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Sagonet Launches new division Allmanaged.com

Posted by PhMatt, 12-29-2004, 05:21 PM
December 29, 2004 – WebHosting leader, Sago Networks, Inc. (www.sagonet.com) is proud to announce its much anticipated low-cost, high bandwidth, complete managed hosting services division AllManaged (www.allmanaged.com).

The newest division of one of the leaders in the dedicated hosting industry, AllManaged is geared to be the all inclusive industry leader in both budget and managed hosting. AllManaged is a culmination of 8 years of customer feedback and input to develop a highly unique datacenter service. AllManaged is a fully owned and operated datacenter, taking managed hosting to the next level by providing full server administration, proactive technical support, via tier 1 backbone providers in a state of the art datacenter.

Sago Networks and AllManaged recognized a lacking of truly managed hosting services being provided direct from the datacenter. These offerings were either only provided by third party support companies, or through varied reseller services. AllManaged is here to change that side of the industry by offering something to everyone, from single virtual accounts, reseller hosting, dedicated servers, and un-metered servers. In addition to standard hosting AllManaged compensates by offering additional services, such as SSL certs, domain registration, Merchant accounts for offering credit card processing, and much more!

AllManaged offers customers a true managed service experience, without the typical hidden terms, conditions and pricing. The support and service is setup from the beginning to offer added security, monitoring, and support without the additional fees typically involved. Customers select whether they wish for free management during signup or afterwards by simply contacting AllManaged.com and the rest is handled.

AllManaged boasts a product offering of Virtual hosting for single websites in both Linux and Windows, reseller accounts for both OS (Operating System) as well, Dedicated Servers, Un-metered servers, reseller programs, Affiliate programs, Merchant account processing, all at affordable rates. In addition to choices in OS, the user is also able to choose multiple control panels from Plesk 7 Reloaded, cPanel/WHM, and Interworx. Each plan and package boasts enormous spacing, bandwidth, and support at low pricing, and direct from the datacenter with no middle-man in between.
For further information, please visit www.allmanaged.com or e-mail sales@allmanaged.com

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