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Darkenhosting [merged]

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-15-2007, 12:19 PM
*** Mod Note: Thread split *** Sorry for bumping a old thread, I dont think the OP has to worry now , Darkenhosting went offline sometime within the past 12 hours. Plus what did you expect for £15 per year? A good host, with good customer service. I had been with Dakenhosting for over two years, the hosting was rubbish a lot of the time, it went down often, in the end I used it for email only, which wasnt bad if you used an email client, as some attachments got damaged. Last edited by SoftWareRevue; 08-17-2007 at 05:08 PM.

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-15-2007, 12:50 PM
Interesting to read everyones woes on this webhosting 'service' I've lost four websites since Darkenhosting went down in the past 48 hours I contacted dear ol' Simona (via her personal hotmail addresses) to see what was up, this was her long winded reply: Great. No apologie, no 'sorry for the inconvenience' ... but I'm used to it now. It was bought to my attention a while back that I'm not the named owner on any of my domain names, which was a little concerning, but I never got round to doing anything about it. Seeing as there is no customer service for this 'provider', what steps can I take to become the legal owner of my own domain(s)? A quick WHOIS check reveals that the domain was originally registered with 123-reg.co.uk, will they be able to help me out, without going through Ms. Thrussell?

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-15-2007, 01:19 PM
I lost just three, but the email was the most important, trying to transfer the main domain. Yeah, but Simona was always like that. If you domain is .co.uk/.org.uk There is a way with Nominet, but you get charged for that, what you do is, contact the the person that is named as the owner, and get them to fill some form out, then send that form to Nominet. I think that is a total pain in the *bleep*, I bought a domain from eBay for around £1, tried to update the whois information, including the owner name, then contacted Nominet, an error came up after updating the records, I cannot remember what it was, that was like two years ago. Nominet was of no help, just told me to get the address of the person from the Whois records, they couldnt hand it out, I did a Whois check on the domain, the name of the person was the same, but it had my address, so basically I cannot do anything about it. If you have contact details for Simona, try that, but I dont think you will get anywhere sorry. If your domain is .com/.org/.net/ No idea sorry, I have transfered domains, and updated Whois, have not experienced any problems changing the owner name. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-15-2007 at 01:26 PM.

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-15-2007, 01:31 PM
Yeah, I've just acquired her home address and mobile number. Going to give it a shot - thanks for the advice.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-15-2007, 01:32 PM
You're welcome

Posted by i wus robbed, 08-15-2007, 02:55 PM
Hi all. similar thing here. used darkenhosting, thought I owned domain. WRONG!!! Im currently trying to get the details changed through the registration company that the lovely simona used when creating my account. I have mentioned the fact that darkenhosting appear to be no more due to fraud and they reckon Ill hear from them in 24 hours. if it helps anyone else I went to the whois website, seen the registration company (in my case it was blue razor) and used contact. I hope it can be of use to someone else and I hope it works for me. Does anyone else feel like a trip to liecester to visit her personally? lol

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-15-2007, 04:17 PM
I think she maybe widely loathed on the internet, a quick Google search does reveal sizable amounts of contact and background information! Last edited by Paul Moon; 08-15-2007 at 04:21 PM. Reason: typo

Posted by jerett, 08-15-2007, 04:27 PM
Paul - I am sorry to hear about your encounter with DarkenHosting.com. However - your not the Paul Moon from Texas are you?

Posted by i wus robbed, 08-15-2007, 04:46 PM
Hi again. bad news for me I think. I got the following reply from blue razor. Not really what I was hoping for. ========================================================= Thank you for contacting Online Support. As it currently shows Darken Hosting as the legal registrant or owner of the domain name, there is little that you can do to obtain this domain name without their authorization. You will need to contact your hosting provider to work out some sort of arrangement to move this domain name into your ownership. Please let us know if we can help any other way. Regards, Dennis R. Online Support Technician ========================================================= Anybody else got any ideas how to get my domain name transferred into MY name? Its a .com if it makes any difference

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-15-2007, 05:14 PM
From the sounds of it, you dont have account access? If no, you dont have a chance, the only way would be for the Blue Razor to do the change. I believe that was a second time something from found on the servers, and I am sure it was the same thing before, I received an email about it. I searched ages ago, when the DNS got changed from I think it was biz, to us, I wasnt shocked by the results, prior to having joined up with Darkenhosting, I used three hosts, each one vanished, within 6 months. My host is GoDaddy, and I just used Darken for email, in the process of moving a domain from 1and1, to UKReg, so I can get my email back up (UKReg offer free email redirecting). I have a weird question, did anyone pay for this years registration? Because I am sure mine was due months ago, but not totally sure. Then the lack of emails about hosting, all the emails for this year from Darken I had received were about Domains. Fraud ??? I just dont get the context, plus next time you will have learnt do not go with cheap hosts, with offers of free domains. I used my own domain when joining.

Posted by i wus robbed, 08-15-2007, 05:27 PM
"hindsight is a wonderful thing" isnt that the saying? Doesnt really help me or anybody else out of the current situation tho. As for fee's. I paid for 2 yrs hosting (into the 9th month so far)

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-15-2007, 05:35 PM
Sorry, I just meant it on the basis of that you will have learnt from it, and hopefully it will not happen again. Ouch, I hope you do get something sorted out.

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-15-2007, 05:37 PM
Ha - No I'm very much from the UK, can't be the same guy. I've since read that DarkenHosting offers domain ownership transfers for £5. Can't confirm how true this is, since their website is down too. Might email her and ask if this is possible; But I'll need the patience of a thousand men.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-15-2007, 06:10 PM
lol, I believe you have the patience, I would give that a go, I am sure through Nominet its over £20, I think the email address used for Paypal payments would be better, as I got a response via that, and not the main email address. Also the address on the Whois, seems to be correct, did a 192.com search, and it came up.

Posted by uberjon, 08-15-2007, 06:44 PM
wasnt there some legal thing created back in the early 90's to stop people from taking domains that are liked "branded" already? i heard from my uncle (im only 19 lol) that back in the day when domains was cheap/free people would go around and snatch up domains like "bankofamerica.com" while the bank of america sat on their butts and thought "should we bother with the www or is it gonna fail" there was a term for it. i dont remember.. basically since that company/organization developed and or branded the domain term/name they can claim ownership... basically a copyright like thing... im sure it exists. or else.... *goes back in time and buys domains like google.com etc * edit: http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm section 4 a iii and section b and c seem fitting as well i guess. Last edited by uberjon; 08-15-2007 at 06:50 PM.

Posted by flawlesssoul, 08-15-2007, 07:03 PM
I'm not sure, but I think the term was cybersquatting. I've contacted Simona myself, having recently renewed my hosting (I don't use it for much, and never had problems), and received the same responses as others here. What's more is that she didn't think to send a message to all customers when she first heard of this problem. I'll be in contact, and will post anything I learn.

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-15-2007, 07:12 PM
Here's a little dialog I've had with her over email this evening: ============ Hi there, I've noticed it states on the website you can transfer the ownership of your domain for a small fee. Could I possibly have my domain transferred into my name? Regards; Paul. ============ no, the transfer is free ============ Hello again, That's great, can I possible have mine changed soon as possible? Will provide you my relevant details upon request? Kind Regards, Paul. ============ tomorrow, send me details ============ The level of intellect in the replies are so far beyond the joke, it still makes me laugh. Nice one Simona!

Posted by flawlesssoul, 08-15-2007, 07:14 PM
Considering the fact that she hasn't informed her customers of the sudden lack in hosting, she's probably bombarded with emails at this point, all demanding blood. Glad to hear at least she'll be giving the domains back.

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-15-2007, 07:33 PM
Well I've been contacting her via her personal hotmail address, which she contacted me with once. I don't think this email address is relatively known, so she won't be as snowed under as you'd imagine. Also, because of the server being down, the usual tech help contact 'darken@darkenhosting.com' will be out of service. But on the flip side to this, she might not have access to everyone's details to contact them and explain the situation. Still - she seems pretty laid back about it all. Hopefully the ownership issues will be resolved.

Posted by saintpeter, 08-15-2007, 08:34 PM
hi all, I have 2 domains / 2 hosting packages with darkenhosting, additionally I have been with them over 3 years, the customer service has always been lame, but the price for the servic I got until yesterday was unbeatable. I renewed one of my domains with them only 4 weeks ago! Both of my domains are in simona's name, I would like to contact her about changing the domain ownership, clearly though the darkenhosting email wont work, the mobile number online is either false or disconnected, the home number from 192.com rings but with no answer, would it be possible for one of you peeps to pm me simonas hotmail address please asap. secondly the websites I have are backed up on my home pc with regard to design of each site and phpbb forum backup, but as they are a free music hosting site I have or had over 15gig of non backed up music stored online, I hate to think Ive lost this aswell, I suppose at least if I could get my domains back that would be a start... I wonderwhat is the likelyhood of this all being sorted out and darkenhostings account being reinstated? please pm me that email addy asap cheers - an unhappy sp

Posted by saintpeter, 08-15-2007, 08:39 PM
I may have missed it as Im new on here but I cant find a pm option, so please would someone quickly email me simonas hotmail address to in2techno@yahoo.co.uk, thanks

Posted by saintpeter, 08-16-2007, 04:06 AM
Ok, I have the email address I requested, thanks... I have sent simona my request to add/amend my domains details, will get back to you with a progress update as soon as there is anything to report.

Posted by i wus robbed, 08-16-2007, 07:59 AM
Update for my current situation. I threatened her with the police for obtaining money through deception (paying for 2 years and only getting 9 months) She agreed to transfer my domain to my details. I thought it was a little victory for me but have since read she is transsferring whoever asks. Either way its good news if we get our domains back. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Has anyone else realised on the WHOIS reports that her email addres has suddenly been removed. Also its registered under D thrussell Not S thrussell Might not be important but then again it might be to someone who knows better than I do. lol

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-16-2007, 11:10 AM
That's wicked news. So are you in total control of that domain now? Are you able to redirect the domain to any server of your choice? I'm still waiting for reply. This is only one of my 8 domains I have with her!

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-16-2007, 11:24 AM
Sorry I have to disagree, my service degraded in regards to the package, subdomains changed to zero, but 3 addon domains, and 3 forwarded domains (?), so I couldnt add new domains. I liked the ability to use subdomains in email addresses, that feature was good, along with www. before subdomains, and I liked the ability to assign whatever amount to email addresses. No idea, but the .com address expires in two months time, I would of said dont hold your breath, and move things such as domains, and such, as if it wasnt coming back, but keep a record of the DNS. I found that address to be odd, as its under the free directory records, but no Electoral Roll records (checked from 2002 to 2007). Was that the 0116 number? Which domain?

Posted by martuk, 08-16-2007, 11:57 AM
Hi all I have just joined these forums as i have also issues with darken. I do have a hotmail email addy for darken but i am not sure if its the same one, but could someone please pm me with the address they have got an answer from please as i need to move two accounts thanks in advance for any help

Posted by saintpeter, 08-16-2007, 12:16 PM
to be honest m the service they provided had degraded somewhat over the past months, but in the early days they were good, darkenhosting.com expires in october, darkendesign.com is pending delete still no response from simona, second email sent, if I can just get the whois details amended that will be a start, ive already sourced a new quality webhost, if the worst comes to the worst surely there must be something we can do to get our domains back especially as there are potentially thousands of us in this position, martuk - i dont want it posted on here really (email addy) as this will potentially reduce the likelyhood of gettin my domains back, its hard enough gettin simona to reply to one email never mind a few thousand, a real hint though is it begins with darken47 ...... F.A.O. I WAS ROBBED: when did you threaten her with this action? I am 4 weeks into one of my packages, and to be honest even though im borderline broke, im not bothered bout the money, i just want my domains back.....

Posted by martuk, 08-16-2007, 12:28 PM
Saintpeter , thanks for that . It is the one i have. I have sent 3 email and not one answer yet. Will let others know if i get any joy Thanks again

Posted by plok, 08-16-2007, 04:30 PM
I have 4 separate accounts with darkenhosting, of which one is used for my main email address. I look forward to hearing how people get on contacting them, I'll also try. I'd be happy with simply getting a copy of all the data in my account and the domain in my name...I don't ask for much!!

Posted by davecart, 08-16-2007, 04:41 PM
Hi, I too am a victim of the Darkenhosting problem, I received the following reply from Simona today - hello There has been found a bank fraud script on the server. The server is now under police custody. We have no access to it. Please make sure that you visit our website often, we are adding new things, freebies and special offers every day! Well, I have emailed the following invitation to Simona today, maybe she will accept the invite? - Hi Simona, Just as a heads up, I think it may be a good idea for you to put an explanation on the website below, as many of your customers who are in the dark have found this site and are discussing it there. I think a lot of people are very concerned as you can appreciate. Here's the link - ******* I hope your site isn't off for too long, as I will have to move elsewhere soon if it continues excessively... have you any ideas on the duration of this problem?

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-16-2007, 04:48 PM
Not sure that was the best of ideas, she doesn't seem the type that takes kindly to complaints about herself or the buisness. Think that's only going to make your individual situation worse. As long as the domain situation is fixed, then I'm happy to stick with the service once it's back online.

