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Statement regarding BionicHosting

Posted by GregVernon, 10-05-2008, 10:04 PM
As part of the situation going on between CampaignDynamics and BionicHosting I have been asked to post an apology concerning the banner ad.

it can be viewed here: http://campaigndynamics.info/documen...icHosting.docx

Posted by iRageinternetltd, 10-05-2008, 10:20 PM
This is a paste of what we sent to Mr.Vernon's lawyer a little earlier:-

We are writing to let you know we accept the apology from Mr. Greg Vernon with regards to his comments about Bionic Hosting. We consider this to be closed now and will expect to hear no futher comments about this incident nor about Bionic Hosting from Mr.Greg Vernon.

We would like to thank you and Greg for dealing with his in such a polite and professional manner.

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