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HostXNow.com is now offering LiteSpeed on all VPS packages

Posted by HostXNow, 11-02-2012, 04:51 AM
We are pleased to announce that HostXNow is now offering Litespeed webserver as an addon on all of our VPS packages.

Litespeed is an high-performance completely Apache interchangeable webserver. It's upto 9 times faster than Apache when serving static content and upto 50% faster in php content delivery than apache with mod_php.

In our internal testing it came out performing very well on virtual private servers consuming about half of memory/CPU resources than Apache, so clients who are having problems with CPU and Memory usage in their VPS, litespeed could be the answer.

We provide litespeed for VPS as an addon for a monthly fee of just £8.95. We will install it on your VPS with full cpanel integration.

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