Posted by davecart, 08-16-2007, 04:57 PM
Hi Paul, I'm pretty sure that she has already seen this website, and what I have said to her was by no means impolite or critical. I think this would be a good place for her to update people, and prevent them from moving on by assuring us that things are being looked into? Maybe??? I personally don't think this could do any harm, nobody has said anything in here that I'm sure hasn't already been put to Darkenhosting themselves. I would be personally happy to stay with Darkenhosting as long as the issue is cleared up as soon as possible... sure beats starting from scratch again. Sorry if I've offended anyone by pointing her here. Dave

Posted by saintpeter, 08-16-2007, 05:00 PM
SAME HERE............ .

Posted by rcpmedia, 08-16-2007, 06:42 PM
Hey all! Yep I'm another one who's been burnt by Darken crew!... Seems they need to learn about customer service, I've lost count as to how many emails I have sent Simona since this shambles happened. I don't care what excuses they come up with, police, fraud, I don't really care.. Simona, if you are reading this, keep an up to date client list and when some thing like this happens the first thing you can and should do is email your customers, let then know what the scoop is! They are more important than anything, no customers means no business.. Leaving people in the dark isn't a good thing and very unprofessional.. I see a few of you are considering legal action... Well if things don't get sorted soon I will be going down that road as well, I'm sure trading standards will have some thing to say about this. Being cheated out of money isn't a nice feeling, especially when I am in business to make it.. As soon as my new host is sorted I will be jumping ship for sure to leave the Darken Crew to crash and burn.. "Sorry Simona", but I'm one customer you won't be getting again, and after nearly 3 years hosting with you I am kinda disappointed.. Let's hope I can get all my domains transfered.. Thats the next step! lol.. Last edited by rcpmedia; 08-16-2007 at 06:56 PM.

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-16-2007, 07:59 PM
Hey rcpmedia, think you've spoken for everyone with that speech - well worded. As keen as I am to resolve the problem, I don't want to get my hands burnt in the process. All I can say is - she better have a dam good lawyer

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-16-2007, 08:14 PM
For me it degraded over a year ago, but yeah in the early days it was good, I found it going offline without warning annoying, but it would be back up within hours. I appologise, I cannot remember if you mentioned what domain(s) TLD you have? I have seen that address before, it made me remember about a question somebody asked, the information (S instead of D, its now D S). I do not believe it has anything to do with the police to be totally honest, I just checked the Whois for darkenhosting.us. and finding out the directory has been changed, also this is the same with darkenhosting.biz, I used whois.ws Both those addresses were the DNS, at one time or another, see anything missing? The police wouldnt delete anything related to the DNS. Hmmm interesting, I have found out the location of the servers, and the host darkenhosting used. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-16-2007 at 08:20 PM.

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-16-2007, 08:48 PM
I think at one point, it was mentioned on the website that the servers were based in the UK. Obviously this wasn't true. Upon questioning the matter with Simona, she said they relocated to more stable servers in America, but hadn't got round to updating the website. Check this out: http://steelandfire.20m.com/contact.html Her personal email is on here, so there's no denying it's the same 'Simona Thrussell' Apparently, she hates: "Stupid people and bad computers" Brilliant. That should be DarkenHosting's catch phrase. Hi Simona! Last edited by Paul Moon; 08-16-2007 at 08:52 PM.

Posted by saintpeter, 08-16-2007, 09:02 PM
all comments aside if simona and the darkenhosting "crew" do come up trumps and sort the domain issues out it will be a massive start for all of us, after that those who want to leave and go to another host can do so, those who are willing to give them one last chance can stay with darkenhosting, BUT SIMONA - IF YOU DONT RESPOND TO US REAL SOON THIS AINT GONNA BE PRETTY, THERE IS STILL A CHANCE YOU CAN REDEEM YOURSELF AND YOUR COMPANY NOW IF YOU ACT PROMPTLY, EVEN A STATEMENT WILL DO FOR NOW, GIVE US SOME PROPER INFO.... Failing that I can only see this getting real messy for all involved, my 2 sites held audio work from hundreds of artists from all over the globe, I have 1500+ forum members wondering where their forum has gone, 5000 monthly podcast listeners finding only a blank page Make a start by sorting out our names on the domains, that will relieve the pressure from most and we can take it from their...... If the darkenhosting ship crashes and burns you are going to be letting thousands of people down really badly In saying that apart from the crap customer service, poor server standards over the last year etc its perfectly possible simona has done no wrong doing but please please please for all interested parties sakes get in touch, make a statement and sort our domains and lets go from there...

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-16-2007, 09:08 PM
lmao hadnt gotten around to updating it. Thank you for that roflmao, was the best thing I have heard all day, that was the first result, googling the email address. Hello Simona, if you are reading this

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-16-2007, 10:10 PM
I apologise for double posting, I have been doing some searching, Simona has a myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/steelandfire (white text on a white background, so select the full page). An old Tripod web site here: http://nuclearfire.tripod.com/steeleagle/index.html Has the domain: http://www.steelandfire.org, which is registered to a D Thrussell, Steel Commando is a band somehow connected to S Thrussell (which is on the website Saintpeter posted a link to). If you search using her email address, there is a website called rokked, it lists Simonas AIM, MSN (darken...you know the rest ), Yahoo, and Skype. Plus there is a blog entry, that was posted today on rokked, so the information should be current. I feel like my IQ has lowered a bit, after going through those forums *shudders*.

Posted by Mulderat, 08-17-2007, 03:38 AM
Just found this forum and am having a nightmare with darkenhosting! Have several accounts with them - one of them my main business - just found out she also owns the domain name - although I bought it in good faith from her - 1. any ideas what I can do about the domain name? 2. any recommendations on a new host for my sites? Thanks A very stressed lady!!

Posted by Jedito, 08-17-2007, 04:14 AM
Make a whois to your domain and check if you're listed as admin contact. If yes, you'll probably be able to get control over it. About the new host, what are your needs?

Posted by SuPerNoVi, 08-17-2007, 04:15 AM
At last I found a place to get some kind of communication I am in the same boat as you guys and had my main site hosted on Darkenhosting. Now I wish I backed up my files and database more often as it is looking more and more likely I am going to have to start from scratch. I am hoping to get my domain transferred to my name and account on ukreg and have emailed Simona earlier today. Haven't yet received a reply though. I do actually live in Leicestershire, so paying her a visit is looking more likely by the minute. Could someone confirm her email address for me too please, I think I have it but just want to check it is up to date. Cheers.

Posted by Mulderat, 08-17-2007, 04:21 AM
She is listed as admin contact so I am having a nightmare. I need to get my site back up and running as it my business but it seems there is no way of doing this. Re needs - it is a basic site but has quite a lot of visitors. I also have another 5 sites that are down - just basic sites again Anyone help????

Posted by martuk, 08-17-2007, 04:23 AM
just checking back with whats others have had any luck with. I have sent a few more emails but no answer, i think my next step ,regretfully, will be to make a trip to see her as i live 45 mins away.after that if i get no joy it will be trading standards.What i cant understand is if we can find her details why has she not sent a mass email to her customers as i am sure she has seen these thread by now.

Posted by Mulderat, 08-17-2007, 04:25 AM
Hi Also been stung by darkenhosting - do you have her email/phone no? Thanks Laura

Posted by SuPerNoVi, 08-17-2007, 04:28 AM
Oh one more thing I tried her mobile number on the whois registrar and it is an unrecognised number. Let me know how you get on going to her house and maybe you could relay a message from me

Posted by iHubNet, 08-17-2007, 05:20 AM
Looks like DarkenHoting is going crazzzy.. lol... if you can not get backup or can not restore, it will be best to restart over since you don't get.. just don't lose existing traffic.. site up and explain it in page, so visitors understand, so you don't lose whole traffic..

Posted by iHubNet, 08-17-2007, 05:30 AM
WOW.. I tried to real whole things and it's too much... so i know that darkenhosting is not longer there (shows suspended page) and client domains are locked because darkenhosting is still holding those.. so what exactly happend to darkenhosting? thanks

Posted by rwjework, 08-17-2007, 07:56 AM
Does anyone know how to get information back or what is happening? I lost 5 sites which were not backed up. Any thoughts on how to attempt to get the information? Thanks!!

Posted by SuPerNoVi, 08-17-2007, 08:08 AM
I also have files and a database that I need to recover, I'm just hoping it comes back so I can backup my information.

Posted by saintpeter, 08-17-2007, 08:34 AM
Still no respones from simona but today i have been sent 2 highly suspicious emails "aparently" from mail addresses at one of my domains: the first one: from mail@in2techno.com Your Account is Suspended For Security Reasons reads Dear In2techno Member, Your e-mail account was used to send a huge amount of unsolicited spam messages during the recent week. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and confirm the attached document so you will not run into any future problems with the online service. If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to cancel your membership. Virtually yours, The In2techno Support Team +++ Attachment: No Virus found +++ In2techno Antivirus - www.in2techno.com and has an attachment called account_info.zip which contains the virus Virus "W32.Mytob.KE@mm the second info@in2techno.com Your password has been successfully updated reads Dear user admin, You have successfully updated the password of your In2techno account. If you did not authorize this change or if you need assistance with your account, please contact In2techno customer service at: info@in2techno.com Thank you for using In2techno! The In2techno Support Team +++ Attachment: No Virus (Clean) +++ In2techno Antivirus - www.in2techno.com and has the same virus attached but inside new_password.zip In2techno is one of my domains, I have NEVER had an email like this before both of the mail addresses@mydomain do not exist however given the current situation the sender must surely know about the current situation regarding darkenhosting.... mmmm, the suspicious mind boggles TO ALL, if any of you recieve similar emails DO NOT open the attachments and MAKE SURE you virus scan anything you recieve It is possible these are unrelated although its highly unlikely as I do not believe in coinsidence. again I must stress although I have recieved many fake/bogus/virus hiding mails in the past NONE have been as spcific as these all of the emails from all my email accounts held with darkenhosting are forwarded to my yahoo account.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bogus mails aside and whether they are proven to be directly related or not there is still NO response from simona, this is utterly ridiculous now, I am starting to feel that is something hasnt been serious by monday drastic measures will have to be taken.... anyone else had any form of response from her?

Posted by saintpeter, 08-17-2007, 09:11 AM
end of messgae should have read I am starting to feel that is something hasnt been done by monday drastic measures will have to be taken.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ on reading up about the Virus "W32.Mytob.KE@mm I have found it to be commonplace to be spread in the above manner and it is most likely down to the good olde laws of coinsidence that i recieved this now Last edited by saintpeter; 08-17-2007 at 09:17 AM.

Posted by rwjework, 08-17-2007, 09:21 AM
[quote=saintpeter;4666786]end of messgae should have read I am starting to feel that is something hasnt been done by monday drastic measures will have to be taken.... Do you not mean "IF" Smile - The situation is getting to you

Posted by saintpeter, 08-17-2007, 09:24 AM
[quote=rwjework;4666803]I am a complete idiot haha, too much frustration with darkenhosting, WORDS ARE FAILING TO EXPRESS MY SEVERE DISCONTENT plus i spilt coffee on my keyboard recently lol

Posted by davecart, 08-17-2007, 09:25 AM
Hi Guy's, Have any of you decided to move on yet? If not, how long are you going to be patient for before doing so? I think I was lucky enough to register some of the domains elsewhere (123.reg) so I will probably move these if nothing happens very soon. I have one customer website under my control, he hasn't told me off yet, but it won't be long I'm sure... don't know what to tell him for the best? Can any of you advise me on a reasonably priced alternative to Darkenhosting? Any help appreciated. regards, Dave

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-17-2007, 09:32 AM
Now then... here's a strange one. (Obviously we're all in the same boat here) Can anyone explain this though ... Many months back, I configured a "wild card" e-mail address for my domain, in addition to the standard "sales@" / "info@" / "new@" - can't remember the exact term for it, but I'm sure you know what I mean ... basically it's an "anythingyouwanttoput@mydomain.co.uk" so that if somebody spells the first part wrong you still get the mail. With me so far ? Now the sales@ / info@ / news@ addresses I configured to receive in outlook ... the wildcard I set to forward to another of my domains. As the news@ / sales@ etc addresses receive the mail from the server and need server authentication, they are obviously not coming in. However - the wildcard addresses ARE indeed still working. That is - if I send an email to somemadeupname@mydomain.co.uk - it is is still being forwarded to my other domain. Anyone got any idea what I am trying to say and anyone got any idea why this should happen to be ? Just read this back and it's not as clear as I'd like it to be, but you all seem a knowledgable lot :-)

Posted by rwjework, 08-17-2007, 09:34 AM
Hi I cant as I dont have my data and my domains are all registered to Darkenhosting. Would be starting from scratch. This is the first time I have any real trouble. I will wait and maybe wait!!!

Posted by rwjework, 08-17-2007, 09:36 AM
Mailing lists are also still currently working for some reason. I had a mailing list with four people on it and it is still working

Posted by rcpmedia, 08-17-2007, 10:12 AM
Hey all! Personaly I think you'd better hang 10 on paying Simona a visit untill we can all decided what the best course of action is.. It only takes one of you to loose it in front of her, this could blow back on all of us and cause more issues. I still think Trading Standards is the best course of action.. What do you guys think, feedback!

Posted by allanon, 08-17-2007, 10:42 AM
Paul Moon: Apparently, she hates: "Stupid people and bad computers" Sounds like my kind of girl Sorry to hear y'all are having problems. You had a "colorful" hosting "crew" and I can respect that, too bad they let you down. I've been searching for a real hip crew that actually does a good job. I would guess being cool and running a successful hosting company doesn't match, but I'm always looking.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-17-2007, 11:26 AM
a "catchall" address... that's what I was looking for !

