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Host Department will be Upgrading to Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Posted by hostdept-Gabrielle, 12-19-2008, 02:45 AM
Host Department will be Upgrading to Microsoft SQL Server 2005

CONTACT: Gabrielle Capstick, Host Department LLC, 1-866-887-4678, 1-954-252-2423, gabrielle@hostdepartment.com, http://www.hostdepartment.com/Host Department will be Upgrading to Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Union City, NJ, December 19, 2008 - Host Department (www.hostdepartment.com), a leading web hosting and domain name registration provider, announced on Thursday that they are upgrading their Microsoft SQL Server to version 2005 by January 5, 2009. The upgrade will be divided into two parts - Express and standard editions.
Each SQL Server edition is specified for customers based on their hosting plans. The Express Edition will be offered to customers of Host Department's earlier plans, including the No Limit Developer Windows plans, while the Standard edition will be offered for Host Department's Premium Hosting Windows accounts.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 enables customers to included native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational data. It also added some extensions to the T-SQL language to allow embedding XQuery queries in T-SQL, DBAs management tools, and many more improvements over version 2000.
"With the upgrade, our clients can have better web hosting experience" said Ivan Seidenberg, Host Department's Operational and Technical Manager "Constantly improving our service has always been our goals each day"
Visit http://www.hostdepartment.com/ for further information.

Best Regards,
Gabrielle - Host Department LLC
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