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Developer Hosting Relaunched

Posted by Olate, 09-03-2006, 12:20 PM
Previously we used to offer a shared hosting package under the name of OneClickHost. This proved successful but we quickly decided to merge it under the Olate name to preserve continunity and the existing repuation that Olate had. Once merged we concentrated our efforts on our other products and so decided to close new signups until we developed our own integrated signup system that would work with the existing systems we had in place.

With major versions of our products now out, I'm pleased to announce that we are now accepting new orders for our shared hosting service. Moreover, we are now offering more services in the form of developer centric tools designed to be used in conjunction with our hosting packages. All our commercial products are aimed at developers and what better place to host them than with the developers? We already provide a hosted/managed Arctic bug tracking service but should you wish to have this more tightly integrated into your existing website, if you order an iono licensing system or Arctic bug tracker license when ordering your hosting account then you will get a discount off the normal price.

But not only can you host your website on our high speed UK servers, not only can you get a discount off the licenses for our products, not only can we host and manage Arctic for you but for only £4.99 per month extra you can have Subversion source control hosting too. Subversion, or SVN, is a source code versioning system that allows easy collaboration between multiple developers and the maintenance of historic version data and is something that we use extensively ourselves.

The pricing for our hosting starts at £9.99 per month which gives you 25Gb monthly data transfer and 1Gb of diskspace. Should you require more then we have a higher package providing 40Gb monthly data transfer and 2Gb diskspace for £18.99 per month as well as optional extras such as dedicated IP addresses and daily backups.

All hosting accounts come with access to the latest PHP and MySQL versions, unlimited FTP access, unlimited database rights, unlimited subdomains, access statistics, unlimited cron jobs and CGI access. Each account is located on one of our high speed UK servers that are monitored to ensure they provide maximum performance.

To find out more about all of the hosting services we now offer, visit http://www.olate.co.uk/hosting and should you have any questions you can contact us via http://www.olate.co.uk/support/submit

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