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Noction Releases IRP Version 1.7, Featuring the New Configuration UI

Posted by graileanu, 12-04-2012, 08:36 AM
Noction Announced Its Release of Intelligent Routing Platform (IRP) Version 1.7; The Release Features a New Web Interface, Which Allows the Administrators to Configure the Platform Using a Friendly Front-End That Provides a Natural and Intuitive Way of Interacting With the System

PALO ALTO, CA--(Dec 3, 2012) - The Intelligent Routing Platform is a product developed by Noction to help Service Providers improve the performance and reduce the costs of running a multi-homed BGP network. The system makes intelligent routing decisions by analyzing various network performance metrics and selecting the best performing route for the traffic to pass through.

In its new release Noction IRP enables administrators to configure the platform via a web-based user interface. All the values for the configuration parameters can now be set using convenient interface controls designed to considerably facilitate the data input. The interface allows configuring global parameters as well as parameters related to each of the system components. It also provides an intuitive and convenient way of managing BGP peers.

A new feature, called Peer Load Balancing, has been added. In case a customer has multiple links with a single provider or just wishes to balance the traffic between several providers, he can now group them for uniform traffic distribution.

Since the 1.5 version, IRP includes a feature called Commit Control which allows Service Providers to leverage carrier commit rates. In the 1.7 release this feature incorporates additional billing models, granting even more control over customer's bandwidth spending.

Other important system components were upgraded as well. The platform is now gathering and processing network metrics at a higher speed leading to overall improvement of the system performance. Along with these enhancements, the IRP documentation has been completely reviewed and adjusted with the intention of shortening the learning curve and facilitating the deployment process.

"On overall, the performance and functionality of Noction IRP has been enhanced," said Noction CEO, Grigore Raileanu. "The process of configuring the platform is now easier to operate and is intended to reduce the efforts of administrators in setting up the system for maximum network performance."

About Noction
Noction is a privately funded technology company with offices in North America and Europe. Founded in 2010, Noction is a fast-growing company providing BGP network performance automation, enabling enterprises to take full advantage of the maximum network performance for business-critical applications such as e-commerce, VoIP, and media streaming across IP networks. For more information please visit www.noction.com or call +1 (650) 618-9823.

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