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ClientExec 4.5 is available for download!

Posted by Alberto, 06-12-2012, 05:21 PM
We continue to work hard on making CE a pleasure to work with... and we have had a lot of positive feedback about this release. You will notice improvements all over the place including performance, signup form, and especially the upgraded admin UI.

As always the release is a mixture of large upgrades and clean up as well as some smaller goodies you have recommended!

Make sure you check below for owned product updates and on how to obtain your free SSL certificate. If you don't read this entire announcement make sure you at least check out the changelog

Enhanced Stock Control

Ever had your customer order a product you don't have stock for? A good problem to have grant you, but one we can fix for you. These should be problems of the past. The new CE stock management system communicates much clearer your stock enabled products. Stock is updated live on the screen for your customers to see they need to move on your great deals! It will make a difference.

Ever wanted to have a robust signup experience where your customer has only 5 minutes to finish the order process? Guess what, you have it now! That's right... Another feature added to stock control is "timed limits" in signups, further preventing limited stock issues. Do we have to say more.. just go try it out yourself. We are sure you have a promotion ready that could take advantage of this!

Domain Management Enhancements

The Domain Management Module has seen some great improvements this last year. The CE team is happy to announce updated plugins for ResellerClub, OpenSRS, eNom, ResellOne and RealTimeRegister! Based on your feedback we have really made some strides! BTW keep those suggestions coming. Some of the major improvements in CE come directly from your requests, like the "One Time" TLD pricing option introduced in 4.5!

Canned responses!

What!? Finally! Hasn't every other application out there included this for years? Probably, but we have been a little stubborn with this feature. Truthfully we hate canned responses. But the masses have spoken and you now have the ability to provide your customers with responses so generic it will annoy the heck out of them.

Tagged Knowledgebase articles.

You can now tag similar articles with the same tag. This is really useful for you API guys. Pulling articles via the API by tag is a nice feature, take a look at our documentation and you can see it in action. "You have documentation?" Well of course we do and it is getting upgraded often.

NEW Admin User Interface

We noticed that our admin interface, though already the nicest in the market, was getting long in the tooth. The latest enhancement makes it easier to navigate to your most important tasks, which previously required you to visit the dashboard. New Order management, outstanding invoices, credit cards needing validation and invoices to process. Stay Tuned!! 5.0 will include this major shift with an improved public portal.

Speed improvements. You will notice from the first minute how much snappier CE is. We aren't done yet. We are upgrading the UI for our grids and windows to a more lean library allowing for a quicker and snappier use of CE. Seriously, these improvements are massive and some views have seen close to a 200% speed improvement.

Over 128 features, bug fixes and enhancements!!!

We can't even begin to explain all of the new additions included in this release so please take a look at our forum post listing version 4.5's changelog

Owned versions get free upgrades

One of the changes we are very proud of is providing free upgrades for NEW CE Owned Orders. No more having to pay us after six months or 1 year to obtain a new release. No matter how small that fee was, it is not required any longer. Get unlimited upgrades. For existing owned owners, you can continue to pay the upgrade fees after your support has expired or you may pay the difference from the price of your CE and the current price. Then don't ever pay a dime to get the latest and greatest CE. We have been around for over 10 year and we will be around for another 10. Bet on it! It is a worth while offer that we are happy to provide you!

Get a free SSL certificate with your new order

Security continues to be a concern in our markets. We will make an investment back to you by providing you with a free SSL certificate for one year upon ordering new licenses. Please submit a support ticket for any details and questions.

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