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rDosti Internet Services Pvt. Ltd Announces Tieup with SoftLayer DC

Posted by RDOSTI, 05-27-2008, 01:03 AM
rDosti Internet Services Pvt. Ltd. Announces Shift to SoftLayer DC under Business Protection Plan.

-- From the Desk of the CEO (rDosti)

As of earlier today, we have transffered from the Hivelocity Datacenter to the SoftLayer DC in Seattle (USA). The move for the Seattle server is mainly to overcome various hurdles - namely the network connectivity to Asian countries. Through the Seattle server - we have noticed ping rates from an earlier 400ms to 240ms. The strategy to go with a DC that is closer for us (Asia) helps target our asian market. Following past issues with costs and issues with hardware, we have signed up for a Business Protection Plan with the Softlayer Datacenter (through Doug, SL Sales). We hope under the new found providers and through a lot of internal and external changes in policies we can provide better uptime, value for money and quality assurance.

Our new servers are equipped with Intel Xeon (4CPU), 4GB RAM, 100Mpbs connectivity. Our servers are equipped with failsafe backup hard-drives, and plenty of storage. Bandwidth caps are also liberal, providing us more bandwidth flow.

Softlayer provides a system to benchmark and also analyze our hardware and present a certified (international) rating system and certification on hardware and also provides a system to scan for vulnerabilities on our server. Through these various added support and security means, we plan to fill up any holes that were earlier there to constitute a primary secure system - for our long term customers.

Our terms and policies against CPU usage (more than 4%) and explicit strictness against warez, torrents, music sharing, copyright file sharing and downloads. We are extremely strict regarding spam and mass mailing. This might seem to be a fall back or limitation in features - however all of this will lead to new found uptime and quality beyond the limitations.

The Team at rDosti Internet Services Pvt. Ltd. would like to thank it's new providers Softlayer for helping us out during a period when we had a lot of issues going on (internally) and helping us move forward. WE would like to thank Hivelocity , our previous providers - for Impressive Support, and we would recommend them to other clients.

After enjoying Hivelocity services for a few months, we have decided to reconsider our server hosting with HL due to multiple reasons including issues with hard disks, and a few cost & stress issues. We have nothing at all against HL - in fact we were impressed by your overall support and help throughout the hosting period - especially the hardware issues. However, we feel that the issues have been stressing us out and increasing costs have also been causing me a few tangles.Further, issues with the hard disk and Virtuozzo system has had us underwater with uptime suffering. We don't blame anyone here for the issues and the down time. In fact we believe a few decisions on our part might have influenced the problems and also prevented us from getting the best out of the rDosti-HL investment. We have decided to drop out of the VPS Virtuozzo business until we find datacenters (not just HL, but other datacenters)that have enough information sync between Parallels and themselves . Theres been lack of information from Virtuozzo (Parallel) thats made running the VPS business hard for us.

Once again we appreciate all the help, support and dedication from all of the staff members at HL and wish them all the best. We hope in the future our paths cross and we can establish a new found relation. We do recommend Hivelocity for other clients who may have need for a good provider with good support.

You may contact us at admin@rdosti.com regarding questions, suggestions or even tie up ideas (partnership suggestions are welcome).

Best Regards,

The rDosti Team

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