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AfterLogic WebMail Pro PHP 6.5 cuts the price down

Posted by afterlogic, 09-14-2012, 12:14 PM
The new version of WebMail Pro PHP script cuts the price down and finally lets your mobile users stay in sync for all the data, including mail, calendar, and contacts.

Use native apps of your iPhone or iPad to work with the same data you see in the browser! With IMAP for mail, CalDAV for calendar, and newly added CardDAV for contacts and groups, WebMail Pro lets you keep everything synced all the time. Any device or application which supports CalDAV, CardDAV or IMAP protocols can be used, including iPhone and iPad.

With iOS devices, the user doesn't even need to know all the access details for every kind of account (be it mail, calendar, or address book). WebMail Pro can deliver all the settings right into the device automatically, thanks to the full iOS profile support in the new WebMail Pro. When an iPhone or iPad user logs in WebMail Pro for the first time, they're prompted to get their profile with a single click. Even if the user declines at that moment, they'll always find this option in Mobile Settings. Can't be easier.

Besides that, there's a great deal of miscellaneous fixes and improvements. WebMail Pro is now faster, more accurate, and consumes less resources. And it's a hell of a lot LESS expensive than before!

With the new per-server licenses for cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin servers, it makes the provider's life a lot easier. No need to count each and every user and worry about reaching mailboxes number limits imposed by user-count based licenses. Such licenses, however, are still available for those who are interested, but at much lower prices. You can check the new pricing at:

Note that due to a new contacts backend, the existing contacts from WebMail Pro v6.4 won't appear in the new version until you run the migration script. The details are in the upgrading instructions.The new version uses the same license key as the previous one.

Would like to learn more? Please visit: WebMail Pro homepage

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