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Tsohost launch shared hosting on the cloud - for everyone!

Posted by dazmanultra, 12-19-2008, 11:30 AM
Tsohost launch shared hosting on the cloud - for everyone!

"Cloud Computing" for Everyone Cloud computing platforms e.g. Amazon EC2 are too difficult/inaccessible to the masses
Other platforms might be accessible (e.g. Mosso) but they're too expensive
Tsohost has created a cloud hosting platform that will allow anyone and everyone to scale their website with demand
Cloud computing has been a particularly popular buzzword for the last 12 months. It refers to computing capacity residing within a "cloud" of servers, available for a user to utilise at any time - scaling their requirements with demand, as they see fit. Popular implementations of "cloud" platforms include Amazon's EC2, GoGrid and Flexiscale amongst others. The problem with these implementations of cloud computing is that these products are comparatively inaccessible to an end-user - requiring knowledge of how to deploy and configure virtual servers, as well as knowledge of server administration and security.
Rackspace's 'Mosso' platform attempted to resolve that issue. It gives a user an interface similar to standard shared hosting but on Rackspace's cloud-infrastructure. Users just load up a website as they would with any other hosting platform and then they can get on with business, safe in the knowledge that their site will be reliably hosted by the cloud platform, and that in the even of any surge in traffic (perhaps featured on a popular website such as Digg or Slashdot) the platform their website is hosted on won't break a sweat and fall-over, like conventional shared website hosting on cPanel or similar.
The problem for a lot of people is that at $100 a month, the Mosso cloud platform is still out of their reach as a hosting solution. If you have a small personal blog which you use to write a few articles from time to time, are you going to spend $100 a month to keep it running in the event of a surge of traffic? Unlikely. A lot of people (and fledgling businesses) have to prioritise their spending, especially in such economically turbulent times. Tsohost have attempted to address this issue by launching a cloud hosting platform aimed at everyone.
For just 9.99 a month, a user can have a hosting account hosted on a redundantly load-balanced cluster ("cloud") of servers that will scale with demand and remain lightning fast all the time.
What's more, by taking the Mosso approach - anyone familiar with a shared hosting system can now take advantage of the power of the cloud, without any knowledge of server administration, nor with a big budget.
You can find out more about the Tsohost Cloud Hosting Platform here:http://www.tsohost.co.uk/clustered-hosting.php About Tsohost
Tsohost, a brand of UK Webhosting Ltd was founded in 2003 as a provider of reliable, affordable internet services consisting of shared hosting, dedicated hosting, domain registration and consultancy. With an enthusiastic team and strong management the company has gone from strength to strength over the past 5 years enjoying strong organic growth. Through this and our acquisition of other companies we host in excess of 20,000 websites across our shared and dedicated hosting platforms on our UK servers.
The company remains employee owned with almost all of the shares being held by current staff who customers deal with on a day to day basis. We don't employ call centre "robots". Our business model and ethos haven't changed since the company was founded with our primary focus continuing to be on maintaining absolute customer satisfaction through sustainable pricing, proactively managed services and investment in hosting infrastructure.

Darren Lingham - UK Webhosting Ltd. - (0800) 024 2931Clustered Load-Balanced Shared Web Hosting - cloud hosting for everyonehttp://www.tsohost.co.uk - affordable UK based shared web hosting since 2003

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