you all work for steven and don't know? <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Well, I came on while everything was down <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Plus hes busy fixing it 1 person told me he was moving the server again but they wern't sure. <{nS}Mike[OUT]> So I left him to it, I know the Datacenter was attacked last time, and before that, the DC had problems itself <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Hmm, He might be, because of all the downtimes with the datacenter So it was a ddos attack that shut it down the past 10 days (last month)? <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Yea that was at The Planet right? <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Wait, I know one of the two times it was down <{nS}Mike[OUT]> was because of a Attack <{nS}Mike[OUT]> The other, was DC downage <{nS}Mike[OUT]> I don't know what this one is I know the first time it was down last month it was located at "The Planet" then around the 5th day of the `0 he moved to new one. Took awhile for it to get back up, and on my forums I had a ton of mySQL errors <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Hmm Now today it is down. then I was told by someone in the gameserver chat that they were moving to yet another dc <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Hmm So can you confirm any of this stuff? <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Well, I do not know for sure, I'll talk to Steven when I can <{nS}Mike[OUT]> As far as I know, the servers are down and Steven is working on getting it fixed, when it will be up, I cannot give a exact time/date <{nS}Mike[OUT]> And hes been away the whole time working on it do you have a estmate? <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Uhh <{nS}Mike[OUT]> "Soon" ok..... thanks <{nS}Mike[OUT]> I don't want to give a estimate because if I do, and im not correct I will post this on Web Hosting Talk to lessen a few IMs he might be getting. <{nS}Mike[OUT]> I don't want to get yelled at <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Ahh <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Thanks I am just doing it because I know how mad you can get for all the downtime. I am just dang happy I was able to backup befor downtime again * l1quid has left #netstartz-support <{nS}Mike[OUT]> I understand how mad some people can be upset <{nS}Mike[OUT]> But were trying to fix it ASAP k, I posted it on WHT to try to help out. I will try to spread the word of the info I have got. <{nS}Mike[OUT]> Allright, Thanks

Posted by MechaDragon, 02-04-2004, 08:38 PM
It scares me that they are talking "DAYS" here. I was never told about the server move nor that anything would be down durning that move. Right now I just want it to be online so I can get all my files and move the heck away ASAP.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 02-04-2004, 08:40 PM
heck I don't care howmuch downtime there is he owes everyone $60 in free months/years depending on package. so if you had that small shared one ($10 a year) you have free hosting for next 6 years

Posted by lilcube, 02-05-2004, 04:16 AM
I've already moved to a new host that so far has been great. Tip-top support. I wish you all sticking with netstartz good luck. I just couldn't take it anymore.

Posted by Mehtuus, 02-05-2004, 10:58 AM
What company did you transfer too?

Posted by UH-Matt, 02-05-2004, 11:01 AM
Surely they cant still be blaming a dos or the DC for being down this long. That excuse only works for a day or two.

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 02-05-2004, 11:03 AM
I think steven is running and hiding. He won't reply to any IMs, and people in the IRC channel (#netstartz-support) I can get in he won't reply to anyone who works for him.

Posted by MechaDragon, 02-05-2004, 12:06 PM
Does anyone have any telephone contact information? Again I just REALLY want to get my data and thats all. Needless to say I'm starting to get nervous about it.... Could anyone please PM me if they have anything.

Posted by pibby, 02-05-2004, 01:22 PM
Well if he actually is only a junior/senior in high school (as I read on another post), maybe he is in school... hence the lack of replies on IM ?? Just my $.02

Posted by lilcube, 02-05-2004, 04:02 PM
http://www.tekadvantage.com is where I moved my site that was at netstartz, I also have a site with http://lee-kelly-hosting.com/ which has been problem free thus far

Posted by aLTEreCHo, 02-05-2004, 06:01 PM
Yikes. I pulled my data out in December and opened an account with another company. The difference is truly amazing. I cannot begin to describe how much better things are. Once in early January I actually received an email stating that I may experience some downtime because some work was being done. The server was back up by like 6 AM in the morning. Good stuff for west coast customers. For the first time, I am confident that my data and the sites of my customers are in reliable hands. What a difference it makes to be with a company who really seem to: 1. know what they are doing technically. 2. makes communicating with customers a priority no matter how minor or major the problem is. I resell, and because I am so confident that this new company is so rock solid, I have zero problem in letting my customers know who my upstream hosting provider is. Now, rather than trying to find excuses why sites or email are down, or sitting and praying that Steven can somehow pull through, I can busy myself in providing my customers added value, making it worth the extra cost. I, too, prepaid for a year at Netstartz begninning in October. I am convinced that there may be no chance that I'm ever going to see my money for unused time. Heck, my account at Netstartz is still up, I'm almost convinced getting ahold of Steven in order to simply close my resellers account may be a miracle. For those of you still hanging in there at Netstartz, do yourself a favor, climb back up on your horse and ride away. I know moving to another company is a painful thing, and it was, but I promise, it was worth it for me. You can't put a price tag on the ability to sleep at night and not stay up to the wee hours of the morning stairing at forums for any tid bit of information on why everything is down.

