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Results of hostgator.com's Insane prize contest

Posted by BrentOfHG, 07-07-2005, 03:32 PM
Hostgator.com's Insane prize contest has ended. We have decided to give everyone that signed up during the contest the option to choose whatever prize they want.

The contest was originally set up having four letters A,B,C, and D, at the end of the contest someone was suppose to randomly pick which letter won what.

More can be read about the contest at http://www.hostgator.com/webhostingtalk.shtml

We will be contacting everyone that signed up to find out what prize they would like. Anyone that participated has the option of choosing between $50.00 cash, free ipod shuffle, or a free year of hosting.

If you have any questions please e-mail brent@hostgator.com

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