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HostWired announces Green Power/Operations Initiative

Posted by Dr_Michael, 11-03-2012, 04:34 AM

November 3, 2012 - Seabrook, NH - HostWired™ (http://www.HostWired.com/green/), a webhosting provider since 2005, announced that it is committed to being an industry leader in environmental responsibility and providing Green Hosting. HostWired is actively involved in environmental initiatives including energy usage reduction and recycling. These initiatives have already reduced HostWired's electricity consumption by an estimated 19%, with additional reduction currently being implemented. “Our green-friendly business practices, demonstrates our dedication to protecting the environment. We found it important to do our part for the environment by becoming a leader in adopting eco-friendly practices. Even our phone number 855-Eco-Host has gone green! ” stated HostWired's President, Michael Vlastos.

Efficient: HostWired uses servers that are reconfigured so that they run more efficiently using less energy and run cooler. What this means is less energy consumption on the server as well as less energy needed to cool the server. (Co-location data centers are constantly cooled [24x7x365] by enormous cooling fans which use a tremendous amount of energy). These attentions to detail on the servers allow us to be more energy efficient in our data centers.

Reducing Carbon Footprint: HostWired is very conscious of our carbon footprint in our offices. We recycle zealously in our offices and we make sure that only legal and essential documents are printed to conserve paper. Any non essential documents which are printed by mistake are returned to the recycle paper area of the office for reuse in any other printing that we need to do. In addition we employ auto lighting control systems to make sure that the lights are not on when no one is in their offices and we make sure we power down all office equipment when not in use.

Renewable Energy: The computers used at HostWired are powered by energy that is 9% from renewable sources like wind and solar. All office cell phones use solar power to recharge.

Telecommuting: HostWired searches for top notch personnel and sometimes we find talented and skilled service personnel who are not located near our offices. Rather than try to relocate these talented employees we allow them to telecommute from home or a shared office near them. This allows some of our employees to not have to commute to work saving money and carbon emissions on gas consumption for their cars. In addition to that, 70% of our staff avoid using cars to commute to work by biking or using public transportation.

Lunch and dinner. Our employees take turns bringing in home cooked meals to the office to reduce the amount of times we go out to eat which helps keep bodies in their seats for your support as well as reduce the amount of paper, plastic and Styrofoam which typically come with take out orders. .

About HostWired® (http://www.HostWired.com/green/) HostWired®, is a Web Hosting and Internet Solutions Provider. The company was founded in 2005, making it one of the older and more respected providers in the industry, as well as one of the longest remaining privately held companies in the sector. HostWired is located in Seabrook, New Hampshire is and is a leading provider of shared hosting solutions.
HostWired is a registered trademark of Symbol of Trust LLC, in the United States.
Call 1-855-ECO-HOST for more info, or visit the company online at http://www.HostWired.com

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