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Techark Internet Services to Acquire Nocwizard

Posted by Techark, 10-21-2006, 09:11 PM
Techark Internet Services to Acquire Nocwizard.com

NocWizard a fully integrated management and billing package for Data Centers and Dedicated Server providers is being acquired by Techark Internet Services PTY, LTD.

Monte Roberts Company Director for Techark, stated “ We have been using the Nocwizard program for over 2 years to help manage our dedicated server business. With it's ability to inventory servers, their parts, client and IP tracking with sub netting, plus bandwidth and server monitoring it has become an essential part of our day to day operation.
Nocwizard's active development had waned in the last year, and we felt that this program was too good and offered too many benefits not to be an active and on going project. We see a real need in the industry for an affordable program of this nature that will scale from the dedicated server reseller to the enterprise data center. We plan on increasing Nocwizard's viability in the market place through enhancements and active program development, which will be on going, with the first release due as early as November, programmers are currently evaluating code for release. "

Under the terms of the transaction Techark will acquire all properties of Nocwizard including the domain existing code base, web site and software licenses.

Founded in 1999 Techark Internet Services PTY, LTD is a supplier of dedicated servers, reseller hosting and shared hosting services: under the domains techark.com, resellershosting.net and ez1host.com.

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