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-17-2007, 11:34 AM
The myspace address is handy, at least we now have proof when she's been online! It says she was last online yesterday - so she is receiving our emails but choosing to ignore them I guess. Harsh. Since found another web link related to her, maybe the most concerning. I'll just explain briefly the content before posting the link, because it's a long thread off another metal music forum - which like stingerblue says, can be very perturbing! I'm sure it's the say Simona Thrussell. Firstly they mention her name, plus her user name (was) 'Darken' - AND it's a metal forum, so kinda all adds up! They are claiming she harassed other forum members for money, lieing about her situation and in most cases winning them over to send funds. The worst excuse was that she needed 'health care in Germany' - even though she wasn't ill. Not the kind of person you want to be trading with, but it doesn't surprise me one bit. Here's the link if you wish to investigate for yourself: http://www.robhalford.com/quorum/showthread.php?t=23062 Apparently the servers are down undergoing police investigation for a bank fraud script detected on the server. But no estimated time on how long this will take - I received that messaged on Monday this week. She didn't inform me herself, I had to ask. I was taught in primary school to always backup my work There will be no way to retrieve it, but with a bit of luck, hopefully nothing will get deleted if it's just an 'investigation'. I agree. Just sent a my final message to her, politely pointing out that I have all her contact details - asking for my domains to be transfered and gently reminded her that the email will be carbon copied to UK trading Standards. Let you know what happens... Last edited by Paul Moon; 08-17-2007 at 11:38 AM.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-17-2007, 11:45 AM
Nothing with the capacity of Darken, there is 123-reg, supanames, and GoDaddy (search for discounts before hand). Or use a host on eBay, not really recommended, I bought hosting four times from there, all in the end vanished, in one way or another. There is a thread on deviantART, that might be of help: http://forum.deviantart.com/communit...amming/599155/ Kinda, just waiting on updates.

Posted by rcpmedia, 08-17-2007, 12:39 PM
Just a heads up guys.. Some of these links to the "Simona" sites are full of Trojans.

Posted by saintpeter, 08-17-2007, 12:41 PM
Not really much more information but at least contact has been made, she asked me to relay this to all; Hello As per our previous email, a bank fraud script has been found on one >of the servers in our cluster. As a result, all servers are currently >suspended and under police investigation. We do not have an ETA, and have >no access to the servers whatsoever. The only thing I can do is release the >domain names to yourselves to host your accounts someone else if you so >desire.Please send me all of the details to make the changes to the domains I TAKE IT IF WE SEND HER OUR DETAILS SHE WILL EVENTUALLY CHANGE THE WHOIS INFORMATION WHILST THE INVESTIGATION IS PENDING..... I HAD SENT MINE AND NO CHANGE AS YET BUT WILL LET YOU KNOW IF AND WHEN DONE, I TAKE IT AFTER THE INVESTIGATION WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO IN THEORY RETRIEVE OUR DATA...

Posted by tallpaul, 08-17-2007, 01:05 PM
Hello all i am another one and i know virtually nowt about hosting Emails are still working on my site, i have a forwarder to my hotmail and spam trap filter on all email accounts, i just sent an email from my hotmail to all accounts on my site and they all got forwarded back to my hotmail along with the spam trap verification email, oh and i also got the automated responder i have setup i can ping the server no prob and if i try to login to cpanel and click cancel the failed log-in page is displayed also FTP kinda connects but wont go into files so to me the server is still connected to the net, or am i wrong?? if the police had the server it wouldnt be connected as they would have removed it and sent it to forensics which can take 5 weeks to a couple months (that bit i know) thankfully my last back up was a month ago but all i backed up was the home dir and all he sql databases, i never done a full backup arghhh Last edited by tallpaul; 08-17-2007 at 01:09 PM.

Posted by UH-Bobby, 08-17-2007, 02:43 PM
Apparently, Darkenhosting has been ssupended. I'm guesssing they are a reseller of another hosting company. So if you have hosting with them, I'm guessing all accounts under them are also suspended. I would try to save all of your data, because if darkenhosting doesn't resolve the issue, they might be terminated. At that point, all data will probably be deleted.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-17-2007, 03:05 PM
tallpaul ... that's what I was getting at... I can't see how all this can be happening if the server is in the hands of the smokies. I basically think the police thing is just a line. Almost a week later, a dozen emails and 3 promises that the domains will be transferred, she still has this registered in her name. Could someone with expertise please explain (in plain English !) what is involved in transferring the domains / tag changes ? I have a new host who will host our site and have told me to ask for the domain to be released to their tag and they will update the nameservers. Now - for arguments sake - suppose I had a domain registered with me and I sold it to you, what would I have to do to make you the owner and allow you to host it somewhere else ? I'm just thinking that in spite of all this, maybe she doesn't actually know HOW to do it. Too kind, maybe, but it's a possibility. Slim one, I admit ....

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-17-2007, 03:41 PM
Transferring There are two ways of doing this, the account holder, can push a domain to another account, with the same register (123-reg, UKReg etc). With pushing a domain name, I dont think there is a charge, I havent experienced any charges. With a change of register (123-Reg to UKReg), some may charge, which is one/two years (the minimum registration period for a .co.uk is two years, there are exceptions such as 123-Reg), not all registers charge (one years registration), for transferring domains (I transferred a .org.uk domain from 1and1 to UKReg yesterday, and didnt get charged). With the transfer of .co.uk domains, the IPS tag needs to be changed, the process behind this his changes from register to register. When the IPS tag has been changed, its just waiting over twenty four hours, then you should be able to transfer it, I had to wait a bit longer, but it worked in the end. If you mean tag changes , like in regards to the name, then: .com Nothing, just update the register information, and thats it. .co.uk A change of owner through Nominet, I know Simona has said otherwise, but I didnt think you can change the owner name, without getting basically permission from the named owner, the named owner has to complete a form, and send it to Nominet, there is a fee involved with this. That information is like two years old, I just looked on the Nominet website, and found this: http://www.nominet.org.uk/registrant...transfer/form/ Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-17-2007 at 03:51 PM.

Posted by UH-Bobby, 08-17-2007, 04:35 PM
Hi! FTP won't be able to connect, because if ya'lls hosting is under darkenhosting.com ya'lls are suspended as well. Simona's entire account has been suspended. The suspended page resembles a cPanel suspension, so there won't be anyway to get around it until the police concludes the investigation or she clears up the issue. It says that Simona need to contact the billing department. But it's a standard cPanel suspension page. I hope this helps!

Posted by UH-Bobby, 08-17-2007, 04:51 PM
Another thing, you might want to read the 6 page post about darken hosting, there's been a lot of talk about her lately. It also explains some things about her owning your domains.

Posted by saintpeter, 08-17-2007, 04:52 PM
READS: I can transfer uk domain names to your 123reg.co.uk account. i can push godaddy domains to your owneship, but it takes time to process it. I do not know when we will get the servers back. Someone I know who had this exact same issue found that it took the Police moths to investigate... they just don't care. ------------------------------------------------------------ I have replied requesting her to set the wheels in motion and will get back here as soon as any progress is made...

Posted by UH-Bobby, 08-17-2007, 04:57 PM
I hate that ya'll are going through this. This is a tough situation, and I really feel for ya'll and I wish there is more that could be done, but it's at the mercy of darkenhosting and apparently the police.

Posted by davecart, 08-17-2007, 05:01 PM
Why was the Darkenhosting topic locked???? any ideas? Dave

Posted by UH-Bobby, 08-17-2007, 05:15 PM
There are many posts about darkenhosting, so I believe they have been combined.

Posted by martuk, 08-17-2007, 05:22 PM
All this is making my head spin can someone please confirm in plain english that if i get the details on whois changed to my details that i can simply contact another hosting company and have them host my domain.i have backed up all my files so thats not a problem. please

Posted by davecart, 08-17-2007, 05:27 PM
As far as I know if you own your domain names, just find another host and upload all your data there. Looks like a busy weekend ahead. Dave

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-17-2007, 06:11 PM
I dont want to sound patronising, but you would need to move the domain to either another account, with the same company Simona used, or to another register. Basically you have to get Simona to update the information if its a UK TLD, then allow the transfer of that domain, to the register of your choosing. Its not simply contact a hosting company, and get them to host your web site, well for one, if the domain isnt in your control, how would you update the DNS (Domain Name Service)?

Posted by martuk, 08-17-2007, 06:18 PM
Thanks both domains i have are .com. I have asked for the whois information to be changed to my details rather than darken. So am i right in thinking if that is done i am free to go where i want, is this the easiest route thanks for the advice

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-17-2007, 06:25 PM
You're welcome, you dont need to do that, you can change the owners name of a .com's with no problems, its .co.uk's you cannot do that to without Simona changing it (thats what she stated, I still believe you have to go through Nominet). Open up an account with a register, send an email to Simona asking for the transfer of those .com domains, and state what register you are moving it to. Then with the account you just opened, add that domain as a transfer, for .com's I use domainsite. If you need help with transferring, just ask, plus what company did Simona use to register your domains with? I am asking that because some charge a fee to transfer to another register. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-17-2007 at 06:33 PM.

Posted by martuk, 08-17-2007, 06:48 PM
both my .com's are registered with namecheap.com i will arrange an account with a register tonight and then email darken to transfer to that register (hope thats right so far) once the .com's have been transfered to my register i can then sort out hosting? thanks again

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-17-2007, 06:52 PM
Yeah thats right (*Edit with some registers, a transfer a like a register, whilst with others there is a transfer option), and yes then you can sort out hosting, you're very welcome. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-17-2007 at 06:56 PM.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-17-2007, 09:16 PM
I'm sure that makes sense. In Swahili :-)

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-17-2007, 09:32 PM
... likewise her blog, other forum memberships etc etc. Simona, nobody is out to get you mate. All you have to do is communicate with us, be honest and help us sort this mess out with you. All this could have been resolved with one simple, honest email to your customers explaining what has happened. I can't understand why you are burying your head in the sand and I am baffled by your curt e-mails. Manners cost nothing. By continuing like this you will never recover your business. Your actions have cost a lot of people a lot of money but even now people are still prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt so long as you release these domains. What is the problem ? Please have the decency to make a statement here so we know what's going on.

Posted by fussychunk, 08-17-2007, 11:28 PM
I like most of you am going through the same crap trying to get information about what has happened? The longer the silence the more i am suspicious that the comment on here about police and some activity on one of her servers is in fact a smoke screen. I have been with them for 3 years, put a forum together and 500 members. This at least has helped me decide that if it the site does not return, then I will not be restarting it on a different server. I supose i needed a kick If it was a phishing emailer using her servers then the police and banks or whoever concerned would have sorted the thing out by now and we all would of had our sites back, probably still with the outages and poor communications for the owner. At least I will get some sleep so far this week I am working nights and 2 people have phoned me up over the last 2 days and woke me up..Thanks simona..can i have some sleep now...Night shifts are bad enough!

Posted by beverleybeer, 08-18-2007, 06:29 AM
Can someone send me the email address you are getting answers from. I'm tearing my hair out here :{

Posted by davecart, 08-18-2007, 07:57 AM
I have just found this on ebay - Item number - 140148745117 (cut and paste into ebay search box) I am tempted to try them at this cost, even if they turn out to be rubbish I suppose they could be ok tempoarily at this price? What do you think? Dave

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-18-2007, 09:51 AM
I think some people never learn....

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-18-2007, 10:02 AM
Was thinking exactly the same.

Posted by davecart, 08-18-2007, 10:23 AM
Well reading between the lines (or line) I can guess the answer. This host was ehost.net and after reading further and checking out some reviews, perhaps not a good idea.... I'm not quite that stupid to buy without research, hence the question here LOL. The other one on there is hgpowerhosting.com so far I haven't found any bad reports on these people... not yet anyway. Do you know about this company at all. I would appreciate advice on a good inexpensive company, if such thing exists. Dave

Posted by davecart, 08-18-2007, 10:31 AM
Hmmm, just re-read my last post... I did go with Darkenhosting so perhaps I am that stupid!!! LOL Dave

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-18-2007, 10:31 AM
To be honest Dave, I haven't had any problems with 1and1.co.uk - depends on the amount of bandwith you use / webspace required, but I've been with them for over 4 years and am kicking myself for being a cheapskate and going with darken for what has become my main business. LIke they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch...

Posted by davecart, 08-18-2007, 10:47 AM
Thanks for this reply. I know what you mean about going too cheap, but I think for the websites that I need hosting for, it wouldn't be worth me forking out much money... as they hardly make any, not as yet anyway... if they ever do I'll of course upgrade. Also it's not my main business, so my world won't end if I get downtime (very annoying of course!) Obviously many people on here would be screwed if their site was down (such as now) so the cheap option... isn't an option for them! To be honest Darkenhosting haven't let me down much in the past... so cheap was ok until now!!! I am going to do some more research before choosing anyone though, and try and sift out the worst ones first. I'll also look at 1 and 1 thanks! cheers, Dave

Posted by davecart, 08-18-2007, 11:04 AM
Well this one was different LOL I went to the website and it's run by a man of the cloth, who in a heading entitled "How to get to heaven" goes into a very deep and somewhat graphic sermon!!! I posted the link here but this site won't let me do so yet! Take a look if you want enlightening!!! Maybe not for me though LOL!!! Dave

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-18-2007, 11:28 AM
Not to be to cinical...But Jim and Tammy Fae Baker were "people of the cloth".....

