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AccountLab goes Netenberg.com

Posted by kosmo, 03-31-2005, 01:13 PM
We are pleased to announce the next big step for AccountLab. Effective April 1, 2005, AccountLab has been acquired by Kosmopolis Inc, LLC, the owner of Netenberg.com, http://netenberg.com/ and makers of numerous products, including Fantastico De Luxe, the premier script autoinstaller for cPanel servers. Netenberg.com is firmly committed to AccountLab and intends to make sure it is world-class software.

As of April 1st, sales of AccountLab are suspended. In May 2005 AccountLabPlus will be released. We plan to add several advanced features to AccountLabPlus and make it an even more exciting product.

For further information and details about AccountLabPlus web hosting management software, please visit the AccountLab homepage.

Kosmopolis Inc, LLC

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