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cPanel offers training seminar

Posted by snickn, 04-10-2006, 06:11 PM
April 10, 2006 -- Web hosting control panel software provider cPanel (cpanel.net) announced on Monday it will host a training seminar for cPanel server operators held on June 8 to 9 in Houston, Texas. The seminar will include topics such as cPanel installation, advanced troubleshooting, easy/apache, resellers and packages, and more.

"This training seminar is a great way to provide hands on training for our customers," says Eric Gregory of cPanel. "We hope to reach out in a way that other software companies can not or will not."

The seminar will feature both beginner and advanced level courses on the cPanel and WHM hosting automation software, with training sessions taught by cPanel technical support and development staff.

cPanel provides hosting automation tools to numerous data centers and customers worldwide. cPanel products are deployed on tens of thousands of servers around the world to equip server administrators with the neccessary tools to provide their customers with quality hosting.

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