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eleven2 Hosting Launches New Website and Hosting Plans

Posted by Zach-E2, 10-24-2007, 01:20 PM
Eleven2 Hosting Launches New Website and Hosting Plans

Brand new informative website with the most competitive prices and plans in the hosting industry!

HOUSTON, TX. October 24, 2007 --- Eleven2 Hosting, the web host built from the ground up with the customer in mind, today announced the launch of its new website and competitively designed hosting plans. The new website took over 9 months of total development time and its new hosting plans have been well crafted with the customer in mind to deliver new and existing customers with the best possible value on the internet.

With the ever increasing competitive hosting industry, Eleven2 has again taken the lead in excellence in all of their services by providing the best possible customer service available. From the pre-sales to the support systems, every single aspect has been completely examined and improved on at Eleven2 in the last 18 months.

"Built with the customer in mind, Eleven2 thinks practical," says its CEO & Co-Founder, Rodney Giles. “We don’t think like other hosting companies, we think like the customer. Keeping this methodology is key to our success. We, at Eleven2, truly believe that we need to be continually less focused on ourselves and more focused on our customers. We see their needs, see a way to fix their needs, and then take action to meet those needs.”

The new Eleven2 website includes more detailed information for all of its product lines and plans as well as more customer support options. Whether you are a business owner, photographer, designer, or simply a blogger, Eleven2 has the right plan for you.

For more information, go to www.eleven2.com

About Eleven2 Hosting

Eleven2 Hosting was formed back in early 2004 between two frustrated web developers who simply couldn't find good hosting options on the Internet. With currently more than 60,000 web sites and years of experience, Eleven2 has become a world-class hosting provider that is here to stay. Eleven2 built and maintains its own state-of-the-art network and has continuously re-invented itself through the development of their own in-house automated support system.

For more information, go to www.eleven2.com

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