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-18-2007, 12:05 PM
Sorry but I really dislike 1and1, I have only had domains with them, some things put me off even thinking of getting hosting with 1and1. The experience I had was, I wasnt told of an expiring domain, till after it expired, and the emails I received could be months later, and were of the threatening nature. In the control panel there is no way I could find, to see how long a domain had left. And now on to the contracts section, its a separate section, its used for cancelling hosting, and domains, it is also used to start the transfer of domains, how much of a mention of contracts is there is admin? Errrm I think you would be just repeating Darken, its just about £5, so not really loosing anything, but I think it would have to be for an none important site, like for informational usage.

Posted by davecart, 08-18-2007, 12:30 PM
Hi Stingerblue! Yes I have read a few reviews of 1 and 1 and they were not very impressive. You have just proved a point for me... You can buy cheap and get crap... but you can also pay a lot and still get crap!!! It's always going to be a gamble! I suppose that with my sites I can afford to gamble and lose, maybe I'll be lucky?... But I'm not willing to lose much, not at this stage! The worst that could happen is pay small and lose small, rather than pay big and maybe lose big? Of course if my sites were my bread and butter then I would pay heaps for peace of mind! Dave

Posted by davecart, 08-18-2007, 12:35 PM
Off-topic, but why does it say 'POSTS 0' still on my replies? I need to post 5 or more posts (which I have) to use the features in the replies such as links, smilies etc. It's seems the same for all newbies on here? just asking, Dave

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-18-2007, 01:25 PM
Hello Dave, I suppose so, the shortest hosting I had, with one I got from eBay, was somewhere between four to six months. Its the updating the DNS, which can take over 24 hours, and rebuilding that can be annoying, along with email. Yeah I have read some of 1and1, that was after buying domains, I thought it would get better, at least a procedure for transferring domains was changed. Yes you can buy either cheaply, or pay a lot more, and still get rubbish. I went with GoDaddy, after I got fedup with Darken, it was about three times the hosting cost. The sections, and menus were very confusing, first time around I cancelled the hosting by mistake, so had to get on the phone to GoDaddy, I thought the customer service was good, I got straight through to someone, there wasnt much they could do, but create new hosting, and charge me again, and I would get a refund within so many days. That went through straight away, got the refund within the time was stated, was more careful the second time around. Got to the email section, and thought wtf, is this it, you get so many email address you can set up and can use a email client, but each inbox has a capacity of 10mb each, and its only domains that are with GoDaddy, or the base domain. Thought ok, I will just have to cope, as Darken had times better email, and was going to use Darken for email only, and graphics for forums, and such. I wasnt going to transfer every domain, I have about 12 .com's, 2 .co.uk's, and 2 .org.uk's, it was the cost side of it, and that you cannot transfer UK TLD's to GoDaddy, from what I could see. The information in help is not that helpful, had some problems with mod_rewrite, but sorted that out in the end, also the lack of (forgotten its name), you can set up when a script gets activated, the time, and how often, I thought that was annoying. Its basically you pay for hosting, and you are kinda expected to buy the little things, that are near the till. Thats true, I was thinking of going with that host, but I am holding back, till I get more information, about whats going on. It changed not long ago, did it change when the threads were split, or afterwards? *Edit: Someone stated Simona was closing down forum accounts, that really didnt click on till now, from what I can see, that is happening, also from some information, it looks like Simona will totally vanish for about a year or so, then reappear. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-18-2007 at 01:30 PM.

Posted by iand, 08-18-2007, 01:29 PM
posts dont count in advertising forums

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-18-2007, 01:39 PM
Weird, as the posts were being counted not long ago.

Posted by spideyh2003, 08-18-2007, 02:12 PM
PLEASE HELP I JUST NEED MY FILES.. how do i get them back (

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-18-2007, 04:41 PM
There isnt much that can be done, until Simona does anything, if you read between the lines, there is a email address, you could always try to contact Simona. Other than that, its just wait, and see.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-18-2007, 05:25 PM
Any updates? I have been checking for web sites that do reverse domain searches, I think there maybe other domains used, this is just to show the scale of things. Sorry for not adding them as links, the change to posts not being counted, and BB code must be recent, as in my first post I added a emoticon. domainsdb.net/ns1.darkenhosting.org domainsdb.net/ns1.darkenhosting.biz domainsdb.net/ns1.darkenhosting.us domainsdb.net/ns1.darkenhosting.net domainsdb.net/ns1.darkenhosting.co.uk domainsdb.net/ns1.darkenhosting.com

Posted by saintpeter, 08-18-2007, 05:48 PM
got one of my domains back(.org.uk) , simona sent it to my 123reg account, 1 down 1 to go, she claims to have "pushed" the other .com name so will have to wait and see....

Posted by rcpmedia, 08-18-2007, 07:25 PM
Wow - Now that's a rather large amount of unhappy bunnies. Well, I've just purchased some new hosting, now the hard work begins trying to get all my domains moved.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-18-2007, 10:12 PM
Good to hear.

Posted by martuk, 08-19-2007, 06:16 AM
After a lot of hair pulling and chewing at my keyboard , with the help of some people on these boards i have now got both my .com domains in my control and are now back online with another host. Can i just say thanks for the help from those on here hope it goes well for thoses still waiting

Posted by fussychunk, 08-19-2007, 07:37 AM
When did you ask Simona for these domains to be returned?

Posted by martuk, 08-19-2007, 10:14 AM
I asked on friday night (Midnight) and i had them back first thing sat, i got the accounts pushed to my registar

Posted by fussychunk, 08-19-2007, 10:17 AM
Did she ever reply, or did she do it the usual way via Telepathy? Well done on getting them back.

Posted by saintpeter, 08-19-2007, 10:36 AM
I have one of my domains back so far (transfered to my 123reg acc) does anyone know how long it takes until the searchable whois info is updated? also once i get a new host, how long does it usually take to get everything active again? also is it just a case of me pointing my domains to the new nameservers and waiting? thanks in advance

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-19-2007, 11:04 AM
I know .com's is almost instant, no idea about UK TLD's. *Edit: Has the owner name changed? Up to 24-36 hours, this can depend on the register. When you set up the domain with the host, create a web page, and state something on it like online.

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-19-2007, 11:24 AM
Hi Folks, We were the service provider for Darken's servers. Since it is clear that the company has been abandoned we will be erasing the servers shortly (no later than 8-24-07). But before we do, anyone who wants their site unsuspended for 24 hours to create and get a backup we will do that for you. Please send a e-mail into sales@beachcomber.net (do not call, come into live chat or PM me here please, e-mail only so we can keep some order to this) and we will take care of it as time allows. Please provide your domain name and (if possible) site IP. We also use boxtrapper, so be sure to reply back to the challenge-response e-mail you will get back when you send your first e-mail to us. If you do not hear from us in 24 hours THEN please PM me here so I can look into it.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-19-2007, 01:17 PM
Mark Beachcomber I am absolutely flabbergasted. You have obviously been aware of this thread for several days at least. Is there any reason why you didn't mention this when you were posting earlier ? I've finally had confirmation from Simona that the domain has been transferred to our new tag - which means, does it not, that everything that was on their server will now have been deleted and your offer has come too late for anyone else in the same boat. It also means that, if you are able to do this, you knew that the 'bank fraud script' excuse was a lie and the servers have never been in the hands of the police ? I am going solely off message #115 that you have just posted, but if you were aware of all the above and have just sat back whilst we tear our hair out then that is very bad form. The loss of our site has cost me literally hundreds, possibly thousands, of pounds (GBP ££) in lost orders at the busiest time of the year for us, coupled with possibly hundreds of lost emails from a new promotion we put out last weekend shows us to be a piss-poor company ourselves in the eyes of our customers. I just can't believe you have missed a golden opportunity to not only reassure everyone on this thread but to get some goodwill business from us yourself. I'm gutted. This whole sorry mess has left a very bad taste in my mouth.

Posted by john15, 08-19-2007, 02:05 PM
There is somthing called a "privacy act" and a privacy policy that people can not get out of untill the host is nolonger a customer. Like he just said, she is not, that is why he can post it now. Be thankful he even did, he could have just formated the servers and thats all she worte. So dont get on his back, hes here now, take it when you can. I for one am very thankful that i can get my info off. And having a domain has nothing to do with it, in the email just ask them for a IP or a link. Semper Fi, John

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-19-2007, 02:11 PM
Hello Zenith, If you think thats bad, I just think that reply was just trying to get a sale, Beachcomber Creations was not involved as far as I know, in any part of hosting Darkenhosting. The hosting of Darkenhosting was with FortressITX\Pegasus Web Technology, I cannot see any connection between FortressITX\Pegasus Web Technology, and Beachcomber Creations. I was giving Mark the benefit of the doubt, even thou I know otherwise. Also I will not email, nor send a private message to Mark full stop.

Posted by john15, 08-19-2007, 02:14 PM
If you try calling FortressITX and asking them, you will see that Beachcomber is a reseller.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-19-2007, 02:15 PM
I wasnt going to phone anyone lmao If thats true, I stand corrected.

Posted by john15, 08-19-2007, 02:18 PM
Then its your loss of a site. I myself have done the research and know for a fact that Beachcomber is the place darken got there hosting from.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-19-2007, 02:22 PM
Why are you getting all snotty for? I was just giving an opinion, if you look at the whois records it leads to FortressITX. There was no way I was going to phone the US. On the subject of "its your loss of a site", I always kept a back up.

Posted by john15, 08-19-2007, 02:26 PM
I was not getting "snotty" im sorry if thats what it sounded like. To me it just sounded you did not want to call them, i did not see that you where out of states. Im sorry for that assumption. I did call them and I did find out that it is true. That was all i was trying to say.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-19-2007, 02:33 PM
No problem, I apologise, its been a bad week. *Edit: I created email addresses for some family members, and friends, they have got on my case about it, even thou I stated the hosting was down, it was like the hosting is down *blank look*, your email is gone, and the reply why is it, when did this happen? I just stated when, then it goes back to my hosting is down. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-19-2007 at 02:47 PM.

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-19-2007, 02:49 PM
Apology accepted.

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-19-2007, 02:57 PM
BTW Stinger, if that was true, if I was using this thread to "get sales", the mods would have deleted my post and I would be banned for a bit. Beachcomber has a relationship with FITX and has hundreds of servers there, of which three were being leased by Darken just so we all have the record straight. Also, yes I have been watching this thread and until the account was delinquent for "X" amount of days, the account was considered overdue and suspended...But not abandoned. With that in mind, privacy policies...like them or not, would not allow me comment directly on this situation.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-19-2007, 03:06 PM
Thank you for the correction, and information Mark. I dont want to make any further assumptions, it just sounded like the account was overdue for payment?

Posted by rcpmedia, 08-19-2007, 04:07 PM
This really is getting beyond a joke now.. I have sent Darken hosting countless emails over the past week and I have not one reply.. Anyone any ideas as to a course of action to get all my domains transfered to new hosting? I'm starting to loose my temper.

Posted by fussychunk, 08-19-2007, 04:52 PM
Have you tried to contact the regiter company, too see what they can do..Point them at this thread to show them what situation Simona Thrushtool has created and left as her epitath for the World Wide Web.

Posted by rcpmedia, 08-19-2007, 04:59 PM
Yep, thats my next move, but I'm not sure what they can do as the domains are registered in her name.... But I will try. I will take your advice and see where that gets me.. I have sent "ST" another email asking what is going on, but I'm not going to be holding my breath for reply. Whats it they say?.... " Don't get mad, get even!"

Posted by saintpeter, 08-19-2007, 05:18 PM
Ive got one of my 2 domains back, still watiing for the other, ST as we know is very very slow at replying, I just hope she still transfers our domains now the the bank fraud script has been disproven. BTW thanks Beachcomber for allowing me to get my sites back... F.A.O. Beachcomber - would it be possible for you to send out a mass email for the many many darkenhosting customers who have not found this thread to advise them they need to contact you to retrieve their sites by 24/8/07? just an idea,

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-19-2007, 08:20 PM
There is also a sale of goods act that entitles customers to a product they have paid for and there is also anonymous posting. You'll know what that is, I'm sure... John - they may as well have been reformatted. The information came too late to be of any use whatseover. The week I've had, the amount of money I've lost, the hours spent trying to resolve it, the forthcoming work that will now result from switching tags and answering the myriad mails from irate customers, tell me John, just what have I got to be thankful for ? Great, glad you're happy, have a Guiness for me brother. I'm out of here.

Posted by radiatingeyes, 08-20-2007, 09:48 AM
i've been with darken for about 4 years and have had nothing but problems, mostly minor downtime which i kinda accepted due to the cheap price. i've had dozens of accounts with simona and i'm, obviously, now in the same boat as all of you. she used to charge a fee for putting the domains in the name of anyone other than herself - with one very important domain i paid this fee twice, with repeated emails over the course of TWO YEARS but it was never transferred into my clients name, despite many emails from the scamgoth telling me that she would do it immediately. so to summarise for anyone new to this thread: the servers aren't under police investigation, as claimed by simona. she simply hasn't paid her bills, something which i understand has happened a lot. this exact same problem happened last month but was resolved, this time it won't be resolved. grab your domain and run. for a short time only the original hosting company will reactivate your account to enable you to get backups. email sales@beachcomber.net with you account name and IP (if you know it). it's good of them to do this, as their contract was with simona who now owes them money. to contact simona: darken47@hotmail.com flat 2, 37 springfield road Leicester, Leics LE2 3BB United Kingdom 07742394232 darken is dead. we were all scammed, and the derth of others who were seemingly sucked into giving her money for faux medical complaints etc. oh well. i just want my domains back now...

