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WebHostGear Releases Free ‘Nobody Check’ Security Solution for cPanel Servers

Posted by Ramprage, 06-28-2006, 06:33 PM

WebHostGear Releases Free ‘Nobody Check’ Security Solution for cPanel Servers

TORONTO (6/30/2006)—WebHostGear (http://www.webhostgear.com), a server administration and hosting tutorial site, released today its custom developed Nobody Check security tool for cPanel powered servers.

The tool, available free of charge, detects malicious processes that may be running on vulnerable servers. If such processes are detected, a report is sent to the server administrator immediately via email. Administrators can then respond to the situation before extensive damage has occurred.

“Security is serious business for web hosts,” said WebHostGear founder Steven Leggett. “All too often we see IRC bots and other malicious processes masking themselves under legitimate names—like Apache—when their only actual function is to exploit the server and distribute viruses or spam.”

Administrators can configure the tool to run at selected times, ensuring regular server functions are not disrupted.

“It is time for more web hosts to step up and place a higher priority on server security. I hope that the release of this software will encourage them to do so,” said Leggett.

To learn more about the free Nobody Check security tool, please visit http://www.webhostgear.com/353.html.
For installation help, please visit http://www.webhostgear.com/350.html.

About WebHostGear
Founded in 2003, WebHostGear.com is a leading provider of free server administration tutorials and related instruction. With over 300 articles, WebHostGear’s extensive library of resources includes security tools, hosting news, interviews and product reviews.
WebHostGear.com is a property of Wave Point Media Inc, owned by
Steven Leggett.

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