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iRacks Ltd.: Press Release - 5th November 2003

Posted by a.harris, 11-05-2003, 08:48 AM
iRacks Ltd. previously known as iWebdesigns Ltd., registered under the Companies Act in the United Kingdom with company registration number 04788718 has produced this official company statement during an extraordinary general meeting on the 5th November 2003 at Redbus Interhouse, Amsterdam, 1042AB, The Netherlands.

As we are sure the majority of our web audience are aware, iRacks Ltd. has been offline for the past 36 hours due to problems between ourselves and “Colinks Hosting, The Netherlands.”

In recent weeks, the relationship between iRacks Ltd. and Colinks Hosting has deteriorated at an exponential rate. This left iRacks a challenging and potentially risky task of arranging a new service provider in case of our differences getting out of hand. As you may, or may not know; Colinks Hosting has been iRacks’ provider for the last 4 months. Colinks themselves rent a 25 cabinet suite (~ 40m²) at the Redbus Datacentre in Amsterdam and this is where iRacks has been based utilising the Colinks network and hosting facilities.

As of the 4th November 2003, iRacks Ltd. is now the tenant of our own Datafloor at the Redbus Datacentre in Amsterdam with capacity of around 600 cabinets (~ 750m²). Due to the circumstances surrounding us at the moment, time became very much not on our side and we would like to publicly thank both Redbus Interhouse and FiberRing for their outstanding professionalism and efficiency. This has resulted in us managing to get a network online within just a matter of hours with connectivity to the likes of Abovenet, Telia and Interoute.

iRacks Ltd. rents a total of 85 servers from its sister company iShells Ltd. All of these servers, our Co-Location Clients’ servers and our additional equipment (such as APC MasterSwitch’s) are currently being held by Colinks Hosting offline and out of reach due to our access being denied. We were given no prior notification of our service nor access being cut off leaving us unable to support our clients for the last 10 days.

We have tried on numerous occasions to speak to Colinks Hosting however, due to unclear circumstances they have refused on all occasions to sit down and discuss the matter in a civil and professional manner. We are currently in dialog with a Dutch law firm, who are now on our behalf ending all ties and agreements with Colinks Hosting and preparing legal action to recover all the hardware managed by iRacks Ltd. and will be launching a civil action should they refuse to grant us access within the next 24 hours. As we understand from Dutch law, we will be able to launch a separate action against Colinks Hosting to recover all lost revenue based on 12 month contracts which will then be compensated in full to our clients whether they remain with iRacks Ltd. or not. We are also investing a claim that iRacks’ equipment has been stolen and removed from the Redbus facility.

We will not be responding to any posts or threads on any forum involving Colinks Hosting due to advice from our company lawyer.

Due to popular belief that iRacks Ltd. is no longer trading or dealing with clients, we would like to inform you that we are still trading and available almost 24 hours a day via the three following numbers:

Adam Harris (Managing Director): +44 (0)7776 1969 34
Simon Lorentsen (NOC Administrator): +44 (0)7776 1969 37
Redbus Interhouse (Amsterdam): +31 (0)20 480 4444

We are in the process of setting up a new web server (www.iracks.com/www.iracks.nl), which we expect (after DNS propagation) to be running within the next 12 hours with updated information and further contact details.

We have noticed that quite a number of people are upset and dismayed that we were unable to contact them to explain the situation. This is mainly due to the fact that our two client databases are hosted on the Colinks Hosting Network and are inaccessible by us at this time as well.

We would like to thank you for your time and would like to apologise once again for the inconvenience.

Kind Regards,

Adam Harris
For and on behalf of iRacks Ltd.

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