Posted by anonposter, 08-20-2007, 01:07 PM
if you went to forums.rokked.com and registered she can be contacted on there forums.rokked.com/member.php?u=86

Posted by simonesw, 08-20-2007, 01:30 PM
Here, enjoy, darkenhosting's trademark 'customer' service at its best... From: Simone To: darken47@hotmail Subject: Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 12:46:52 +0100 Hi Simona, Sorry to hear about all the problems you've been having, but I do feel it would've been a courtesy to tell your customers about this, rather than just letting our sites go offline. Since we paid for a 2 year hosting and domain renewal package in March, please can you update your domain registrar settings to show that we own this domain rather than you, and arrange for this domain to be pushed to my ownership asap. The IPS tag needs to be changed to ******. We can talk about the refund that you owe us for the remaining 19 months on our account after this has taken place Regards, Simone ----- Original Message ----- From: Simona Thrussell To: Simone Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 1:15 PM Subject: RE: Hello I had no warning over this. I sent a mailout to all customers announcing it but it seems to have gotten lost in teh servers shutdown. I will transfer the domains. We are supposed to receive a compensation for lost business, which will go towards the refunds (Ho ho ho, yes okay dear) Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 14:35:19 +0100 From: simone To: darken47@hotmail Subject: RE: Simona, you have a personal email address which I have found by trawling the net. You must have a customer list. Therefore you still could have let people know. There are people on messageboards all over the internet threatening to report you to Trading Standards. Please confirm that you have transferred the domain IPS tag to ***** so that I can get this site back online elsewhere. As you are aware, this does not require your own server nor domain to be active, therefore I can see no reason why this should not be done immediately. The domain is .... ----- Original Message ----- From: Simona Thrussell To: Simone Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 3:06 PM Subject: RE: I have spoken to trading standards in order to clarify my legal position as to this and they have confirmed that i am within the legal requirements as far as the law goes, and the TOS that everyone has agreed on when signing up. Please understand that I am dealing with a massive amount of work, and that I make the changes on a first come first served basis. Translation: the changes are being made as fast as humanly possible. However, the more threatening emails we get and have to answer to, the slower the changes are being made, because there is only a limited amount of time. However, the changes have been made. After the domain transfers have been resolved and the lost business compensation is being made to us, we will start working towards the issuing of the refunds. Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 15:35:27 +0100 From: simone To: darken47@hotmail Subject: RE: Simona, Let's make this clear, I have not been threatening in any way, more wanted you to draw your attention to the severity of the situation that you are in. Not once have I said that I personally am going to report you to trading standards. However, I would be shocked if any trading standards officer would state that it's absolutely fine for you to not provide people with the services that they have paid you for, regardless of your terms of service. As previously stated, I require that you go to where you purchased the domain democratsdiary.co.uk from, and amend the IPS tag immediately to ***** so that I can transfer the domain to my account and not have to waste my time like this any further. The only further correspondence I require from you is confirmation that this has been done. Simone ----- Original Message ----- From: Simona Thrussell To: Simone Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 3:53 PM Subject: RE: This has been done. So, there we have it. Trading Standards reckon there is no problem with Simona scamming us all. Curious. I'll be interested to hear if that's the case, anyone reported her yet? Furthermore, we're all going to get refunds from her 'loss of business' compensation! Brilliant, maybe she's going to get the toothfairy to leave it under our pillows?

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-20-2007, 03:21 PM
Yeah, thou oddly her ages has changed, and the blog entries have been deleted, I have joined up, and can confirm Simona is still an active member (last post today 6:42 PM BST). Lmao I think with the TOS being offline, gives it a different angle. Further more, the domain may have been pushed (to UKReg), but the owner name is darkendesign. Lmao Simona had another domain, which was darkendesign.co.uk. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-20-2007 at 03:31 PM.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-20-2007, 03:49 PM
With that domain, comes a new address, but its fake: 333 Crescent Rise, LE5 0TD If you search using the postcode on the Post Offices web site, it brings up an address of a hospital, if you try to find the postcode with the address, it states cannot be found. Leicestershire Partnership Nhs Trust Towers Hospital Gipsy Lane LEICESTER LE5 0TD Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-20-2007 at 03:56 PM.

Posted by simonesw, 08-20-2007, 04:11 PM
It's only a mate's online blog thingy, so not too bothered if it has darkenhosting as the registrant (I can't see Simona contacting nominet with me now, can you?), as long as I have control and it's not still pointing at a 'you haven't paid your fees dammit' page... I feel more sorry for the people whose business has been affected tbh... And I'm sure, judging by the darkenhosting website, if you'd paid for that service it would've been just peachy... heh...

Posted by spideyh2003, 08-20-2007, 04:47 PM
I guess most of us here would just like to get the backups of the files we have on their server. What are we going to do now? Are we going to get the files? how? Many thanks..

Posted by spideyh2003, 08-20-2007, 04:53 PM
is this the current solution to get our files from their server? thanks

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-20-2007, 05:03 PM
Yes, but you have till the 24th before they are deleted, see page 8. I dont know, probably not, but all Simona as far I know, would have to complete a form, and send it back to Nominet, prior to that, I think you can either get Nominet to post that form to you, or you can download it, then you would have to post that form to Simona. There is a fee involved. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-20-2007 at 05:09 PM.

Posted by relsec, 08-20-2007, 05:39 PM
Hang on there guys give the girl a chance, like you and me she has only got one pair of hands, Fact number 1 there was a bank trojen on the site I know and have the proof of that as I spent the past 3 weeks correcting the write permissions on all the index.html and index.php that were on the server, that was not her fault, and to be quite frank she is under so much stress that I know doubt that she feels like giving up and abandoning the server, but I am sure that she will not give up. I suspect just like so many of us she is a one man band and has to do all the work her self, and it is not her fault the servers got infected with a virus, if anything the people you should be having a go at is the people who supplied her with the hosting, I am so shocked to see that the very person who has mentioned in this string that they supplied the hosting for her, and now they are slagging the girl off as if she is the villan, when the fact is the person who supplied her with is the real villan as far as I can see. Give her a chance and if the people who supplied her with their hosting in the first place got their act togeather and ran a virus check then there would not be a problem in the first place, if anything Simona should be taking legal action against them, Longfirm comes to my mind after reading this bulitin, who knows perhaps her suppliers are trying to steal her customers from her it looks like that to me. Jeff Woodland aka Relsec internet solutions.

Posted by saintpeter, 08-20-2007, 05:43 PM
very interesting perspective Jeff...

Posted by saintpeter, 08-20-2007, 05:56 PM
just recieved this email from simona re: my final domain transfer, she has pushed it to my godaddy account although Im currently getting errors when entering the transaction id in godaddy, im sure this will be fixed soon tho, email as follows ------------ done. I am working my way through everything. After this all is settled there will probably be some refunds, but that may be a while. If you kow anyone who has the same issue, the fastest way to do is - for uk domains, make a 123reg account and i will tarnsfer the uk domains for com, send me all the contact info. -----------

Posted by relsec, 08-20-2007, 05:58 PM
The more I read about it the more I beleive that the poor girl has been set up by the very people who supplied her with the hosting space.

Posted by relsec, 08-20-2007, 06:13 PM
I have emails from them informing me there was a bank fraud scam and that they were proceeding with it. I replied back and opened a tech support ticket to ask for help, and haven't heard anything until all went down. they have sadly stolen clients from me in the past, so there is nothing that I can do. For two months I almost never got any reply for tech support. What I can do is this: I will transfer all of the domains to their owners, and when everything else is resolved i can try to issue refunds. There is nothing else I can do. I have enough evidence to show that Beachcomber were aware of what was happening buit failed to act. One server had been having a defective drive on it for 6 months but it never got replaced, and although I paid for the firewall and everything else for all servers there were still bugs. Please make sure that you visit our website often, we are adding new things, freebies and special offers every day! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hang on there guys give the girl a chance, like you and me she has only got one pair of hands, Fact number 1 there was a bank trojen on the site I know and have the proof of that as I spent the past 3 weeks correcting the write permissions on all the index.html and index.php that were on the server, that was not her fault, and to be quite frank she is under so much stress that I know doubt that she feels like giving up and abandoning the server, but I am sure that she will not give up. I suspect just like so many of us she is a one man band and has to do all the work her self, and it is not her fault the servers got infected with a virus, if anything the people you should be having a go at is the people who supplied her with the hosting, I am so shocked to see that the very person who has mentioned in this string that they supplied the hosting for her, and now they are slagging the girl off as if she is the villan, when the fact is the person who supplied her with is the real villan as far as I can see. Give her a chance and if the people who supplied her with their hosting in the first place got their act togeather and ran a virus check then there would not be a problem in the first place, if anything Simona should be taking legal action against them, Longfirm comes to my mind after reading this bulitin, who knows perhaps her suppliers are trying to steal her customers from her it looks like that to me. Jeff Woodland aka Relsec internet solutions. Hang on in there girl and dont let the bastards gring you down All the best Relsec

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-20-2007, 06:39 PM
Ditto. @ Jeff I am willing to give Simona a chance, I am happy enough to sit back, and see how it goes, and reply to anyone that needs help.

Posted by relsec, 08-20-2007, 08:00 PM
I think we all should give Simona a chance a chance, if you google for the cheapest hosting on the web you will find that it is Darkenhosting why is it so cheap it is because obiviously she is running it all by her self cutting out the middle men and making very very little profit out of it herself, I have had hosting with her for 4 years and all I had to do was send an email to her when something went wrong and she fixed it straight away, yes I agree she never replied that she fixed it but thinking about it now and taking in to concideration that she had to ask the people that hosted her server to fix the problem, and the fact that was revealed in previous replies in this thread she could'nt for 2 reasons, 1 being the fact that her hosting company deliberatly caused the problems and did not reply to her request, and because so many of her customers had the same problem, she decided to persue fixing the problem rather than wasting time sending emails to the owners she had managed to get her hosting company to fix. At the end of the day it's the big boys you should be hounding, the people who sells her the web space that is hosting our web sites, but making her out to look the villan, I know that if it comes to going to the police it won't be Simona I will be reporting but the big boys who are trying to screw us all, very clever of them to put this whole thing to-geather but I am sure that if they do not fix this problem straight away, then their scam will be revealed once the police look at the true reason a virus started appearing on all our web sites, I suggest that they did it, gready cunning bunch of Ba^YDrds who think that ordanary web masters like ourselves are going to fall for it, well they had better thing again as they are about to be exposed for the con men they are.

Posted by relsec, 08-20-2007, 09:10 PM
Big web hosting company offerers very cheap web space to anyone who wish to start their own profitable web hosting company, young Girl buys web space from them and runs it for 4 years, she spends a fortune advertising cheap web space on ebay etc we are all very pleased at the price compaired to other hosting companys, and the young girl feels good about her self she gets good ratings and is in the top when you google cheap web hosting wow she is over the moon she is making money ( not much but she is happy with what she is getting and becides the business is growing and growing) we are happy because we can't beleive we have just paid £15 for hosting when we paid £60 for less web spage from another company last year so we decide to transfer all our web space to her, everything is going fine then all of a sudden we see THIS WEB SITE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED please contact the young girl and say hay my site is down can you give the computer a slap that is hosting my site thank you. The young girl ( Your website supplier ) contacts the BIG WEB HOSTING COMPANY and does not get a reply from them, nothing all she gets is more email saying their site is down fix it or else, I know the law, fix it now or you are in trouble, then another email comes in and says hay my site has a virus on it, a nasty one too one that collects bank details then another email saying the same thing then another and another, before too long there are forums being set up telling the world that this girl is ripping everyone off people like myself who run a one man band business on the web start googling darkenhosting and Simona, and find a forum just like this one, but it is a good job you did or that girl would have got away with it, and you would not have known that the big boys who just happen to find this forum, who happen to be the people who is the real hosting company hosting this little girls much smaller hosting company, and came to our rescue and said hay don't worry about her she's rubbish anyway we will sort it out for you, but you will have to be quick if you want to save your web site because if you do not contact us before this date you will lose it for ever, o and by the way we can even host your web site for you, why not transfer it to us, save you lots of problems, and we are bigger and better than her she's rubbish anyway, only thing is we will have to charge you more, well infact 4 times as much but it is better than losing all the hard work you spent building your web site and all the money you spent promoting it, we can't offer you the same prices as we let the young girl have the space for as she had a hosting account and that is a different story but we can resolve your problem at a price that is so take it or leave it. your loss not ours. Now I am sorry but I have not finnished this story yet because there are 2 possible endings. One where the young girl looses everything she worked for including perhaps her home and even prosicuted in court or The real villans get exposed and forced to compensate every single one of us that have fallen for one of the biggest scams on the internet. However which way you think that this story should end is up to you, so if you do decide contact the police make sure you report the correct criminals. PS forgive my bad spelling I am a bit thick but not that thick Relsec Last edited by relsec; 08-20-2007 at 09:16 PM.