Posted by lee1024, 02-06-2004, 01:43 AM
too true - well new host signed up - and I've already had more communication than I did with Netstartz. Hopefully this one will work out well - I did my research and no negative comments, but then that was true of Netstartz when I signed up All I have to do now is wait for the nameservers to propagate. I just hope that we all remember - and if the POS tries to open up business under another name that we will all post some VERY unflattering remarks. Ahhhh - another day another .50 cents

Posted by rckman, 02-26-2004, 03:42 AM
This is nutz I have been down since this morning (not to long but its ok) But I wish steven would e-mail or tell everyone when we are going to be down... My website and stevens was working this morning ten mins later poof "Server Cannot Be Found" "Page Cannot Be Displayed" "Domain Cannot Be Found" "Error Looking For Website" all these errors.. Come on steve if you are going to run and hide... Tell us, refund us, then hide... But hiding dont get you anywhere... When I first got webhosting it was great but within the first week my site went down. (you should remeber probs with DNS (messy) ect... it took you almost 4 weeks to get it working... why? I want my down time or money back. if its ten days 60 dollars you owe me... almost 180 dollars of downtime plus today and plus two weeks ago. I have paid and did everything right what the hell is wrong steven, cant you come straight out and tell us? Is it to much? are you a kid who is too scared to talk?Its been too long , too many support tickets/posts/e-mails/ims ignored(msn aim yahoo icq)/IRC. Just tell us if we are going to get refunds or not and if our website are EVER coming back on? Mike From RCKMAN.COM <--- Down because of netstartz

Posted by tracphil, 02-27-2004, 09:25 AM
What ever became of this?

Posted by pibby, 02-27-2004, 09:36 AM
Well everything is still down and we have received no word from Steven, and of course, he isn't on any messengers. Grr!

Posted by pibby, 02-27-2004, 09:46 AM
Not funny when you've paid a yr in advance and are now stuck with nothing and can't get a refund!

Posted by MonkeyFiles, 02-27-2004, 09:48 AM
I paid a year in advanced and I am now stuck with his janky servers with no refund.

Posted by MechaDragon, 02-27-2004, 11:47 AM
Does anyone know what the IP was of the new server (Same one netstartz.com is hosted on)? I remember it ended in .98 but thats all. I was hoping maybe it was just a DNS issue and I could still access stuff....

Posted by MechaDragon, 02-27-2004, 01:15 PM
Well I found the servers IP ( but still couln't access seems like it's getting lost at verio but I have no expertise in this issue. Anyone know if this looks like a DataCenter issue or reconize the IP to a certain datacenter? 3 3 ms 5 ms 3 ms phx-edge-02.inet.qwest.net [] 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms tmp-core-02.inet.qwest.net [] 5 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms dia-core-01.inet.qwest.net [] 6 37 ms 37 ms 37 ms kcm-core-01.inet.qwest.net [] 7 37 ms 37 ms 37 ms kcm-core-02.inet.qwest.net [] 8 54 ms 47 ms 47 ms dal-core-02.inet.qwest.net [] 9 53 ms 51 ms 47 ms dal-brdr-02.inet.qwest.net [] 10 58 ms 53 ms 61 ms p4-1-0-0.r00.dllstx09.us.bb.verio.net [] 11 49 ms 54 ms 52 ms p16-1-1-2.r21.dllstx09.us.bb.verio.net [] 12 75 ms 75 ms 66 ms p16-3-0-0.r01.chcgil06.us.bb.verio.net [] 13 60 ms 60 ms 60 ms p16-1-0-0.r00.chcgil06.us.bb.verio.net [] 14 74 ms 70 ms 66 ms p4-1-0-0.r01.sfldmi01.us.bb.verio.net [] 15 66 ms 67 ms 81 ms ge-0-3-0.a00.sfldmi01.us.ra.verio.net [] 16 73 ms 79 ms 96 ms p1-0-1-3.a00.sfldmi01.us.ce.verio.net [] 17 * * * Request timed out. 18 * * * Request timed out. 19 * * * Request timed out. 20 * * * Request timed out. 21 * * * Request timed out.

Posted by lee1024, 02-27-2004, 05:19 PM
oh boy - this thread is now up to 12 pages and counting - who would have thought that one incompetent hosting company could generate so much interest

Posted by pibby, 02-28-2004, 02:00 PM
Well I managed to find the Netstartz IRC channel (on irc.gamesurge.net) and was told this: > Stay tuned, though, on Monday, there'll be an announcement being made. about what? > about the game server division. well I have a website with netstartz which has been down for 3 days now, after being down for 22 days last month > Even the NetStartz DNS servers are down. any idea if the hosting part will be dissolved in favor of the gameserver stuff? > no, I suspect that the entire NetStartz company is going under. The gaming servers are going to be taken care of (announcement on Monday) and there might be something in line for the web division. > the goal is to make sure that all the game server customers are taken care of. well that doesn't matter much, I paid a year in advance and was then promised a $62 credit for the downtime So basically what I gather is that webhosting customers are screwed and left without a refund or their data. Steven hasn't answered any emails or IMs, nor has anyone on IRC seen him lately. Last edited by pibby; 02-28-2004 at 02:09 PM.

Posted by thedavid, 02-28-2004, 08:58 PM
Guys, as a friendly reminder... The network outages forum is **not** the place to go to in order to advertise your own business to clients whose sites are down.

Posted by rckman, 06-24-2004, 11:28 AM
He is back up and giving refunds so everyone just im or go to his website and get a refund

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