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Shift4 Announces Visa U.S.A.'s Recognition of Shift4's CISP Compliance

Posted by shift4sms, 11-17-2003, 02:19 PM
Shift4 Announces Visa U.S.A.'s Recognition of Shift4's CISP Compliance
$$$ ON THE NET® Provides Highest Level of Financial Transaction and Data Security

Las Vegas, NV, November 17, 2003 - Shift4 Corporation, developers of $$$ ON THE NET®, the leading web-based e-payment gateway solution with real-time electronic payment authorization, settlement, reporting and fraud control capabilities, is pleased to announce the validation of its compliance with Visa U.S.A.'s Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP) requirements.

Since its founding in 1994, Shift4 has always considered ensuring the security and integrity of the financial data it handles to be critical to its success and a core focus of its development efforts. This is why, once Visa released its CISP requirements, there was no question that Shift4 would make every effort possible to ensure full and speedy compliance.

"Since our business is the financial data we process, we are interested in any industry program that helps to insure the protection of that data for our customers," stated J.D. Oder II, Chief Technology Officer, Shift4. "Security is an ongoing process. It's not simply something that you can address once and be done with. It requires constant, vigilant effort to ensure that you remain one step ahead of those that might try to access or interfere with sensitive data. That's why it was such a key focus of our entire organization that we receive validation of our compliance with the CISP requirements and why we are so proud to have our official notification from Visa."

See our listing at: http://usa.visa.com/media/business/c..._Providers.pdf

Visa's Cardholder Information Security Program is one of the most stringent security guidelines of any card association. CISP defines a standard of due care and enforcement for protecting sensitive information. To comply with CISP, organizations must meet twelve defined security requirements designed to protect data and carefully manage and track all data access. The program requires that organizations undergo an independent security audit to validate the compliance of their processes and operations. While security can never be completely guaranteed, organizations adhering to CISP requirements can minimize the risks of compromised financial data.

"Many of our competitors are telling their merchants that they are 'CISP compatible', or somehow exempt from the CISP requirements because they don't use the Internet or don't store data," added Shift4's Mr. Oder. "This cannot be easily validated and it is not something that is recognized by Visa. What these organizations are doing is putting the onus of compliance on the merchants who utilize them and, more importantly, potentially putting merchant and cardholder financial data at risk. Security isn't an option and it should be a focus of every organization in the financial industry or using financial services."

Also benefiting from Shift4's CISP compliance are the members of its growing partner network. Shift4 is designed to seamlessly integrate with many of today's leading point of sale and property management systems. To accomplish that, it has significant partnerships with many of these POS/PMS software developers, including Micros, RunIT, Aloha, Retail Pro, Smyth Systems, Digital Dining, Spa Soft, InfoGenesis, InnQuest and many others, who build Application Program Interfaces to the $$$ ON THE NET solution to insure full integration.

"Dealing with regulatory requirements can be a significant drain on our partners' resources. Maintaining compliance with Visa's CISP guidelines, as well as those of MasterCard and American Express, can cost significant money and slow down the development cycle," stated Eric Hoke, Manager of Partners and Interfaces, Shift4. "Now that we have been shown to be CISP compliant, we can assist these organizations with their own security processes. We work closely with these partners to help them maintain the highest level of transaction security. They follow our standard API requirements and our system ensures the security and compliance of the data they process. It can save them a significant amount of time, resources and headaches."

About Shift4 Corporation
Shift4, a leading developer and provider of financial transaction processing software and services, provides enterprise e-payment solutions for leaders in the hospitality, retail, foodservices, healthcare and e-commerce markets. Shift4's $$$ ON THE NET® application is the most comprehensive credit, debit and private label card solution available. Through connectivity to most of the major processors, including Vital Processing Services, Global Payment Services, Fifth Third Bank, NDC Canada, First Data Corporation, American Express, Paymentech, Nova Information Systems, Chase Merchant Services, First Horizon Merchant Services and Planet Payment, $$$ ON THE NET provides both high speed and low cost authorizations and settlements. $$$ ON THE NET also includes a comprehensive accounting application that provides the ability to report, review and correct transactions before settlement, as well as archive and retrieve them to assist with charge back requests. For more information, contact Shift4 at (702) 597-2480 or visit them online at www.shift4.com.

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