Posted by relsec, 08-20-2007, 09:41 PM
Do a google for her and you will find that she is not from the UK orignally I think she is Romainan I wonder how our level of intellect sounds to Romainans I bet it makes them Laugh

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-21-2007, 01:35 AM
Relsec... sorry mate. My contract was with Darkenhosting. My problem is with Darkenhosting. Darkenhosting's problem is with Beachcomber, sod all to do with me. AND, as previously stated, a simple, concise, e-mail explaining the problems could and should have been sent to all Darkenhostings customers the minute this problem came to light. It is not our job to chase up or sort out problems with Beachcomber - that's what we pay Darkenhosting for. I fail to see what Simona's nationality has got to do with anything. I don't give a hoot about losing the £15 for a year's hosting - I have lost possibly thousands of pounds due to my site being off-line and not transferred to my new host for about 8 days. A simple e-mail cc'd to all her customers would have taken 10 mins to put together. If that included clear and concise instructions on what steps were required to have domains re-tagged, and stated "no other correspondence will be entered into until all domains have been transferred to their owners" then that too could have been done in a few hours. The first thing I did once I realised my site was not coming back was email everyone on my database explaining what had happened asking them to contact us on another address if they had any concerns with any orders placed. The first thing customers think when they see "page suspended" is that the company has gone under. My ebay accounts went bananas when customers saw this wanting to know if they were still getting their orders and "what have you been shut down for ?" A lot of unnecessary distress and financial loss could have been avoided by one simple cc mail. If that's too much to ask I have very little sympathy for someone who decides to spend her time playing world of warcraft online for umpteen hours a day instead of sorting out her customers. And when the rokked account wasn't set to private, it was quite clear that gaming took priority over our prooblems. By trying to shift the blame to Beachcomber you're putting yourself right up there with darken for "stay away at all costs" status.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-21-2007, 01:39 AM
Can we also have clarification from Mark / Beachcomber regarding relsecs comments. Either there WAS a bank fraud script on the servers and the police have them - as relsec seems to concur... Or the account was simply not paid and abandoned, as Beachcomber states. Someone's got something wrong here surely ?

Posted by spideyh2003, 08-21-2007, 03:45 AM
ooppss!! didn't see that... thanks a lot.. i just sent them an email now i wait...

Posted by chonko, 08-21-2007, 04:50 AM
Glad to find some other people in the same boat as me! I agree with the statement that Simona should have contacted us all with details of what is going on. I was left very much in the dark until I stumbled across this forum and found out how deap the rabbit hole went. My account had expired with Darken just before this happened (didn't have any warning of this emailed to me) so my site was down for a while until I realised and sent payment across to have my account reactivated. It never got reactivated and now everything is down! I have no idea what I need to do to get my domain back. I've done a whois which states the registrar is Blue Razor Domains. Can anyone let me know (in very simple language) what I need to do to get my domain back and set up with another host? I feel sorry for the people who have had their business affected by this. This has been a very badly handled situation.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 09:13 AM
You're welcome. Depends, if its a .co.uk, or .com, you first need the domain pushing to a new registrar, then sort out hosting. If its a .com, then its a case of either pushing it to another account with Blue Razor, or a new registrar, either way email Simona. If its a UK TLD, there is two choices, you can either use 123-Reg, and or another registrar, which means you would have to get the IPS tag of that registrar, and email it to Simona, along with the domain name, if you wanted the owner name changed, you will have to go through Nominet, but there is a fee.

Posted by radiatingeyes, 08-21-2007, 10:27 AM
anyone else think relsec = simona or someone affiliated with her. lol Last edited by radiatingeyes; 08-21-2007 at 10:33 AM.

Posted by chonko, 08-21-2007, 10:29 AM
Thanks Stingerblue. Yeah, it's a .com, I've emailed Simona so I'll be sitting on my hands for a while I guess!

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 10:54 AM
You're welcome Chonko. When the domain has been pushed, then its a case of purchasing hosting, then updating the DNS, which can take anywhere from 24, to 36 hours. Yeah I think mine was the same, but was still active until whatever happened, happened. Yes, was going to keep stump about what I thought thou. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-21-2007 at 10:57 AM. Reason: added quote

Posted by Frimon86, 08-21-2007, 11:08 AM
This is SO STUPID The hosting owner seems like a child. But if you had a decent client base. Why would you even think abotu scamming them? When you can counintue to run business and let things grow or sell out to another business like Othello or WeBuyHosts for the big bucks? I'd say if you got a decent amount of clients. Nobody is complaning. Your doing alright. EDIT Last edited by Frimon86; 08-21-2007 at 11:14 AM.

Posted by spideyh2003, 08-21-2007, 11:25 AM
Hi All, Has anyone tried this and got their files successfully? Im not making Beachcomber look bad with this post.. but I already sent my email request but havenot heard from them yet... ok, at the time of this writing its still with 24 hours BUT IM JUST WORRIED that August 24 is getting near :-( Also I dont have the rights to send PM's yet, as im a newbie in this forum. Please Beachcomber, this serves as my follow up to my previous email.. im waiting for the reply back email... regards

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 11:36 AM
Sent Mark\Beachcomber a pm, with link to post.

Posted by PH-Kev, 08-21-2007, 11:51 AM
There is no reason mark from beachcomber should contact you. If you sold servers and a client does not pay it is unreasonable to log on to his clients server (providing he even knew the password) and mass email his clients customers! YOU are being unreasonable putting a strain on an upstream provider that has NOTHING to do with YOUR situation. YOUR gripe is with YOUR upstream provider (darkennhosting). To take it out on THEIR upstream provider shows your cheap, arrogant and inexcusable behaviour.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 12:01 PM
Two things, who is that directed at, and whats with the attitude, If you read the previous pages, you would of noticed that Mark\Beachcomber did post, and stated that if you wanted your files to contact him. If you want to check on that, then read page 8!!! --- @ Spidey What was your domain ? As I cannot send you a pm. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-21-2007 at 12:06 PM.

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-21-2007, 12:14 PM
We just unsuspended a dozen or so and e-mailed out replies so the owners would know they could download now. If you have not heard back from us at this point post the URL here and I'll get it done for you.

Posted by PH-Kev, 08-21-2007, 12:15 PM
The "attitude" is with persons asking unreasonable requests of the upstream provider of darkenhosting. Namely "Why didn't you contact us earlier" or "why did you not contact all hosting customers" or even .. some hosting customers suggesting he is trying to profit on his message... He CANNOT sort your domain problems... he is WILLING to give you your data but you should NOT be holding him responsible for the servers being pulled.. he has a business to run and a job to do.. he is not going to keep darkenhosting's servers running if he is betting on a dead horse...... He could have easily hopped this thread.... deleted the data and not care less... its his business.. your are not HIS customers.... darkenhosting is....

Posted by radiatingeyes, 08-21-2007, 12:18 PM
i emailed you yesterday but no joy yet, the URL is racetec-cobras.com cheers mate

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-21-2007, 01:02 PM
Hang on a second high and mighty. Nobody is holding Mark responsible for anything. (apart from maybe Relsec) Mark offered to help out and some people have taken him up on that offer and it's a fair comment to ask if he's done what he offered to do. If you've actually read the whole thread, you'll see that some of us had a gripe that Mark didn't mention the fact that he could possibly help out until it was too late. I don't particularly agree with the reasons given for not mentioning it before, but like I said, apart from Relsec, everyone knows it is Darken who caused the problem and should have solved it. Why is it that all hosts seem to have this ****** attitude to customers and potential customers ? It really doesn't inspire any confidence at all.

Posted by PH-Kev, 08-21-2007, 01:08 PM
I do apologise if my comments seemed harsh but to take frustrations out on an upstream host "why didn't you let us know before.. i lost thousands" is not exactly reasonable!

Posted by simonesw, 08-21-2007, 01:44 PM
Person A takes money from Persons B for a service and runs away with it. They make up a fairly unconvincing excuse ("the dog ate it"), but Person B has no tangible proof otherwise, so can't say anything. Person C sits in the corner knowing the whole story but is unable to say anything to Persons B because of privacy reasons. At the first point they can, Person C offers to help. One Person B gets a bit cross when they discover that Person C knew all along, but gets over it fairly quickly and apologises. Persons B asks whether or not any other Persons B (and there are a lot of us) have heard from Person C over their kind offer. I think that's pretty much where we're at, perhaps we should all stop jumping now? I know that Beachcomber owe us nothing. I noticed the control panel behaving really oddly (parts of it not loading up) a couple of weeks ago and backed everything up, just in case. I don't need anything from Beachcomber, but think that it's really sweet of them to offer to help. Given that we've all just been royally screwed over (and no, no benefit of the doubt, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me), I think it's understandable that we're now a bit distrustful over the whole situation. Some slack, please.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 02:04 PM
Just bumping some information, this is where we are now, if you require your files, please contact the email address below, along with what domains you used (also IP address if you have it), if you require your domain to be transferred, please leave a reply, and contact Simona. If you are waiting to hear back about your files, please read the second quote. --- No problem, but I have to respectfully disagree, I could go on, but I will not, anyhow I agree with Zenith, and Simone.

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-21-2007, 02:36 PM
Zenith, and a few others, I cant see how you can rant about loosing thousands of ££ when you are paying £15 per year for hosting. If your making that kind of cash and your site means so much to you, get a hosting provider thats got a good track record or even as far as a dedicated server!!! Surly when everyone signed up at that price they knew it may get shot down at any time, iam amazed at how many people are throwing mud. sure the sites gone down, but on a previous post ST mentioned she tried to get a mail out but the servers went down so atleast she tried!

Posted by simonesw, 08-21-2007, 03:23 PM
And as I pointed out to her at the time, she knew we hadn't received it when she started getting complaints, she's online, she has access to email and a customer list, so there's really no argument that she couldn't have resent it. I'm back up and running and fine, all it would ever cost me is an ear bending from a mate who doesn't understand. But what if I'm a student and £15 is a lot to me, does that mean it's fine for Simona to just nick it? Because as an argument, I'd suggest it's quite weak.

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-21-2007, 03:26 PM
racetec-cobras.com is unsuspended...you can use Cpanels backup feature to pack up and get the backups of your site. If you choose to FTP, the logins would be the same as before. Let us know if we can answer any further questions.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 03:39 PM
Thank you Mark, looks like Spidey has an account with Youtube, have sent a message though there about the update.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-21-2007, 03:40 PM
When I launched the site 18 months ago, I was making zero money, knew absolutely nothing about webhosting and had no reason whatsoever to think that there would be a problem. These things are only relevant to people who have experience in these matters - as I now am. My business has taken off this year and with increased exposure I have tried and tried and tried to have the domain transferred to me. I wasn't even aware it was registered in her name until I got an email from her several months ago from someone who thought she was me after getting her name off an whois search. Trixx, seriously, there's a simple rule for buying something. You read the description, you buy from the description and if it doesn't work you complain to the person who sold it you. If you can't get your head round that, go have a read of the Sale of Goods Act.

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-21-2007, 03:41 PM
its not an argument its a point, you get what you pay for end of.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-21-2007, 03:42 PM
Also nice to see Mark Beachcomber living up to his word too. (see posts above)

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-21-2007, 03:43 PM
Was there any T&C's that any of us signed, SLA's...? You didnt have to transfer it, again if your site was that important there are other ways to sort this issue, DNS changes etc. I know if my site was getting even 10 hits a day id move to somewhere more stable

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 03:45 PM
I have to disagree, you could pay a lot more for hosting, but still get crappy hosting.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-21-2007, 03:47 PM
Or not, as the case is. End of.

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-21-2007, 03:47 PM
Plus Mark, I am having issues using the PM system on this board, I sent an email yesterday about my domain (dont want to shout it out on here) id be grateful if you could take a look.

Posted by spideyh2003, 08-21-2007, 03:51 PM
Hello, thanks for your reply. I just recieved the first email and then the 2nd message about my email being in the "white list" ;-) So i guess, i'll just wait for the next instruction on how to get my files... Regards

Posted by simonesw, 08-21-2007, 03:52 PM
Then you've missed your own point, or you're making it badly. We've all paid for something and got nothing. So we didn't get what we paid for. Otherwise none of us would be posting here. There's the 'end of'.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-21-2007, 03:54 PM
Again, only Simona can change the DNS tags. And only now has she done that. You think you have to sign a contract to get statutory protection ? Gee, what country are you in ? Doesn't matter how you dress it up - I, along with many others, - tried to sort this out before it got to the critical stage. Simona was always too busy or just didn't answer her mails to sort this out. It's amazing that this thread has gone from blaming darkenhosting to blaming Beachcomber and now we finally get to the real culprit. It's us ! The customer ! We're the ones to blame ! I feel ashamed now for being the cause of everyones problems. I do, however, apologise, unashamedly, to each and every one of you for buying this service and letting you down in this way. I am a rotten dog rat for putting you all through this. Sorry.

