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Gearworx Challenges Designers

Posted by gearworx, 10-17-2005, 07:26 PM
Fremont, California (October 17, 2005) – Gearworx, a revolutionary web hosting company, challenges web designers to create a new company web site. Gearworx is turning the tables on the typical contest. Design them a new company site, and win an iPod 60 GB plus Linux or Windows hosting for life. A value that is priceless.

“What started off as a ‘What if…’ statement by an employee, turned into an excellent way to design a new company image by utilizing the talent from the best designers in the market.” Explains Gearworx’s CEO, William Gregorian.

Gearworx is taking submissions from October 1st to November 15th, 2005. All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of International judges. They are looking for a site that offers Gearworx a new and fresh corporate identity. They will review submissions that include one model home page and one content page. A finalist will be selected and announced on November 20th.

Additional contest information can be found online at http://www.gearworx.net/contest/ 

About Gearworx
Gearworx is focused on offering affordable web hosting solutions. With packages ranging from Linux to Windows and personal to e-commerce, Gearworx can fit the needs of every possible hosting situation. Their commitment to customer satisfaction has lead to a 100% growth rate. For more company information, go to the Gearworx site at http://www.gearworx.net/

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