Posted by simonesw, 08-21-2007, 03:58 PM
That's okay, you're forgiven, don't do it again. I've left my wallet in the top drawer by the way, help yourself. x

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-21-2007, 04:07 PM
listen guys iam not having a pop, all Iam saying is that its £15 for a years hosting. Some hosts charge this a month. Sure ST has f***** up big time but there isnt much we can do about that. I am seriously kicking myself now and blame myself for not adding additional MX records in or some kind of backup incase things went to the dogs. Atleast with some contract or T&C's with some company with a history your not expecting them to pack in tomorrow. You must admit Darken was too good to be true forever? Zenith I do feel for you, all I have lost is personal emails which most are downloaded to my machine. I know that if worst comes to worst my domain will expire at some stage and ill renew it and start again.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 04:14 PM
Try either logging in through CPanelX, to create a back-up to download, or use a FTP program to retrieve your files. Thank you Trixx, I laughed so hard, I thought something was going to go pop. I forgive you, but dont do it again lmao, but with that, does everyone have to apologise for what happened? No Problem. Agreed, I still have no idea about MX records thou. Yes thats true. That totally depends on the company that domain is registered with, some have a policy of releasing domain names, when they have expired, but not all, I have let some .coms do that, then re-bought them. I do not know if its TLD specific, like for example .co.uk's, I have seem some that were not currently registered, but yet were unavailable for registration. I dont know, was waiting on getting a renewal, I didnt think about the future, I think I just expected it to be there, as I had relied on it for so long for email, and at the start for learning to code better. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-21-2007 at 04:22 PM.

Posted by relsec, 08-21-2007, 08:03 PM
I have been aware of the virus on all the servers for around 3 weeks now, and took one site down and reopened it on a different server, within a week the virus was back, all the webspace was provided by Simona who rented the webspace from Beachcomber, below is a reply I had from Simona last night..... I have emails from them informing me there was a bank fraud scam and that they were proceeding with it. I replied back and opened a tech support ticket to ask for help, and haven't heard anything until all went down. they have sadly stolen clients from me in the past, so there is nothing that I can do. For two months I almost never got any reply for tech support. What I can do is this: I will transfer all of the domains to their owners, and when everything else is resolved i can try to issue refunds. There is nothing else I can do. I have enough evidence to show that Beachcomber were aware of what was happening buit failed to act. One server had been having a defective drive on it for 6 months but it never got replaced, and although I paid for the firewall and everything else for all servers there were still bugs.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 09:21 PM
But didnt you state this on the 20th??? No disrespect or anything, but... I dont get something, if you did indeed receive an email from Simona last night, what was the point of it, as you already had that information already in your procession, what was the point of repeating such information, and stating that you had received that information from Simona, as you stated "last night". Its a bit like you are going around banging drums, but not changing the beat of those drums. From the 22nd: --- From the 20th: Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-21-2007 at 09:31 PM.

Posted by relsec, 08-21-2007, 10:00 PM
No I did not know it was beachcomer I thought it was go daddy for some reason but this is the part I wanted to point out in her email ----------------------------------------------- I have enough evidence to show that Beachcomber were aware of what was happening buit failed to act ----------------------------------------------- Do you understand what I am trying to say, dispite the fact that there is such a thing as customer policy they still knew there was a virus on their servers but they just let it carry on, and now it looks as if it is Simona's fault. At first I thought it was her fault until I discovered this forum, it was then that I realised that she was only sub letting space so to speak from them. When I first started to read this thread I had just sent her an email demanding a Police crime referance number so that I could try and make a claim from my insurance, and pointed out that if she did not have a a crime referance number then she was at it and that I was going to go to the police my self unless she put all my sites back on, I have 2 resellers accounts with her and 1 murchant account with her, and this is now costing me a lot of money in compensating my customers, but if it wasn't for the fact that I came accross this forum I thought she owned it, so it is not her I am going to report to the police Last edited by relsec; 08-21-2007 at 10:12 PM.

Posted by relsec, 08-21-2007, 10:32 PM
OOps o yes sorry I did but forgot I had posted it, probably because I am so eat up over this, I have had to close down my 2 ebay stores, which is my bread and butter, and now I am being asked for refunds because my TV software I make and sell requires at least 2 seperate servers to operate correctly, I am just so worked up and need to calm down before I have a breakdown.

Posted by Ross2452, 08-21-2007, 11:39 PM
Hi mark, I'm glad to see there is still hope. You are giving your company an excellent name by helping us all out! Its incredibly appreciated - i stand to loose thousands of pounds... my url is scottishgraduate.net Once again, cheers, Ross McDonald.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-21-2007, 11:51 PM
No problem, I noticed that when I Googled your name, sorry to hear that.

Posted by trishbeeuk, 08-22-2007, 07:01 AM
Hi there I sent an email but had no response yet, Im unable to pm you as Im a new member. My 2 domains are: trishbayley.com and creativecards.org Please can you unsuspend these for me so I can go an make a backup - thankyou in advance! Trish

Posted by spideyh2003, 08-22-2007, 07:50 AM
Hello beachcomber, i recieved the "whitelist" confirmation but no other email yet. My domain is pilipinas-ofspes.org Thank you

Posted by plok, 08-22-2007, 10:13 AM
I emailed beachcomber and can now access my cpanel but can't login! :-(

Posted by Frimon86, 08-22-2007, 10:53 AM
I suggest you contact them directly about it then. This isn't really a support forum though its turning into one. Sorry about to hear the issues with DarkenHosting. Just a shame

Posted by br3n, 08-22-2007, 10:55 AM
Hello, I also have an account with darken, I have had for 2 years and yes they have been a little... err... crap but then again its cheap as chips so didnt expect much more. I recently cleaned out all my emails and I have lost Simona's hotmail address, Can anyone give me some contact details for her (seeing as the sites down) so I can check whats going on and generally show some interest.. Many thanks. Brendan my account for darken is rideurban.info (was originally rideurban.net)

Posted by plok, 08-22-2007, 10:58 AM
Sorry. I wasn't posting looking for support, more to update others on success I've had so far regarding getting access to data (or unfortunately currently lack of this access)

Posted by spideyh2003, 08-22-2007, 11:55 AM
yes, i agree with you.. im waiting also for the next step on how i can retrieve my files..

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-22-2007, 01:31 PM
pilipinas-ofspes.org is unsuspended..

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-22-2007, 01:33 PM
Trish, trishbayley.com and creativecards.org are unsuspended.

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-22-2007, 01:34 PM
Ross, scottishgraduate.net is unsuspended.

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-22-2007, 01:37 PM
[QUOTE=relsec;4674224] Seriously, are you trying to make a bigger joke than your parents. Stop embarassing yourself...other than getting backups and moving on this issue is closed.

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-22-2007, 01:40 PM
I think everyone should be all set at this point (other than new e-mails sent an hour or two ago...we are still catching up on a few)...If we have missed anyone let me know.

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-22-2007, 02:02 PM
hey mark, still suspended here, ryanbenson.net. Mailed you 2 days ago. Cheersos

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-22-2007, 02:10 PM
Not any more... You should be all set.

Posted by relsec, 08-22-2007, 03:06 PM
I have a solution to the darkenhosting problem that would help us all especially those who have a small hosting account with them, I am not talking about those who like me have several big reseller accounts that use a lot of bandwidth with darkenhosting, though it still may be of use to them as they will be able to get their domain names back and point them to any hosting company of their choice, and together with the help of Simona and Mark at Beachcomber all this could come to a happy ending, this solution will also give you the ability not only to point your domain name to a new hosting company but you can also point it to the very computer you are using, or perhaps you may have an old computer that you could run at home that will host your website instead of relying on hosting companies, and all it will cost is £4.50p per year, however before I post more details, I would like Simona from Darken hosting, and Mark from Beachcomber, to reply to this message and agree that they will help us with this problem, 1 I would like Simona to agree to push our domain names back to us, 2 and Mark to agree to lift the suspension on all our accounts so that those who do not have a backup of their website, ( naughty naughty you should always have a backup, make this mistake again and I will tell Mum ) Then I will post a reply giving full easy instructions on what we have to do to get our websites back up and running, this is a very easy solution and you don't have to be a brain box to take control of your own domain names with this solution, I am in the process of waiting for Simona to push my domain names to me at this moment and I am going to use this solution, so that I can place a web page on my PC to explain to all my customers what is going on, that way I can look around for a new hosting company that is suitable for my needs, but I suspect that this solution is all that a small website will need.

Posted by br3n, 08-22-2007, 03:10 PM
Beachcomber... Any news on that account? Would be great to have it back online asap as my personal portfolio hosted there and many clients have the address and use it as a method of contact, Thanks again.

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-22-2007, 04:11 PM
Check now...You should be all set

Posted by tymothy, 08-22-2007, 04:13 PM
The account rideurban.info has been unsuspended and you should have restored access at this time.

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-22-2007, 05:47 PM
Mark, Cheers for that but... Sorry for the inconvenience! The filesystem mounted at /home/XXXXXX on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition. I guess this is due to everyone trying to make backups?

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-22-2007, 06:13 PM
all seems to be backup again now! Cheersos

Posted by lucycorne, 08-22-2007, 08:39 PM
Hi Beachcomber I'm another that has been burnt by Darkenhosting. Emailed you yesterday re unsuspending my account but haven't heard back yet. Really need to get my files and get some email addresses from my contacts and such. Site is lucycorne. com You are a true altrurist! Thanks muchly Lucy

Posted by relsec, 08-22-2007, 09:41 PM
Hand on a minute I am not holding Mark responsible for anything I just pointed the reply I received from Simona of Darken hosting who stated that it was Beachcomber if you don't believe me just send her an email yourself and ask her, the one thing I do know and have the proof is that there was a bank fraud virus on all my accounts relsec.net florenceyork.com netevisiontv.com and filmvaults.com according to Simona she had reported this to beachcomber over 2 months ago but they never replied to her before I came across this forum I had never heard of Beachcomber, the fact of the matter is we have all been stung and it is costing us a lot, some more than others, all I know is that this is probably going to ruin me and everything I have built up, it is not fair that we have our hard earned business reuined by people we do not even know and for no reason of our own. Last edited by relsec; 08-22-2007 at 09:51 PM.

Posted by Ross2452, 08-22-2007, 11:05 PM
Beachcomber you are a life saver! thanks so very much! I owe you 1.

Posted by spideyh2003, 08-23-2007, 03:40 AM
Thanks so much!!!

Posted by br3n, 08-23-2007, 04:26 AM
Thank you very much, Its quicker to find a forum about this problem than it is to get the "host" (darken) to sort it out themselves. Once again thank you! PS. Is this likely to happen again, Should I start backing up all my files? lol.

Posted by Zenith2007, 08-23-2007, 04:46 AM
I agree with the latter part, totally, 100%. As for 'not holding mark resposnible' - well, I refer you to posts 148 and 149 that you made. Forgive me if I misunderstood that one ! The Beach Boys look like they've been pulling out all stops to help people this week. Too late for me and I'm still not happy that nothing was mentioned before my tag was pushed, but hey ho, at least some folks are being looked after now, well done fellas.

Posted by saintpeter, 08-23-2007, 04:51 AM
???? as far as I can tell all of the data on beachcombers server is due to be deleted tomorrow 24/8 - you need to find a new host and definately backup all of your files now....

Posted by plok, 08-23-2007, 05:10 AM
I'd just like to thank beachcomber for all the help I've got in backing up my files. ...now all I need is my domain back.

Posted by radiatingeyes, 08-23-2007, 07:28 AM
mark - cheers for sorting access, much appreciated. in another rookie error, simona has transferred the wrong domain to me, and i'm still waiting for her to push the correct domain relsec - go home. the speed and reliability issues of self-hosting are really not worth it when you can get hosting so cheaply online, just pick a reliable and proven host

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-23-2007, 09:37 AM
This is for anybody that is new to this thread, there is one day left to get your data: If you want to have your domain transfered: If its a UK LTD, then you will either need to have that domain pushed with 123-Reg, or gain a IPS code, so it can be pushed to a new registrar. Contact Simona either way, also if you want the owner name changed, you will have to contact Nominet, get a form from them, which you will have to post to Simona, for her to complete, and send back to Nominet, there is a fee, for this process. .com contact Simona, you will have to check which registrar your domain is with, by doing a whois on it, then emailing Simona for that domain to be pushed with the same registrar, or transferred to a new one (there may be a charge, which would be one years registration, which gets added onto the domain). --- Thats pretty bad, when its sorted, post a update please. Agreed, also there is another point, why have multiple accounts, when there are some hosts, that offer more in the excess, but are way cheaper. My monthly bandwidth allowance is 1,000gb, I think with Darken it was 50gb? @ Saint Peter did you get the .com domain that was transferred to GoDaddy sorted out?

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-23-2007, 11:00 AM
Crumbs - things have really kicked off here since I've been away. An update on my situation; All my .co.uk domains got transfered successfully to my 123-reg.co.uk account (took around 6 emails to get to that stage!!) In the process of purchasing new webhosting, just doing my homework this time and checking every review written on the web. --- My .com's have been forwarded to my ownership via BlueRazor.com, which I'm currently have a concern with now. After going through their checkout process, they seem to want to charge me for 'Blue Razor Membership' which is $9.95/year. Is this right? Should I have to pay this fee to retrieve my domains? Can I transfer them again afterwards to someone who WON'T charge me annually for membership, or can I get them transfered somewhere else straight away? Thanks for any advise in advance.

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-23-2007, 11:25 AM
Good to hear. I believe that charge is for transferring that domain, I cannot see any thing on the Blue Razor website about paying a yearly charge for a account. You could always create a screenshot, but blank out the domain name, along with any personal info, you could then upload it to any of the free image hosts, then post a link to it Or you could email it to me, and so I can see what I make of it, my email: me2@stingerblue.com. I think Blue Razor are a part of GoDaddy, looking at the design of the web site, and the packages. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-23-2007 at 11:30 AM.

Posted by plok, 08-23-2007, 11:35 AM
After emailing Simona, did she email you once she started the process or did it take 6 emails from you to get her started on transferring your domains. I've sent 1 email, got a reply and haven't heard anything else. Don't want to bombard her with emails, but would like the transfers done soon so I'm tempted to email her again.

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-23-2007, 11:35 AM
I think I understand it to be a one of payment - but thanks for the second opinion! --- Yep - persistence is the key. It took 6 emails for the process to start, before that, I was debating the excuses she was providing me with. ---- Big up to the people that have provided all the information and advise that have helped so many recover their business/social/hobbie websites. Well done to everyone at BEACHCOMBER CREATIONS INC for providing the help they did - priceless. Full respect to Stingerblue and Zenith2007 for their constant support. Well done prontohost for fully understanding the situation; then for your contribution. Special shout out to Simona Thrussell - if it wasn't for all your hard work and constant support, none of us would be where we are now. You've been a constant inspiration to us all - uniting us all in a search for a new solution, providing us with laughs along the way. Relsec - Are you Simona in disguise?! PEACE! Last edited by Paul Moon; 08-23-2007 at 11:41 AM. Reason: quotes

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-23-2007, 11:58 AM
You're welcome . lmao someone else who thinks that, I have the feeling I had dealt with Relsec before. Peace

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-23-2007, 01:42 PM
hey mark, my friend also has an account crustationscreation.com and he'd appriciate it if that account could also be suspended. thanks!! /me sends virtual crate of beer

Posted by johnboy1960, 08-23-2007, 02:04 PM
also mark, how long till the domains get suspended again?

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-23-2007, 03:24 PM
Sorry for butting in, the data will be deleted tomorrow, time unknown. I think beachcomber is located in the time zone MDT, which is UTC-6, I think UTC to WET is +0. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-23-2007 at 03:33 PM.

Posted by saintpeter, 08-23-2007, 03:33 PM
yes, it took 7 emails, in the end I mailed her explaining how dire my situation was and also explained how many emails I had sent etc, and politely asked her to transfer it to my godaddy account on reading this email, and yes finally I have my .com domain back....

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-23-2007, 03:36 PM
Good to hear .

Posted by relsec, 08-23-2007, 04:39 PM
That is stupid you can easly trace who I am hust google relsec

Posted by Stingerblue, 08-23-2007, 07:20 PM
Or even Jeff Woodland, it could be a few factors, like for example, you seem familiar, plus that you have been defending Simona's name to a very high extent. Even thou that sticking to your guns is damaging peoples opinions about you, which by some will not be forgotten, in your early replies, which I cannot remember if they start prior to page eight/nine, seemed to make sense, but after more replies, and pushing the envelope so much, it got rather annoying. Even thou what happened, as you have stated, has damaged your eBay business, which is the selling of a program that allows you to watch TV on your computer/laptop. You state that this thread seems to show that Simona was done over by her host, I have gone over it time, and time again, it makes my head spin, but I cannot see what you mean. You seem to have a deep resentment against what you state as the "big boys", its like you have been burnt in the past over a business deal, or something along the lines of being done over, but you have never dropped this point of view. Some of your replies oddly do not indicate what you wrote, or information, that you got from Simona, when ever starts or ends, you cannot tell it apart, these replies are blended, so when you state say the domains are being handed back, its not like you are quoting what Simona has stated to you in an email, its like you have stated that, that you are doing this or that. You state that Simona has proof of what happened, but never states any action she is going to undertake, you basically state you should really take action against the upstream provider, and not Simona. Whenever you post a reply, its like you are trying to win over peoples opinions of what happened, and taking points from all different posts, but basically stating almost the same thing in each reply, but not really adding anything new. Let me ask you a question, have you gone to the police? and what are you going to do about what happened? I do not want a "I am getting a crime reference number from Simona", if your eBay business was damaged as you state, and you want to claim back on your insurance, you should really put a report into the police yourself. I have found a thread you started: webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?p=4672115 I think I better stop there. Last edited by Stingerblue; 08-23-2007 at 07:25 PM.

Posted by relsec, 08-23-2007, 07:47 PM
To day (This morning) I went to my local Police station and have to go back tomorrow to speak to the CID I am asking them to track down Somona as I have 2 addresses pointing to her, since she had promised to push my domain names to my namescheap account I have heard nothing from her at all it seams that she is now ignoring me and my sites are still down. I am a genuine person you can contact me on 01446743898 I live in Barry Southwales and have nothing to do with her except for the fact that I was foolish enough spent quite a lot of money with her for 2 webhosting accounts and one normal account I paid up front for 2 years hosting and have all the paypal receipts since I started using darkenhosting 4 years ago or around about 4 years ago, I need at least 3 different web sites that must be placed on different servers inorder for my software to work, 1 for the actual software to run, 1 for the html scripts and one for the flash files, I am not going to go and explain further about how my system works as that is my business, please feel free to phone me, but I still think that the bigger hosting company are as much to blame as she is, and beleive me or not I am not going to let who ever is responsable for this get away with it and eurge everyone who has been stung by this to go to the Police also and if you do manage to get a crime referance number from her please let us all know, I am normally online between 6pm until 9am as I work through the night but feel free to phone me 01446743898

Posted by relsec, 08-23-2007, 07:55 PM
Same here she said she would push them to me now she is ignoring me

Posted by lucycorne, 08-23-2007, 08:17 PM
Hi My site (lucycorne. com) still hasn't been unsuspended which poses a huge problem. I am in Korea at the moment, so byt hte time you unsuspend it today(if you do) i will already be in bed!! which will only give me a 12 hour window to get on the internet and sort it out. PLEASE HELP! Lucy

Posted by MrMcGoo, 08-23-2007, 09:49 PM

Posted by relsec, 08-23-2007, 11:44 PM
For those of us who are going to the Police about this matter here are the details I have so far on Simona that I will be presenting to the CID later on this morning, I will be making my complaint at Barry Police station South Wales Simona Diana Thrussell Organization Name: darkenhosting First Name: simona Last Name: thrussell Address 1: flat 2 Address 2: 37 springfield road City: Leicester StateProvince: LE PostalCode: LE2 3BB Country: GB Phone: +44.07742394232 Fax: none EmailAddress: simona@darkendesign.co.uk she also has a hotmail address but I cant locate that yet but I am going through my backups and sure I have it If anyone else has any information please let me know you can contact me on 014456 743898 Jeff Woodland ( relsec )

Posted by lucycorne, 08-24-2007, 02:56 AM
thanks so much mark/beachcomber. very good of you. hope everyone else meanaged to save their data! Lucy

Posted by Paul Moon, 08-24-2007, 10:25 AM
Stop sleeping on this thread - take 10 minutes to go back and read what's already been written. There's enough information/websites/contacts/blogs that people have tracked down and shared, in order to help everyone resolve their own situation. Her business/contact email address is: darken47@hotmail.com She's requested that everyone that who has an account with her to contact her, providing your domain/name/address/phone number/email and organization, so she can make the changes. Tit.

Posted by trishbeeuk, 08-25-2007, 05:41 AM
Thankyou Mark for doing this, I was able to make the all important back ups and am breathing a sigh of relief! Now to find myself some new hosting and get my domains back! Thankyou

Posted by rcpmedia, 09-01-2007, 03:10 PM
Guys.... Anyone know where Simona has gone to? Has she decided to do a runner?? I still have domains with her and she's not answering my emails no more. She did transfer some of my domains but then went silent on me.. Anyone, any ideas?

Posted by plok, 09-02-2007, 04:29 AM
She is still replying to my emails. I have finally got 2 out of 4 domains transferred. The others (both registered with BlueRazor) are Status: Changing Accounts in Progress, according to Simona.

Posted by djandymartin, 09-22-2007, 04:46 PM
I registered djandymartin.com and it is now down. I have no access to my email and this is costing me money. I was corresponding with Simona but have heard nothing recently. Also emails to her hotmail were bouncing. Has anyone else heard anything else? Have messaged her myspace and again nothing. Next step is police/trading standards/trip with the boys to Springfield Rd, Leicester. How has everyone else got on?

Posted by johnboy1960, 09-22-2007, 05:37 PM
I have not heard anything since 8th Sep. Had a few replies from her. Iam waiting for her to update the ADMIN-C and DNS records so I can start pointing the domain to another location but no luck.....

Posted by plok, 09-23-2007, 10:32 AM
I too haven't heard anything from her since beginning of Sept. I still have two domains to be transferred, both which were registered through bluerazor.com. I get the feeling there'll be no more responses from simona. :-(

Posted by spideyh2003, 09-28-2007, 08:45 AM
Is this the way to get your domain back? My domain is currently unlocked but it says something about Auth Code, should I get that from SIMONA?? Thanks..

Posted by johnboy1960, 09-28-2007, 01:39 PM
yup but over last few weeks i have emailed her and she hasnt got back to me so good luck.

Posted by spideyh2003, 10-01-2007, 11:50 AM
its true, i have not received any reply from her since 5 days ago.... i have asked asked her politely though anyone here who just had luck???

Posted by malc71, 10-06-2007, 05:36 PM
Hi All Like you all. I'm fed up too with Simona and Darkenhostings, I had 3 accounts. spent days building web sites and spent a hell of a lot on book style flyers. 5000 in total with my web site all over it. Thanks to Simona, There all going to have to be put in the bin!! All they had to do is change the ip address to my new host and I would have been happy. I cannot do it because I don't have the pin number for bluerazer to change it. I hope you can live with yourself SIMONA! YOUR A LET DOWN AND A CON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your just lucky I don't live near you. And If you don't like this comment? unlucky, take me to court! SICK FREAK!

Posted by malc71, 10-07-2007, 08:28 AM
Hi All again Just a quick note I'm very sure, although we have all been stitched up, If Simona got in touch with bluerazer.com and let us all have a change of ip address, we may let her of the hook. Have a think about it Simona. you cost me thousands, let sort it out.

Posted by dogy, 10-18-2007, 08:38 AM
hi ok like you guys ive have been played by darken i had 6 domains with them. i contacted simona, did my own pi work, found out simona had left her husband, and one of the address for darken design was registerd there, i spoke to her ex, i then obtained her registerd address and sent a special nextday delivery letter to her , she did not sign for it, then i obtained her landline phone number she eventualy answerd after me calling and calling for over 5 days , she said she had been in hospital, i asked to transfer my domain over two me just one domain, she said ok, she said she would obtain the epp code. she said once this is done she would transfer it over, yeah right. i even sent her emails to all of her email address i had, then i obtained her gmail email address, she said it takes time for her to obtain the epp code. because one of my domains was .com i had to contact wipo but they are taking forever, i contacted the company where the severs are based in the usa they said the reason the account was suspended was because she had not paid. i have lost a lot of money because of darken hosting. lost in trade, plus i had to pay new hosting company more money to host a new site for me and spend more money on sationery. im seriously thinking of sending a letter to her local police informing them of simmona.

Posted by malc71, 10-18-2007, 01:55 PM
Yes Its a crime and I'm up for getting the police involved. I'm also going to inform bbc rogue traders. Name and Shame. Why should we let people get away with steeling our money. Is there a way of getting an online petition to pressent to rogue traders. I'm sure they will be very interested. Hope your reading this Simmona. Malc71

Posted by malc71, 10-18-2007, 02:02 PM
If you have any info of the where abouts of Simona. I will hand it to the bbc Rogue Traders. please email malcolmhide@hotmail.com If I have no joy then I'm going to the Office of Fair Trading.

Posted by malc71, 10-18-2007, 02:39 PM
If you have any info of the where abouts of Simona. I will hand it to the bbc Rogue Traders. please email malcolmhide@hotmail.com If I have no joy then I'm going to the Office of Fair Trading.

Posted by dogy, 10-18-2007, 03:33 PM
to all thoes who wish to inform simmona's local police this is where to write to. Leicestershire Constabulary Force Headquarters St Johns Enderby Leicester LE19 2BX i have also informed the bbc watch dog

Posted by Y WYDDFA, 11-08-2007, 09:36 AM
hello everyone, i've just registered to post a message in this thread solely. i know simona in person, in fact i know her pretty well (or used to know her should i say, cause i dont want to have anything in common with that woman anymore). and i can tell you all, that she is one helluva pathological liar and she's also mentally unstable (very much so). this is all true, im not trying to fool anyone, the things she used to say...oh boy, where do i start??? there is no way to describe her filthy art of lying and her unacceptable behaviour. she twisted the truth, told fables, lost control to the point that she no longer resembled a human being, only some frenzy beast. i saw and heard it all. so please, please, i beg of you all - stay away from that woman!!! Last edited by Y WYDDFA; 11-08-2007 at 09:43 AM.

Posted by Devon lad, 12-05-2007, 10:25 AM
Has anyone heard anything from darkenhosting recently? I have been trying to contact her for months, luckly I only have a domain name from her. Anyone know how I can get the name off of her transferred to me Thanks

Posted by Henrik, 12-05-2007, 12:09 PM
Hmm, try to work with the registrar you want to use for your domain name from now on. They could give you advice on how to move forward.

Posted by Devon lad, 01-08-2008, 02:11 PM
Hi All I had been having trouble with Darken hosting but I have managed to get it sorted, eventually got through to them, I have been dealing with, I think a business partner of Simona's. He has transfered my domain name from their ownership across to me. and my site is now back up. He (Ross) could not have been more helpfull. Anyone else who has troubles he said to email him at ross.mcdermott@yahoo.com and he would do what he can to help out.

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